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-r. :Booke. Cafes of(onfcience. 39 vp into the power ofS.ran.· And this con. A dcmncs ,herafh,andhe~dy concc!ts offome ~.,r9,1, who vpon,~:onfidcnceof their ownc !fren"t' doeput themfeluesinto needclelfe dang:rs,'hauing neither ext~aordinarie cal– lmgfroRl God,nor anyfuilictent warrant out ofhis word. ·. · it it beeasked,what men are to doe in this cafe I·I anfwer,Firll,thatrhey ought rather to Ste to God by prayer,and to draw neare vnto him intheir hearts:and he in mercy wtll;lraw tiearc vnco them. . Secondarily,tllatwhich wee doe in meatea and drinkes, isalfo to bee done in the houfes and placeswherewe dwell. And what ts that? We mull (anC!ifle them to our.vfe, by the B word and prayer. Noahat Gods commaun• dement, went into the Atke, abode mit, and came out againe:.and when hee came forth of it, into the earth afterward, it is faid of him,q<•>.&. 2o. rhatheebuiltanAitar, gaue thankes to God for his deliuerance,and prated the Lord to vouchfafe htm thev[eof the Gen.". earrh,as hee had.before. Though Abraham had a promife oftheland ofCanaan,to him and his poCleriue for euer,yethe went not ouc of his counrrey toward it, rill the Lord com– maunded him: andw)1en heewas come thi· ther,hee butltaoAlt~r for the "'orlhippeand Gm.•l•l· feruiceofGod. Thelikehedidafrerwardat 0 '"·!5·7· Bethel. Andmanyyearesafterdidlacobof. C fer facrifice vnto God, in the fame Bethel, whenheecametodwell there. And for this very cmde, in the law byafpeciall ordinance, the~rj/ fruitJ of the haruejfwere offered to fan· flifi• ''" refl•f the curne. And fo ruuch tou– ching thefecond dillretfe, C~AP. X. StCI. J. That wemay the better know thi•T cmp– tation,let it beeconlidored,whatare the fore– runners thereof, and by what meanes it takes placein theheart polfe!Tedof it. Sometimes ircommerh mecrely and dne– ly of thefuggellion of thediuell;which trou· blerh the phanralie, euen of thofe IVhich are in that regard innocent,andcallerh into their · beam impureand vngodly thoughts. Some– times againe it comes vpon men by an euill cullome: when as they willingly lend theit caresto lewd and curfed fpecches,that imme' diatcly tend to the dilhonouo'ofGod,orthe wilfull abu(e of hi• word,his iudgements,and mercies; and vpon the hearing, either giue their applau(e and approbation, though not exprelly: or doe not hinderor!lay them, as much~sin them lieth. Otherwhtles ircreepes into the/heart of man by degrceo, when hee bcginsto waxecold mGodsferuice, to make little confctence of thofe duties, that imme– diat<ly concerne his worfhip,and confequent– lyinureshimfclfc to the taking of the name of Godmvaine,by often and caufele!fefwea– ring, forfwearlng, curling,&c. By thefe and fuch like meancs, is this foule and horrible tentation conuaied into the minde ofman. Now the daungcr of ii; whether irarifeth from thefe, or anyot)lercaufes, is exceeding grieuous, fpcc\ally to thofe that hauc begun to chu!i: •he way of truth, and to applie their hearts to 'rerue God, and to fearehisnamc. For it brin~h forth !!rangeand fearefall ef– fe.fts; as namely,defperation,andmanifolde horrors and troublesof minde. Yea diuers perfons haue hereupon beeneallonilhed in fuch fort,thatthey haue bin mooued tomake difpatch of themfelues; beeing in theirowne iudgementnobetter then thevery firebrands ofhell, SefJ. z. Thec3afe &D:~ngerf Of the third{fecia/1Diftref[e,.rifng of the Tenwion of Bl~fphemie, Now for the Curing. of this wonderfull The Remo. troubleand ddlrathon o( Confcience, two eh<, thingare done: to wit,Inquirie mull be Tentatio fo:da. THe third kindeof troublr of minde,is that D madeintothe-next caufcs, whc11cethis Tenwhich arifeth of theT emation of Blaf. ratiOn lhould arife: and afrerrhat,tll'< Rcme· phemie,which in regard ofthe vilenelfe, and dte is to be applied. ,·glme!le thereof, is not amilfe rearmed by Fotthe fir!!: Inquirieistobce made,whe· Come,thefoui<T<ntalion.Aod it is when a man ther the prefent dillrelfe, had his beginning i!: troubled in his mind,with blafphemous eo~ from the thoughts of amans owne mmdc,or gctations,and thoughts, direCllyagainll the from thefuggelllonof the diuell. For this is M>ie!lteofGod,theFather,theSonne,and in alllck<lthood, the next way to miniller theHolyGholl. As for example: tothinke comforttotheaffltCled party. that God u not iuf/,ornmcifuO; that he accepteth It may b<efaid, How lhalla-man difcerne "'""perfom: that heh.rh nork!Jowl<dge ofthings the thoughts thatare from the diuel,from his tlw are do11e here bdow,orat leaO,tbat hudorh owne thoughts!.11•[. He lhall know rhem by t;otrt'gsirdthnn: thatGodcamm dot' rhU t~rthAr: (undrienotes. t~athu is iniHrioUJ to fomt' mm,and p~trti•U to(J.. Far!l, by the entrance ofth~m inro the thm,&c. Th<fc ,and fuch like blafphcmous minde. Forrhofe that come from the diudl thoughts there bee,which are not fitteto bee comefpeedtly,aslightning inro ahoufe: and vttered amongll men, forafmuch as they are they are aftet· afort, forced intothemmde by moO horrtble, and execrable,as anycan bee vtolence, fo as the pattiecannot auoid them l conce1ucd. and they come into themind aoaine&again, D z yea