I \ 'Ihe 'Demon/lration of the Probleme. :he Cbnflians hauerccciUcd to execute. We' A hauc our facri6ces,faith Cyril ofAlexandri;;, ~ I. J o,comr.!.uJ,an:}nilfllely,(pimuall ;1nd menI tall;---forweolfcr vnro God a(\veetc: [mcll,all the venues, t3uh, hope, chariry, iuI Utcc,conrmence,obtdience,genrlenc(Tc, pcr– f.Jt!tuall pr~ifcs, and other venues. For r.his \ lacrifice,bcing not carnall,b,utpurc&plamc, m rhe mcorporall nature thereof iS bcfce– mmg vnro God. And the offerings of men· callfragrancy arc the means ofatruly honcfl lr(e. And a lrtrle after. Becaufe we haue fer· l ued God bcmrrhen rhey [the Parriarchcs] lilwficing ftmiruall thingsvntoGod, and V· ling the fpJTit in !lead of[enliblefire, let n9t fulianac~ufe vs byaskingvs, why ~·ce bring not facrtficcs vnrothc alrar? And againe, We facrificc mentally& fpimually the fweet fauour ofvertucs,as it were, confccrating the vnro God. Chrills blood (faith Augu#inc, cont,. Admr(.lcg.lib. 1.cap.18 )beeing thefin– gularand ondy trueSacnficc,was fheddc for ThereJtnewhtN wu doe re~tde the(e tropicAO flmchesof facrificing, andoffering, in the p 4 • tlurs,w-~ mufl not bdttiU tiuzt they did4dmit "'"1 otlurpropitiatorie {4crifice, bHt ond] theplljfion •f Chrijl, b"ing thcone!J facriftce if the whole world, nor that they accHflomctl to Ce!chrlltt tht P•pifb AJ•fJ<. Communion 'lmder one kjnde. ' fHe Church of Rome for aboue · Joco.year;after Chriil,v[cd both the kinds in communion.This{,aff'ander rea· cheth in his Defenceof his booke mtttledde vs. And indccde the Fathers afcrrbe the power ofgetting Godsfauour,and the etFcCl: wh1ch t;Jcyhopedo(theSlcramcnt,vnro the prayer::; and aJmcs then offered, norvnto the operation ofthe act. The greardl hclpc of (oulcs{faith(yrillif H<erufalero, Miftag.s.) ts the prayer of that holy and rcuerend my– !lericwhich is vpon the altar. Wee entrcarc torthe dead{faith tluguflinc,'Decura pro mor– tH~,cap.l&. either IVith rht [acrrficeof theal– rar,or of prayers, or of almes. And Chry(.· C flomc,Hom. 3,in Philip. faith, that the p<ople ltfring vp their hands at the time ofoffering, dsd appeafc Gnds anger in praying for the dead. Wee call vpon God forthcm (faith Bcdc,in P(.dm.48.) by folemnizingofrnaiTes, and by almef·d<edes. So that the Supperof theLordrs called apropitratorie facrifice,be· caufe 11 reprefentcth the [acrifice of the crulfc,and is the mcanes that we making our !olcmnc prayers,docobtainc our petitions. 16 The Ma!le bad rhisoriginoll: firfl,the Supper of the Lord was celebrnted in moll limpleand plainc manner: [econdly,it began B •ffiCJOpijviri. Thevfe(faitbhe)ofrheblood of our Lord, togither with his body in the min1firingof thtsSacramenr,is botho( the inflirution cfChriil,and ob[eiUcd by the cu– ilome of rhc whole Church, for aboue a rhoufand yeares,and vnto thi• day ofrhe Ea· lterne Churches. And although thevfe of un'ckmJc came vp about the yeare 1 zoo.yet rile moll learned. o( chofc_timcsncuer taught rhat rr was nccellary [o to bee obferued. But rh is communion vnder one kinde (againfl HI inilimtion ofChriG)was decrecd,defined, & derctmcned as a pubhkclaw In the Coun– cell o(Confiancr,aboutthcyeare 1414 Cu– (flnUJ, epl{lo!. 3· adBuhemoJ, fccmes to impute rhis change vntotlte Councell of Lateranc, 14nff. t 215. But Bir/,icfl.84.in Canonrm,fa1tb plainely, th>t it was a quellion held in con· rrouerfie vntill the decreee ofrheCouncel of Conflance.Micr"legmwritctb thus ofthe cu– flome of the Church of Rome about the yeare 1c8o. It is nor authenticall (faith he) that fomcdo dippe the Lords body [into the chalice]and mimUer itvnto the people rhu< . rnoyUcned,as the pcrfca communion: for rbe Romane Orderdoth conuadia!his cu· flomc, becaufe vpon good-Friday it doth conHuaund VB to con!ecrate winerhatisnot cr,nfecraredwiththeLords prayer, and put· ring in ofthe body of the Lord, that the peo– ple may hauc a full comrnunion.-And Pope /uli• writingvnto the BiOrops ofEgypt to ~dmsr fonlcincrcafcof ceremonies, efpe– cially che offerings for the dead; which was butagratulation forthem, and a thankfgi· uino,vntill zoo.yearesafrerChrifl: rbrrdly, pra~crs for chc dead got .:mrance into the Soppcr,about the 4oo.yeate, and then came \ in Purgarorie,and the redemptionof [oules from thence, by Malfes. About the 780. yc:ue of grace, qregorirs Maffe \Vas publlke· ly takenvp in tbcCburchesoflraly, where– as bdore,Am6rofehis Malle was ofmoregeneral! vf<:, fol!tthly, rhcdifputationsofthe rranfubUanti>tion began abolll the yeare of grace S4o. and" as concluded in the Coun– ccll of L4terant: by !m~ocent the thtrd: arrer which,camcin tbcotfcring of the body and blood of Chriff vpon tha Altar: and after rh3t/ollo"'ed the inclo!ing ofrbcm,carrymg !' l1emabour,and adorat1onof them. I D doth ab[olutcly prohibii rhi• dippingol the Sacrament, and teacheth rhat the bread and thecuppearoboth feuerally to bee receiued as Chnll otdained. WhereuponS. 9•1-fiu,. ----doth commaund cbem robeeex· communicate that haui1.1g rcce1ued rhe body ofthe Lord,doeabil2ine from p•rtakingof thecupalfo: for hec inthefaid dee<ce aflir– mcth,that luch reparation ofthefe facramers cannot bee done but with mighty facriledgc, Dcccchf.obfer.c.l9.&dcc•nfecrAt.d. z.c. ciipe– rimus. In Peter LHm6Ards time,ann. JJ so. the fa'cramenr was rcceiucd vndcr both kindcs, thatltmighuppeare(quothhe,l. Sen. 4· d. ll.)thot Chriil tooke vpon him our whole nature, rh2t hee might redecmc our wbole narurc:for the bread hathreferencevnto the • . body,