Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

7he Vemonflration of the Probleme. "f/ina.q.:.)hath n~tyet [etdowoeanygene- A uU hclpeforthe iol..llsthatarea• yet 10 the wombe. But vnco whorn~ i'i the ,thoug?t of the Lord rrueald.----He thereforethought go<>d to 1nUicute remedie• agaiollthe mala– dieofilnnem the Church, by rnini(lrins rhe Sacraments vnro luch as may be knowneby rhe Church: bur rhererned1e' for·rhofc th4t are nor yercome inrothe world, rhofe lwh hercferuelin hLiowne ondy, whome ar hisowoe pleafure heecao both blctfe and (anatfiewJthour orher c:ncriour recnedu~. as wereaddn the Scripcures bee harhalteldle dealtwith Come. Moreoucr,thatwhich is but a priuiledgevntofe\v, can hee Jmpart vmo whomfoeuer he will,who bath not bound his B owne power vnto the Sacraments. Cai~tAne vptin the thtrd part of ThomM hrs fumrne, HisCom. q11.ej1. 6R. ;arr. ~ J.and z. auerrcth, that in the em.,<e cafe ofnecellirie the deure.ofbap!i[me by the vpoR oo<h p1renrs is fuf!ic~enr for th• faiUatlon of the mchs 1 ~. children. And this he:e there confirmes by u~l~~~~u- f;Jodry rcafons.And vpon thef.1me quc:~io~, caudulent· art. Jr. he prooueth,that thccht1d beemgm yukcnour danger in the womb~may bccfauedby bap.. :~~~~~1:~e rifme~-not ?one iodeed,bur in the dc:fi_reofthe ookethct- parents,wtthfomeblellingof thech1ld, and ore in the offering ofJt vnto th~P.:mc,wlth muocatiOD cdi:io:10f oftbc T l'initie And this isvery earnefHy di!– Paris 1 r 1 r. fended by fomeofthc lacerWqters, as Ti/... tl:~~~~~~i- ffunmMS~gefurJ.mfiJ, 7. ~~~cram. c4p.1. C cm Cl ne, Tl1om.u Eb{im N t'opobtantu;n c~ipeo ddllerf.h.e– ref. f••P·•"·J-andCmge C•iJ••der,!il>. de bap.injAttfiHm. 3The Fathers after thefame rn21incr held rhcfupperofthe L0rd to p<e nccelfarie for infantsvntofaluatlon, by an Apo!lohkctra– dltion.7Jionyfir~s Areop4gua,De Ecclt/.Hurllr– chiacAp.1.pttrt.3.3fter rhe rehearfall offume rites of bapllfme, adioyneth: La!lly, the Prie(l briogeth him beein~: thus made per– fed-,vnto the mo(l blelfed EucbarW: and gi– uetb him the deifying communion of the confumrnatingfacraments.AnsJiikewifecap. 7-P•rt. 3· This alfo (ifthe bifhops doe teach Diuinrie vnto vnfit audirors) feemeth right· ly ridtculous,that infants not yetbeeingable ro vnd~riland anydiuine thing, 010uld bee D made partakers of_[acred bapr~fme, and of the higheli figncs ofrhc mol\ bleffed com– mQmon~ Willnotthofe [infants] fay at the iudge. ment: We hauepopeno eu1il,nor hauewee contemned Gods Sacraments to runnevnto proptJa~ecorruption, it is anotllero fa.irhlef– nclfe that harb de(lroyed vs, our. parents to vs hauc prooucd parricides! , , ..That whichyourb_rqrherhopd faith, thar rhcy [Pelagians) doe teach uf,infants, faith fntwp:ntiUJ t.vnro 4ngujlir.e,4pHd Augujl,cpi{l. 9J.}th~t they 111ay bee dignified· with the re– ward Qfb!elfednes without baptifiiir., is mo(l foo)iO"f9r vnlelf~ rhey eate-tbe ~e0.1, of rho fooneofman,and drinkc his blood,they fhal oothauelifeintheni. This is alfo Ambro[e hisopmion) bbr.deii-1quijacru r;Jy}hm.s zmtt– Anlur.capl7•and8andA:~gu.lli•es, i,b,J,dep:.c;.. cAt.merit.&remt( thefewords of h1s doercfi1fie: Dareany man ~ffirmc tbis (emence bclongcth not vnro infants? anJ that they may haue life in tilem withoutthc participation of this bodie and blood / bc– caufe he dorh not fay, Who(ocuer cares not, as he faith ofbaptifine, who~cucr is not borneagaine;but vnlelfeyou care, (peaking as it werevnto them who can beare nnd 'tO– dcrCland hirn,which infants cannor doe f But he that holderh this,dorh norobferuerharif thisfaying bindenot all,-itisneedlelTc for the elder agero obferue it. And in the fame booke.and •4· chapter: From whence but from ~n auncicnt and Apoft:oJtke rrad1t1on (as lthinkcj by which they hold it a. oclo– chme groonded in the Church of Chr~ft, rharno man can attaine either ro rhe kmg· dome ofGod orto euerlail ing life, without baptifrneorparticipationof the Lords fup– J>er.-I( therefore fo manyand fogrear re. ilimonies of D iuinity doe all canfent, that neither faluation norlife eternal! is to be ho– ped for ofany man,withourbaptifineand the bod1e and blood ofChn(l: in vaine doewe. promife faluation vnto infants without rhefe. This At~gFJj/. doth almo!l euery where at: firme, vtd.rpif/.: ;. & 1 07.& comr, :. epi(I,Pe– lag.l.l.c.zz.& cw.Jul.t.l.cap.:.& I. 3.c.p. 1 z. and fo dorh the Councell ofTolcdo,can. 11. OrdoRomani/J 1 Alcuimu de diui.oJ!ic. Sa. P.ifc. andRabanmMaunu in tus fir{! booke ae Jnj/ir.(ltric.cap.z9· 4 T heFathers vied fome rites and ccre– moni~sin bapriime which arc now omitted in al pl•cesvniuerfally:as k1fling ofthechild wh1ch wasto be baptlzcd. In Cyprian,l.3-'P· H. vfeofmdkeand honic:inTmu/.lrb.J.con. M4rcUn, vfcof milke and wmt:in flirrom,ln lf•·c••ingofthe feere;which Cypri•n faith was in(lirmed of Chr:(l to be obferued for cuer/ib.de1mai. C~~ifm. .Aflgrl/linr: reckc:.. ncth a t;reat company of rites now quire neg– letj:ed,mh10Symbo!,adCAtcchum.t.6.4·'"P· i. .s It was an :v.fe forthe baptizer to blow in the faceofthe baptized, 'ndalio the party baptized vfed to exuffiare the diuell •·home he renounced. This te(lifie!h (Jpri•nor ra– ther th~author of the booke 'DedHplici mar– rym. Tnou ha!! denounced pcrperuall enmi– tie [withthe diucll] thou haO renounced ·.u his pompesand pleafures , t hoy_hall blowne them away. thou hafl hilfed rhein our, and fworne vnro rhedotlrine of thy Redeemer. And Rab~~r.m Maunulih,1,C4p.z7.dei.jlir. (/er,faith,r~at the wicked powers are exuffia– red, and blowneaway by thebaptized. Thenwh.~n hehath placed h1m[boeing at– r<ntiue andreachinghunhis hands}owards t~c we(l,(fatth thcaurhorof the Hierarchic) hee commaundcth him to cxuffiare Saran th~ice, and wilhall, ro rehear(e thewordsof his abrenunciatJou, But theRomifh church hatii •