I I ! ' I l j 'lhe Vem9n{lration of the Probleme. ' \your felues worthy of rhefe myUeries. Anu,A •~ x.C(Jr.' l.hom,f. z7.rhou doelt not comrnu•! ry Lords day : rhusfaith hc,rhatliued abour rhe yeare 1oso. nicate or that which is common : tor it was broken equally ro all, and equally diuided. Somercqu~rea comunion lbllrnrheMalfe, and mdccdc f,,1confelfc drd Chri!l ordainc 1~ (faithErajmm,epif/,lld [N{iumPjlugttun)and (o 111 auncicntt1mcs u was obft:rucd. Yea the P•pillsthem(clucoconfetfe, rhat in rhe Prim1tiuc Chur..:h it was fer do"'n,rhar the: faafl. ful thouId commumcare euery day,as Dur11n~ dta,inrt~ltoMI.bb,4,cap.s3 .and H'fe,9 Cardinalu in Luc,c•p. 24. doe borh confet e. C•[••"' io_his ]. ep1lllcco rhoBohemraos, fairh,rhat all rhar were nor prepared to receiucthe Eucha11ll,were put forth of the Church. And rhe Councell of Mcntz dorh prohibne the Pnell to receiue alone,becaufe rhcy held ir as an abfurd thingto fay, the Lord be wtth you, when cherc wa'l none ro anfwer. Lookc Ill Reginald p.,/ehis I. bookde Ecuf. Di(cip/.c.. pire 191. Ifany onedo norcommunrcare,let him g1ue placc,fait,hGreg.di•l•g.bb.1,cap. •3· And Ch4rirtmm;e made a law, that all the faithfull 010uld communicate, and atlcnd at rhe Ivhtfc, wrrhout any other furth<r inrreacy,Lrg.Fr4nCJtt,/ib.l.ct~~p, 132. And itfcernes, that about W•ifidt time thefe folitarie maf· fes bcganne,rhough bee himfclfc dorh dif•l· low of them. In rhcwhole malic, fairhhe, de rebut Ecclef.cap.u.we doe pray chiefly, & as it were by name for rhem that doe offer and communicate. And wee may--fay. <hat the reil pcrliilingin the faith and deuotion ofthefc rharotferandcommunicate,are patrakcrs of the [aid oblation and commu· nion. Bur although when rhe Prie!ls oncly doe communicate in rhcirmaile, it may bee vnder£lood that tho(edoc partake with hrm, ior whomc thefe office• arc cclebrared, and whole pcrfon the pr1eil doth execute in fame Refponfories : yer wee mu!l confclfe char tha< is rhelawfuiJ Malfe,wherein there isprefentthe Prre£1, rhe anfwerer,rheotferer,and the communicanr,as the form of thecanon, and rhe plainccourfeofrheprayers do fhcw. Thepraym(fairhMicroi?guscap,t 9·) which are Card after rhe communton , are nor for them chat arc to communicate, burfor thofe that haue alreadiecommunicared: therefore 1vhofoeuerdoedetirero bee helped wirh rhe bleffingsof thefc praycrs,lerrhem nor ncgleciro receiuc rhe communion before they be (aid. And c•p.18.hee fairh ro the fame effetl;And indeed in theycareof grace Jo8o, m the Church of Rome all were bound to comunicare after rhe breakingof rhe bread. Radulphru Ardtnt in his homily vpon Eailer day, faith,that rhereare two kindes of receiuing, fpiriruall and facramentall, and of rhe iller he faith thos:Norwtth!landmgmy brechrcn, all Chri£hans muCl communicate<:- uen (acramentally "'hen rhey hauetimeand 1 ,Jace.And rherfore in thePrimiriueChurch 1l l rhc Chri!liansvfcd to communicate euc· z Priuare Malfes had rheir fir!l origin•ll among!lrhe friers inrhcircloyilers,For Gr~- g•"}.I·4·1"'MI.J4·'Pifl·43·"'i!llc. 87. doth forbrd pubhkeMalfesto bee faidin one ccrrain Monailery, ldlrhereOwuld be any occafion of popular meetings in rhc priuare houfesof the feruanrs ofGod.And l.s.epif/,46. •lilt c. 146.hcdorh inhibit publike M•lfe robe [aid macerren place, and yer allowerh Malfe ro be faid rherein.Lookealfoin rhe 7t epi!lleof -hiS7· booke. Odoof {ambr.r mhis expofiti· onofthccanon,Caith,tharwhereasarrhefiril they ncuer had Malfc, wirhour conuenrion ~~ rhe people togirhcr for communioo,afterB ward it grew ro a cu!lome in the Church, to haucpnuare and folitary Malfes, efpecially in cloyfiers. Mixture ofwine and l'Mter. •THri mingling of rhewinewith water, was ageneral cultomc in al bote COUI)- rries,for allayingrhe Ure!lgrh of the wme, as LJra tellifiesin 1.{or.u.and hereby it is prooued foro bee, becauferhewarerwas put in af- <er rhe cOfecration,asappeares in thar Malfc which is called Cht){•fro~>w. But this was none of Chri!ls inilnution,as rhe Farhers do c hold,for C!Jryfof/om fairh, rhar PopeAlex•nd'"was rhe firil that mingled w21er with the wme,Hom.83.•nMAt. Pol]d.l. 0.c.9. AndAuguftine,lib. 3.dee~n[m[uE••ng.c.p.l .faith,thar rhefe wbrds,[Iwill drink oo more ofrhe frUit ofrhc vme) are 10 bevnderilood of the cup oftheEucharilt. And rhe Armenians for a· boue a rhoofandyearcs rogerher, vfed pure winewithoutany mixture of water therwirh~ all,aaOiho Frifngenfo reilifieth,lsb.7.<·3 z.But out of acul!ome it grew to bee a ceremony figmfymga my!lcry. Afwwards the Aq••r& vfed oneJy warer, wirhouranywine,againll wbomeCyprs•• proouerh rhev(cofwine,but notofwater mixed witb wine. ; The fchoole-men hold rbis mixture ro D bee no clfcntiall parr of rhcSacrament, and name1y,Thom.u,part.J. 1"·74· Arl,7,andSeoIIU,in (ent.4t,dif/,ll.q.6. thetwochiefe. And likewifeHllles,BonaHenture, Rich•rdus, &D11· rond.aslrfeph Angles,in4t.dift.8.art,6.rcili6cs in his commcnrvpon rhc fenrcnces, adding rharrhis isthccommon opinionof theDottors.YeaBeHormine himfelfe is noraihamed 10 confelfc rhi•, in his fourth booke de s~cr. eucharijl.c"p·• 0, IV_.eping of the Samtment. 1 THe Farhers vfed to kecpe the Sa· cramenr, norfor any adorarion, or • . publikc