Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

55l 7he Vemonfiration of the ProbJeme. •nro him: & this pure oblation the Church A Chrifi is crucified, and dud in the Sacraondyolfererhvnro God the Crearour,offement. But there isno Matfe, no nor theca· ring itwith rhankfgiuing. Lanly,it is called a non ofthe MatTe at this day that failh that · facri6ce by a fynechdoche, becaufe in the ChnUsbodieisrf•ifJ,proper/r,andjul>P•nti•IIJ fupper wee offer our felues vnto God to bee offered.But fuppofe it be a reall facri6ce, doe confecrated vntohim and Ceruehim in bodic now but marke the blafphemies of the ea- · andfoule.This is the facri6ce ofthe ChnUinon,which tcacheth firfi,that ChriU is out.of ans(faith Augup;,, Duiuit, thcfauour ofhisFather: fecondly, thatthe We beeing many,areall one bodie in Chrill, Father accepteth Chrillsbodieas the Jambe which alfo the Chur<h cloth frequent in the outofthe hand ofAbtl: thirdly,that CbriU Sacramenrofthealtarwhichisknownevnro bath a morrall Mediatour: fourthly, that all the fatthfull,wherein is Chewed vnto them, there mull beean Angelho bearo the bodie · thatfi1eeis offered in that oblation, which ofChriflintohcauen. 01ee cloth offer. But it is meete(fa1rhG"gorit 6 Moll ofthe Farhers doe hold rhatMtiDi•log.lsb.4,C4f;S9·) thatwhenwedoethefe chif<duk,offered not bread and wine vnto thmgs, wedoefacrificeour fcluesvntoGod B God,butvntoAb,..hamexprdfely: Soaffirin contrition ofheart: becau(c: we thatccJe.. merh T~rtHUiAn Ctmtr4 Iudt.tDs,..Ambrofedesa~ brate the mylleries of the Lordo pailion cram.lii>.4.<•P· 3· & tpif/. ad H<b.cap. 7. EpiJhould imitate that which wee doe; for then phaniush•"f. ss. ChrJf•ft••" i~Gm.hom. 36. lhall it bee a ttue facrifice vnto God for vs, & inP{a/.109, the authorofthe queUions of when wemakeour feluesafacrifice. both rherellamenu,q.ro9. Dam,ifcrntd< (id.• 3 TheFatherswhentheyvfethewordfaorthodox•,libro4,c•piu14.and L11mbardlibr. crifice,doe fpeake after the Iewilh manner,al4.dijlintl, 8. Belidet, they make a fimilirude luding vnro the worlhip and facrifices of the betweene him offering and wme vnro Jaw. So that in dlflcrence of theofferings of Abr.ham,and Chrifl offering himfel(e vnto che law, rheycallthevery fignesan vnbloo· vs partly on thecrotfe, partly in the fupper, dicfacrifice. Chri(l did lirllof all offer vnro Melchifedech neuer dreamed of offering God the Fathcr,bread and wine an vnbloody Chrill vnto theFather in the fupper. ·. facrifice (faith Photim in OteHmtnim,) And 7 Thefupper of the Lord iscalled a true . Dama[crncireth thefewordes of Athan•fi•" and full Sacri6ce,not in that Chtill himfdfe Omitnot to burne oyle and waxearthe feis therein (ubfianriallyoffered, but itisrrue, puleher, calling vpon Chrill the Lord, for C both in the troth ofreprefenration, &truth they areacceptablevnto God, and doe reof the effca of the Sacrifice of the crotfc turnegreatrecompcnce. For the oyle and which wceobtaine in the comn,union, and thew~xeare the burntoffering, and theoffclikcwife it is called true, becau(c therein the ring ofthe vnbloodie facrifice is the propitiChurch cloth truly offer her fclfevnto God, ation. as AuguftineteCfifiethiib.Jo,deciu.Dt•,c. 2.0. - 4 Tofacrificeiand to offer in the Fathers and alfo becaufcit isthe figure of the truth, is vnderllood by a metaphor of the cclebrathat is,ofChrifi offered, whome the Sacri· , tion, execution, and aaion ofall eccleliallifices oftheold Tellament did lhadow. Hie- . call matters tending vnro the worlhrp of r<>mtin~scomUlentarics vponAmor,c•p.s. God.Origmvponthecpi(lletothe Romans faith, thartofaO, togiuealm<s, andtopr'!· /,z.for c~rcumcifc,faith,offer the blood ofcirmife challitie, are rrucHolocaulls, that is cumcilion. AndTt:rtnluanli6+againll M•r· whole burnt offerings, cion,callerh thankfgiuing,oblatiou: And wri· 8 ThePhrafe,Miffa.,f«m(vfed in fome ringvnroScapul•, for to pray for C•far, bee ofthe Fathen,..,i<>,Amb.l.s. <p. 33.)doth nor pu!!eth to facrifice for the Emperour. And fignifie to fay the PopilhMatTe, difliev(cd rhisformeoffpeach the more freely, D milfe fome outofthe QCfembly. I remaining becaufe it was imputed as acrime againll the in my duty, began to difmitTe tlicm. Thus Chrilliam,that theywould nor facri6ce, nor faith sucto•iminCaligula,c•p. z;. And bcpifcr for the Emperour. So in like manner hold,after the Sermon, the Catc~humeuifls Eufeb. 'Dt~~nmft,l,r,r.lo. fortohonourGod, arcdifmi!Ted(faith A11g•ftir.<, dtttmp. Smn. purreth to facrifice prayers and llymneo.And • 37· !jit M•fJ• Cattch•m'"is] bur the fairhCypri•nbb.z.,pijf.;.forrocclebrarerheCom. full Will remainc.And hereupon thccommumunion, putteth to offer thefacrificeof the nion wascalled Miffa figuroriucly, bccaufc Pailion. And Epiphanius H.r.j. 19· for to whonitbegan,th<rewasadi{millionoffome. preach the Gofpell, putteth to facri6ce rho And this order hddfor Coo.yeare<,as lfdorc Gofpci:And CJpri•nagaine,/,3.13.<Pi.f.rm, tcUi6erh,Origm./,6,c, 19. Now thePopifi1 s.dt Lap{is.fottocelebrate the EHch•rif/,purMa!feobferucrh nofuch cullome. T!Icrem reth to offerthe bread and thecuppc. is no difmillion, nor doealltharremsinere- ; Sumetimes,to offer facrifice, and roof.. cciuc theconlnllnions \\'h(rdore MafTe inferthebodieandbloodofChri{!, is figuradeede is the excommunication ofthep,eo· tiucly to reprefent them in the Sacrament, plc. Vlllo qr•t"JofTawin,andPope9'rcnotr<foffer any proper facri6ce, norro offer gory it isa new Ph'rafe, and they cut of pro- ! p,.operly And m this fcnfe they fay that pnetydocvftMiffM[,ucre, forto celebrate ------·~·-----·----------------------------------------------------~rl~·e~------