I The Vemonjlration of the Pro6/eme. /whercofcheyareligoe.<aodJmagea: fothu A 1 by this it appeares chat an vnbluody Sacn1 fice i311o reall Sacrifice. We offer(faith E~{t1 6mt,lih.r.~ap.ro:ded:mmfl.)anvnbloody,and theirmmds and affections vmo rhar oneJy and true facrifice,thereby roprocure and ob· taineGods greater fauour vmo rh e. FourrhIreafMablc S•crifice.Aod Cfmunt in hiscon1 fi~rutions,M.G.rap.zl.Caith,thal all the bloodie Slctifices ofvnreafonable creatures were by Chrtllchanged intoareafonable,vnbloo– dy,aod myClical S1crifice which iscelebrated in reroembranceol his death, by thefigoes ofhis bodie and blood. We celebrate an vn– bloodie facrifice by our duty in the Chur– c!m,faith <he Couoccll ofEphefus vncoNe– florilll.ln Ba{ilt LitH'f,;,, the offering iscalled thev~bloodie fawfice of minde and foulc. And Ln.,G.rd.in thc4. of hio fenrenceo, dt(l. B u. denieth rhatthat which cheprieCloffe· reth is trulyand properly afacrificc, or im– molarion,but he will haue itfo called,bccaufe ly,itiscalled a facrifice becaufe iris an appli– cation ofrhe f•crifice offered vpon rhe ctolfe vnto ourfelues by faith, by wh1ch we are•• it , were newly fprinkled with the blood of' Chri!l, When thou fee(! God offered (faith Ch'Jfo/lomt lib. 3. J, Sactrdotio) the PrieCI bowed vpon rllefacrifice, and powringforth his prayers thereupon,and all thecommuni– cants as ir were purplcd with rltat precious blood, dofl thou rhinko rhyfelfc tobe vpon che earth,or among!lmorrall roenlor rather art thou not tran(bred inconrincnrly into the heauons, where beeing liglned ofall car– nallcogitations, thou doll withapureand naked heart andfoule fallmto contemplati– on ofrhe celelliall ioycs1 Chrill once dyed vpon che cto!Te, and then was ofl"eredvp in himfelfc (fai:h Lumbar a 4.di[1.1zJ,.g.) but he is dailyoffered in thcfacramcnr, becaule rhere is th~rcinccntamed areme1ubrancaof rharwhich was donebur.once.'Tborn, Aq~-'rJ·3· p.q.83.art.t.faith,that rhecelebracion of the Sacrament is calledafacrifice,becaufc by the Sacraments we aremade partakersofChrH!s death. Inthisfen(ewas thecdcbracion and participation ofthe Lordafupper called the it is a memoriall and a rcprefentatlon of rhe true and facred immolation and facrifice which was offered vpon che alcar of rhe crolfe.And alittle after, Thefe annuall com– memorations doe bur oncly reprc(ent that which was donelongagoc:aod fo make vs to bemooued, asifwefawrheLord vpon the crotfc.. lnlikemannerThom.u Aquimu.3.p"r. q.8 l· art. 1. faith thu the celebration of the Sacrament is called immolation for two rea– fans: fir(! of all becaufcas A•gH/1ineCaith, Signesarecalledby the names of rherbings C whereofthey are lignes:f<condly,bccaufe by the Sacraments weare made partakers ofthe death ofChriCI ourLord. There is,not ther– fore any iteration of that (awfiee whtch was finffited vpon the cro!Te, and is held by the Fathers ro bee the onely and fingular facri– fice. So is il held by Augujlint in three or foure feuerall placcs,vi<..Enchirid.adLal~rw. offering ofthe facrifice, vnrill869yeare• af– ter ChriCl. R'gino(hron.ltb, :. It remaineth now my fonnc(faith Adri•n the :.Popevnto Urh;artHs) rharyou come vnro S.Ptt~rscon~ feffion,whereweby Gods hclpewill offer rhe Cauing facnfice,not fo much for the health of your bodie,as your foule, wherein you mufl partake with vs, that by thisparticipation of Chrrfis body, you may defccue to beincor– 'porace againe intothe Church, fromwhome you feemed to befeparatcd.And then thefo– Jcmnme ofthe ma!fe being ended, the Pope cap, 33· & deTrinitaulib. 3.cap. f3.&lib. 3· contr•fec~ndam 'Pift.Ptl•g.cap.6. Thirdly,the S1cramcnr iscalled afacrifice by amctony– mie,becaufe it is acommemoration, and alfo , inuiceth the Ktng vnro the table of Chri!l, andraking the bodie, and blood ofthe Lord in his hand, heefpeaketh thus vnro him: If a reprefentationvntoGod the Fatherofthe Sacrifice of ChriCl offered vpon the cro!Te. In thisfacrifice(faith the author ofrhebooke deftde adPtt.cap. 19.)there is a thanlcsgiuing, and a commemoration of CbriClo bodie whicbheolfereth for vs, and of his blood whichheethefame CbriClOted for vs. We offerno diuerfitie of facraments as the high PrieCI(faich Chryfoflom' Ef•m. r7-inH,br.ot.) but Clill oneand the fame, or rarhor we make acommemoration of a facrifice. And Am· Gro(.lib,4.d' (acram.CAp.6.Caith, Therefore in memorieofhis paffi~n, and refurreClionwe offer vnro thee as a facrifice--rhis brc:d-. BuHhia oblation is intentionall, not reall,and iris by the Fathers fo called, af– ter S.Pault phrafe, asthey call it vnbloodie. LookeEujebim his tellimonie afore--cited !tb,1.dedemon, EHA'Ig. anJ ClemtntJ, And in this fen(e rhe fairhfull in their prayrrs due offet Chril1 as afacrifice vnro his Father for thetr Gn~os,in becing whollycauyedawayin . • chou dofi know thyfelfeguiltletfeofrhis for– bidden--fione ofadultery--come vnD to thiuable confidently,and receiue this Sa– crament ofetetnall faluation to rhe benefit ofthy foule, andtheforgiuene!fe ofthy fins. Fifrly,itis called afaerifice, becaufe ofche fa. . crifice ofprayers,praifes, alld thankfgiuings, from whence the whole fupper is called rhc EuchariCl. luf/int In Apolog. :. reciting the mannorof celebrating the Lords fupperv– fed arrhat day aruongllthc Cbri!lians, faith thu•1Weaiiarife and offer our praicf•, which bee1ng fimthed, bread, wine and water is brought forth, and hethat is chiefe,offereth I hts prarers and thankfgiuing, as he can, and thepeo~lefingvnro him.Itbefirteth vs(faith lrmuu t.b.4.c•p.34-)toofferouroblation vn– toGod,and to thew our fcluesrhankfull vnro God the Croatour,inpured~~rine, & faith without hyl'ocrifie,in 6rme hope, in fCruem loue, offeung the fir(! fruirs ofall cccarures \'OfO