Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

The 'Demonflration oj the Pru6/eme. 555 body,and the wine vnto the foule: therefor A tt" celebrated in both the kindt:l,to figmfie vnto vsChrillsrecciuingof bodyandfoulc, and our freedom ofbody&foule. L<~,Ser.4. de ~adraq.(airhj thar it is afacrilegious hy~ pocrtlic ofrheManichees,to receiuethe bo· dy and reieCl the blood. Rh.,mgsusBtlhop of Rhcmcs,"thatliucd about rheyeare47o. made thcfe vcr[esto bee engrauen vpon the chalice, as Hincm•rteUifieth in his life. H••– riAt hinc,&c.inEngiHh thus: H"'" ltt thepeople in tlw{ACreJ blood Whith Chrijldid blud,drin~out their [o11/<J beflgood. · Theft 1/rJWel, Rhemigius, Prieft, dothp~i) bM Lord. B And the [aid Hincmar doth record, that the fame chalice war in his timeafrerward gi· uen vnto the Normans for the redeeming of the Chri£lian captiue•. The cup (faith H•i· 1. Cor.lo.) is called communion, as ir were <11 participation, b'ecaufcall do commu· nicate rherof.The Lord(fairhR•b•n•tMau· rut, ddn[/it, Cler. 1.1. cap, 3z.) firll confccra· red the Sacument of his body and blood, with benediction and thankfgiuing,and deli– uered ir vntohis Apo{!Jes,which they in imi– tation of him fo did,and taught their follow– ers to doe the ltke: which now the whole Church ouer al the world dothgenerallyob· ferue. Onely the benediClionofthc Btlhop, or Pricll (faith Amal•riut, l.r.d,Ojfic,in pr.– fat.) is fuflicient to confccratethc bre~d and C wine wherewith thepeoples foulcs are ro bee fed vmofaluation, asthe Apollles did io the Primiriue Church. And c. •4· Chrilltooke the bread into his holy and reuerend hands: ---And in like mannerthecup, as Cr pri,.,faith toC.cilius,We findenot our[clues keepers of the precept, vnlelfe wee doe that fame that theLord did,and minglingthecup in l1kemaner, we depart not from thediutne commaundement. Now though Cypriando conclude hisfaying aboutthe mixing ofwine and water,yet we may vnderlland,that this is robe fulfilled of tbewbolcinllitution of the Lord, wherein there is his commaund, and the Apo(!Jes obferuation; and of like effect vnro thit isthat of W• his bookede v· triu(qu~ Jluci!i communiont, the zz. chaprer, D Whatfocucr hee bee (f~ith Anfelm,fuper r. Cor.11.) rich,meane, or poore, clergic-man, or lay-m~q, that flJall receiuc this bodie, and drinke this blood ofChrill vnworthily, !hall be guilty ofthe bodyand blood oftheLord: hee eateth and drinketh it vmvorthily, that celebrateth this myUeric in any other order then Chrill deliucred it himfelfe. The pre– fcription of the forme (faith the author de cren-1in Rtrn.)is in bread ~nd wine-·-; and the kindes of bread and wine arc both (etforth, tofltew,that there is tulland perfcdrefr<lh ingin rcceiuing the body&blood of Chrill. .BY all thcfe proofes (faith Aibmus Mag•ut deoffic. 111•/f.,ca.;.)i< isgathcrcJ,chat Chrill dcliuer<d his body vnder the one forme of bread,and his blood vnder thcothor forme of wine, and taught it to bethus cel<brated. And feeing ChrillsaClions areour inllrudi– ons, hecdeliueredthefe two moll ccrraincly for vsroobferue,and therefore wee giue the bodievnder one kinde, and the blood vnder another. This Sacrament (faithTh•m.u, in 1.Cor.r J.lel1.s.)isgiuenvndcr adouble kind for three rcfpeCls. Firll, forthe pcrfcthon thereof: becaufe it being afpirituall refrefl•· mg, mull hauc afpirituall meate,and afpiri– tuall drinke. For the corporall feeding is not made without meate and drinke.-– Secondly,for theligoific.rion thereof. For it is amemorial ofthat Pallion wherin Chrills blood wasfcparate and drawne from his bo– dy: and therefore herein theblood is oll<rcd fcuerally from the body. Thirdly,bccaufeol" the fauing effectof this Sacrameot. For it helpctb thcfaluarion of the body,aod there– for<isthc body offered ;and it hdpesthelai· uation of thefoule, and therefore the blood is offered. Forthe foule isin the blood, Gen. 9· And in his Ci. Ledion he faith, thar both (bread and wine) belong ro theperfeClton of thi• Sacrament, as well to !hew the pcrfe– Clion ofthe refrelhmg, u for thereprefcnta– tion ofthe pallion, and al[o forthc effcding of thefaluatJOn of body and foule.And this is alfo the opinion of Ha/a, 4P•r.{ssmm<q•. 3;,mtmb,r,and C•fJ•IiHt de ccrna,/. 1 z.c.• s. z Thecommunicants vfcd to carry home not onely the bread,but the wine alfo. This refiificthN4~An~me, inGoruo.rJ. t:tdmtdim»: and Hierom,AdRuflicum. A;d ogairit>,where we finde the Fathers to make mention ofthe bread alone, it is a figure calledSJnecdoche p.rtu, whereby parr isput (orrhewholc; or elfe they do take the name of bread only for the bread dipped in the wine. Wherefor. the minijlringofduLordtSupptr vnder onekjnde~contr4? to theordir;A'1')Ct1/fome ufthewhole andvniHer[aOprimitineChHrch. Priuate Majfe. I AKindeof priuateMalfewhereintbe Prlell onely receiucth the confecra– ted fOrmes,withourcOmunicatingto others, was ncuer knowne in the moll auncient and purell antiquity, forthcfpace of8oo.yeares, TheSupperof,theLord (CaithHimme,in 1. Cor. I J,)oughttobecommonto all, for hec g~ue the Sacraments equally vnro all the dtf· ciples pre(ent.And in 3·c•p.Sophon.hcte1Icth how the people did communicate of the blood. {hry(oj/,bom.3.i• eph, alfo condemncs thispriuatc Ma(fe inthefcwords: In l':jinc doewe offer this dailyoblation, in vainc doe we !land atthe altar, there is none that dorh partakewith vs. This I fpcakenortoinuitc you tp rccciue in any fallJion, but to make Aaa 2 your