Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'The 'Demonjlration of the Probleme. 553 the Supper. The111ord Miffa , io btit (euen A rirn.s(that I can finde)m all the Fathers that liued before the(e two, and rhat maqUJte Lord,and apropitiatrix for their finnes.And of hisbrorherS•'l'"" Vnrotheealminbty God doI offer this innocent foule,vnto~bee I offer rhrs my facrrfic:, accept of thisbro– therly gifr, of thispriellly duty: I doclend contrary fer. le. · , 9 Bcfid••>Mi/Ja in the Fathers figmfieth apublike meeting ro thecomrnonron,and to ptaym, or the folemne difmillion of rhac meeting, or eucn the forme ofrh.e1r rehgtous \VorOiip.Gtorg~ C4ff~Jnder,pra:,[At.mpreas/u.u, fairh,that the name ofMalfc and Collect, & to make Collects and Molfes, is all one in lignification with <7tmqMr. eo mcctctogether, 01\l,.;... ~~n~iiJ,, ro makecongregations, andi~t~<lVI:11· •:••· to gather together. And he adderh,rhat as<here can bee nol\hlfc where there is no Collect,fo there can bee no Coiled wherem there is no MatTe, So doth epiphanim the B rranOatour of theT riparme hillory (ay,that a Collect is a prayer which is rehcarfed in lome collected congregation, and a MatTe, beeau(e there is dr(miffions of Come from that congregation. Uo,(pifl,ad Dio(corum,di– l!ingui!hcrh between< the Malfe and the fa– cuficc.And the M1leuirane Councclptp. I z. taketh praym &Ma!fes both for one thmg, So that the nameofMa!Te had in thofe daies afarre other fignification then it hath now. ro The table whereon the comn;JUnion is celebrated, is called an altar, norproperly, but by a figure and allufJon : andhereupon fomctime it is called an altar,fometimcs ata· ble. The table ofthy fpoufe(f•ith theauthor, bb. duulru, •gr. Dom, in Auguf/,) bath whole C bread, and an holy cup. None fay fo (faith A•gufline,con,/it.PetiUib.•.cap.47·) but tho[e that receiuc life from the LMdstable, asp,. rer did, And,adBoni(Ac.Epif/.so.They ruOJ· ed invpon himwith horrible violence, and furious cruelry,with clubs, and fuch like wea– pons,as he (ioodat thealtar,--brcaking downe thewood ofthe (aid alrar molf barba. roufly. And the Fathers deny(fomeofrhem) that rhey haueanyaltar properly taken.(el· (141(faith Origm,libro S,contra (elfum,) (airh, rhat altars; and images, and temples, doe flie from vs, Iell they lhould bebuilr. Our altar (faith Cl'"''"' Alexandrinus,Strom. 7.) is an earthlygathering together of (uch aa do ap· ply themfelucsto prayers, And a little after. A iull fouleis atruly fanctified altar. Amobi- D tu.f.6.conrragmtes, faith,rhat the hearhen did accufe the Chrillians, becaufe they did not make them altars. About the 4oo,yearc the v[e of altars began, bur not for (acrifice, but for the honour and memory ofthe Marry.., as the s .Councell of Carthage dorh record, cap.14. 11 Sometimes the Fathers dovfethe word (amftce aburiucly. So doth Saint Ambrofe in his booke Ad.virginem lap(am, If thou hadI! died asothersdo(faith he) thy parents would haue [orrowedalittle, becaufe of na– tutallaffC:Clion: but they would hauc exulted mioy, that they had Cent an vnfpotted vir– gin before them, o liuing facrifice vnto tpe . . thefemy facrifices beforeme. , u Theoblation (orthe dead,and t/)~oblation ofrhe dead,do differgreatly.The offc– of rhc dead was money gacheredof the lru111g before their d<ath, forthevfe ofthe poore. The other was moneygatheredbyo– thers, for to make commcmorarions for the dead, and to giucthankes for them. Origen vpon lob,ft6r9tertio,[aith, thatrhe Chnlli~ns d•dvferogiuc meare, and other gifts,at the memorials of the dead, for the v(c of the poore,and theclergie, A•g•flioe, Conftf{.!,(j, c,zJarrh,that hrs morher caried wrrh her,po– rage,bread, andwine, vnto rhememori;:lsof the Mar1yrs and Saints. But yet A•g• dorh reprehend thiS cuffome in his 8. booke De ciwitat~Do,c,z7. Whofoeuer vfe to carry their banqoetsthaher (fairh he) which truly rhe better Ch11llians doenot obferuc, and in many places of the world tbcr< is no fuch cu– l.lome)yetwhofoeuer dothis,--they wiU haucrhem fanthfied there,--in thenome of.rhe GodofMartyrs, 13 TheFatherswere ofopinion,thatthe oblation in theSupper did benefitthe dam– ned, as -4'1gujline faith, Enchirid.c~tp.l make thcrt damnation more ro!etablc,which is alfo confirmed by lnnocentim I I 1. in cap. cum crie6rAt.Mijf,inhis decrctals: And they held alfo,thar it helped the Saints: witncs CtriH,wach.s,Cyprian,ep<f/.34· & 37. Atlg~t/lme 10 his zz. bookc,deciuit.Dti, c. 10. andChryfoHom• vpon the Atls,hom. zt. alfo they held that hereby their relfard might be mcreafed,{hrJfcfl,hom,3z,in ,M4tth. 14 Thefephtafes, to offer for the dead, and to facrifice for their lleepe,vfed inTertHI· fi•n,and C,prian, do fignifie nothing dfe bur to rehcarfe their names in the Communion, and to giue thankeo for them, and to !hewo– rber !ignes of ioy, by banquets, doales, &c. Looke in Cypnant ninth epilllc of his firll: booke; and in his 14. Epillle of his third booke; as alfo in Chr1foflonm bom.deMarty– ri6m,ln this fanfe theLords Supper for 4oo. years after Chtill,was called an oblation;or a (acri6ce for the dead, becau(e therewas ther_ in continued acOmemoration forthe dead. 15 The Fathers fomcrimes doe plainely difallow this proper, real!, external! and of– ten offered facri6ce of the bodie and blood of Chrill for the remrllion of finncs.La£1••· tiHJ, in Epjtome distin. Inflir. ~~~p. z.fanh, that thofe things which are done with thehands, or without amans felfe, are no true facrifi– ces. TrulyI, faith l•f/meM~rtyrco»traTriphon. doe accountprayers & thaokfgruings, ifthey beperformed by worrby meo,for the onely perfcd and acceptable facrific<s vnto God: for thefe onely are thethil)gs which · Aaa · the