Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'Ihe'Demonflration of the Probleme. /bath alreadlc long agoc aboliO>cd thio cu· A that Sacrificeas the SacrificeofNo•h :wher. .!lomcandccrcmonie. as on the comrary fide rhe Papitls Sac 11 6ce 6 In atJncienttimesrbc water ofbaprifme cloth {anctifie thofcchat doeoffer it, Fourrhwas confccrated & blelfed with praycuand ly, the FathersSacrifice was the wholeatliceremonies ofoyle and thecrolfe, beforcrhe on oftheSupper:this newone Is butrhe offevfeand admini!lration of it: and this they ringofihebread : Toknirvp all in aword 1 [erroniouOy)hcldnecelfary, becaufcthewath~t was a typicall and figurariue Sacrifice: terhcreby mlgbtrc:cciuethe vcrrue of regc:~ rhos a fub!lantiall one accounrcd wherein neraring.Thisismcnrioned by CJpri••in hit Chri!l himfclfc isofferedvntoGod, 70, Eptt1le: by Am6ro(einhis fitltbooked< 1 ThcFarhersvfcd rocallrheSupperof [acrammtM cap.s. & dtiU ijui mJfl"~s initian..= the Lord,or rhe wholeatlion ofrhe Supper, iur;an~ by other aurhors,dptid Aug.Tom.9, a s.. nfice·: asrheydid allothe whole forme 7 In the beginningof the Church (rhe ofGodsreligious worfl>ip:and thatfor diucrs pure£! timcs)tbcy vfed ro baptize our of the rcfpct!s, and in diucu meanings. Firfi, bechurch in wcls and ri~ers. Walfrid,Stra~• de caufc there was th~rman offe."ng andgiuing rrbmecc/rf.r.16.rcfil6eth rhos in tbefe words: ofalmcs,bread,wme,&c. whtch arc afpiriru. W: mu£! know that atthc fir!! the belceuers B all Sacrtfice, out of which the fignes them· were baptized Gmply m Hoods and faunfclues in the communion of the Euchon!l taincs. So wastbe Eunuch in the Atls ofthe were taken, and the almes w~rebeC!owcdvpApoOies. But in procelfe oftime they ordai· on the poore.But Cbri!l(fatrh lmwu,lib.4. ned velfels for bapti!ine, called Founts, but cap. 3z.)giuing counfcll to hisDrfciplesroof· thefe at the fir£! wrre vfed wirbout rhe ferrhc fir£! fruits ofhis creature• vnro God, church. You fir£! eiltred theporch of the notas to one that tlood in necde thereof,bur houfc ofthcfounr, faith Cyrl/ in his fir!! C•· to fl>ew thcmfeluco neither vnfrul!full, nor rac. Thottbttilt!l that Fount that (landcrh vngrarefull,rooke the creature ofbread, and betweene the rwo Churches,faichPAt~limu in gaoc thankes,faying,this is my body: And in . his u.e(Ji!lletoSeumu. Such afaying hath like manner heconi<!Ted thecup, which vn. Na<.ia•i.rneal(o in one ofhis orations. Then rovs>sofacrearure, robe his blood, and at length thefe veffells were appoinred to bee raughrvs a new oblation of rhenewTeUaplaced in the Parilh churches, by rhe decre· mem, which the Church recciuing (rom the rals,Difl.4·'"P· I o6, Apoflles doth offer throughout rhc Vnluet· c fall world, vnro God rhargiuethvsnourifh. menr, beeing the fir!! fruiu ofhis gifrs in rhc The Sacrifice of the Majfe. new Tctlarucnt, Thou art rich and wcalthie (faith CJpria•, m, de •prr. & E(umof.) and docfi thou thinkc that thou doe!I celebrate 1 A Sacrifice of Chri!l in the MatTe, rheLorduny!lcrics, wl1cn thou neuer re. being propcr,rcall,and propitiategarddl rhe almes basker? comming to thcfc rie for thcliuingandthe dead,in the hand of myfieries without Sacrifice, and raking parr 1he prie!l,was not admitted inro the Church ofrhatSaCIIficc which the poorehoth olfc· for the fp.ce of rwclue bundled yearcs after red? AmongCI rho(e,oncHiiArim((aith .du. Chri!l: forit was not knowne inLHmbards gufl, RetrA£f.ti6. z.cap. rr.) becingmooued, rimc,M.4.aijl. u. Anditdiffcrerh1n nllrefpokebitrerly again!! a cuCiomethen vfed at (peels from rhe Sacnfice that the Farhers Carrhage, of finging hymncs our of the fpeake of. Forfir!l, they heldrheir Sacrifice pfalmcs at the Altar, eirhcr before the oblawithout tranful>Cianriation, as hereafter lhall cion, or afrcrthe·offeringwas di£lribured to be manife!led: but this is not fo held. Se· thepeople. Jr is lawfull rooffernothing;c condly, the FathersSacrificewas offered by the Alrar(fairh the fourrh canonofthe Apo· rhe who le Church, becingthe oblation ofall D !lies) buJ frefh earcs of corne,-·--and in· the faithful!. Weal! (faith lujlio<, lodi•logo cenfeatrhe rime when the holy oblarion i' cumTriphoo,)howmany focuer webethat arc celebrared. And the Rornane MriTall fairh called afrcr the name of Ie(us Chri!l,-arc Lord rcceiue the prayers of thy people, with made rruly the prie!ls ofGod,a• he himfclfc the oblations of their Sacrifices.- Se· te£lifieth,faying,thar euery where hce ~>ould condly,they vfed the name of Sacrifice me· h<ue pure and acceptable Sacrifices offered tonymically,bccaufe in thcfe oblations rhcre him.And rhisisalfoprooueable out of Auwas a teprcfentarion of that Socrifice rhar guf!in,, Cor.frAFAttj/umlib,to.c•p. r8. Now was offered vpon the crolfc, orlrke afpeCia· thePopi(h Sacrifice is offered by thepricll. clevr0r<Wwherdn the Sacrifice of Clui£lo Thirdly, the FathersSacrificewasfantlified body and blood accompliO>ed on thecroiTe, by the faith of thofe that offered: Euery is 01ewcd and delmeate vnro the eyes olrhe mans Satri6ce (faith Auguftint,CtmlralittrA4 faithfull;defcribed as it wereIn a rable:and in Perili•n.! as--hehim· rhio fenfe it is called Pn61ood.J : asa Tr•gedy (clfc istnat commcth ro receiue it: allthings which·roprefentcdfome bloudy warrc,is caJ. ue purev1110 the pure: yea in the very Mrfled an r'n6/oodpr>Arr<. For r.gncsand Images r,ll the pndl prayerh vnro God ro accept arc cailcd by the name• of 1hofc tbing• whereof