'The Vemonjlration if the Prubfeme. 557 publike bearmo tt about, but fortheir pri· A (el(114,11b. 8. vntotheLord in h" nariue and uate vfe in the d~ics next following. mother tonguc:.Hcrc is adilfonancc ofvoic!: St1allnot rhe husband know(faith:U.rtHI· (airhHimme,Tom,t,<pijl. 17. but anvntty of tia~,t.2. Advxoum:) what thou docll fecretly religion,& almofl as many quicrsof iiuoers, raClebeforethy meare/ and tf he doe know, as there is diuerlity ofnations. Let thco~cly hee doth bdeeuc that tt IS but bread,notthat Trinitie,(auh A•g•flw,Epifl.t78.be praicd whtch 1 t 11 called. And hereto bclongcth vnto for mercy,ofall both Latineo, apdBarthar ofJi,eromes rclation,conccrning thecubarians,lct notongue how barbarous focue1 , llomeoftheRomans ofrecetuingeuery day, bee made an alien from ptatlin~ oue God. and that (as it is probable) in priuare houfes, And theRHthtnt,Arm<nia,,Eg]ptiant,and e- <piff.so.adPamm.chi11m, & <pift.•8. andL•· thiopi<nt, had allthm dmine lCruiceiu their ci•i•m. Euery one ofthe people (faithB.(.l, vulgar tongue: and the MoraHiam, in rhat in epift.4dC.efareAm PAtrir.inAleXAHdri~t& e.. Slauon conguc byagr.aunt from the Pope. gipt.) hath the communion in his houfe, reAnd the celebration of diuine feruice was tn ceiuing it ofthePriclltbat confecrateth and the yeare u rs. graunred by lnnocenriut the diflnbureth it. tbtrd,b,(onctl,LaterAJI.c.9.Vnto d.iucrs places t But rhis referuation ofthe Sacrament B according to the diuerliryof the tongucs:and was alwa1es in pciuate houfes ~ not in the this is altocon6rmed outofdecrctals of Gre· Church,asnow itisamongllthePapills,who gor],/.t.wul, Jl.cap.0f!ni•mplm!q; 0<c, In keepe 1t for curing the Gcke, which was nor rhePruniriuc Church (faithLrr11)ln 1. Cor, done by the Fathers. 14.) benedictiOns, &all other common [do. 3 And this refcruation was fometimes uouOs]wcreperformedtnthevulganongue. found f•nlnmhal by the Fathers.Our Lord And m the Councell ofMcmz,cap. 45· (a· (faithOrigen,lnLmit.Hom.s.) did not lay vp bout theyeare 8tJ.)it is pormittcd vnro him rhe bread which hoe gaue to hts Apo(lles, that cannot otherwtfo learne the C>chollke ---nordid heebid them relerue I!Vntill r•tth,and the Lords prayer,to lcarnethem in the morrow, Ifthere be any man(faith Conhis mothertongue. , cilium Ctt[4rf4ugrl{fAnrlm, cap. 3.) that is proo. : If a (i:rangc rongueat any timewcre\t· ued notto eatc the Sacrament in the Church fed in diuiue fcruice, yet it was vnderClood which hereceiueth, accucfed be he for cucrof the hearers. For fowasrhe larine tongue, more: and all the Bifi1op<d1dcry our altoge· and a!thou.;h it werenot the mother rooguc, theraccurfed behe,C""e~I.Toler. t.c•p.t4. If "' all places and prouinces of tht Romanc there bee ought remaining of t!Je facrifice C Empire, yet it was vnderllood gener>lly in (fatthCl<m<nlln hiu.cp:£11e vnro l•nm,)let them all torehe fpace of 700yeares& more. it not bee refemed vntillthe morrow, butler In the Prouinccsof Aft•~ they fpakeLatin: it be rid away by the careofthe Clergy: And and the French men generally ~id all .-ndcr· HefichiutvpotlLtuiticNt,[aith,l.t~c.8,that the !land thistongue.In the 3· Councell of Teeremainder is ro be burned wuh 6re: others, win,about the year(', 77o.cllp. 1 7· theHomi~ thatitlvas to be giuen to thechildren.Looke lie• ore commanded to be rranOated into the Nic<phorHt his 17.bookc,and •s.chaprer. more barbarous Romane or Dutch tongue, that rhey might bee the eafierto bee vndcr– Clood. Andtt iscredible, <hat the Britafnes Vje oftbe, Latine.tongue in the Seruice. ' 1 IN the purell Churches, for the !pace of Boo, yeares at lea(!, the duties of ChriClianity, or iH.uioe ptaye,., &c. were ne· uer performed in'a tongue vnknowne to rhc people. Both the Prlell and the peoplc(faith ChrJfofrom<,Hom. tS.in t.Cor,) fay the fame common praycrs,an"dall do~ fiJY one thing.It behooueth,faith l(iaore,Dt ecclef,oJfic,ltb.t.c. 1o. that when we Gng,we fing all19gerher, & when wee pray,that we pray all togerher,and when the·Jelfon is read, that Glence be made, and thar_all doe hearken to it with attention. ----And therefore the Deacorrwith a ckare voice doth warne tilence, thai tlierebeanv· nity kept among£\ al!,as woil'!'hen they ling, as when theleifon fs read, that W'hatfoeucr is preached vntoa!J, may beeequally heard of all. teteuery one pray, CaithOrigen againfl . . vndcrilood thistonguealfo.For markewhar s,J,!Jift.Angiic.l. J,c.t,faith, Brotany (quorh lte) at this prefenr doth fcarch our, and pro· felfe one and the fame knowledge of highdl truth,& true highnes,in 6ue CeueraU tongues; the Eng!tlh,Bmun,,ScontfiJ,Pictllb,and La. D tine, which now through the medttation of the Scriptures, is grownc common to aJI o· thc:r. AndVaiertHI M.tximus,libro z. capiu t.doth te£1ifie,rhatthe Romane manifirates did ferioufiy endeauour to haue th~ir Jan· guagedtffufed abroad, becaufe itwar notlaw– lull tor theGreeks to deaJe with theRomans concerning any thing, but in the Larine tongue,thcugh they did it in Greece or Alia. A_nd C•mhdenthat moUexcellent Antiqua· ma,m hzs BntAnnia[aith thus: If thcrebe·a·· ny man that wil not beleeue thAt our Britains v(edthe prouinciall tongueof the Rorn•ns, (urcly hecknowes not how earndllythe Ro-1 manes laboured to hauc all the ProtJJnccsl fpcake Latine, nor doth he mark what a('\''YJ rile Larm harh already in cur vulgar congUe . Aaa 3 ru l