I I • 3 4 $ 6 7 Cf he Vemonjlration of thePro6/eme . 59 5 And rhereforo thefe neuer fo much as drca- A is fenfibly cruO>cd wirh the teeth. And diuers mcd of rranfubtbnriarion. Which may tic~ ofthefcboolcmcn (ooBid, In can, Mi[.Mf. conumced by thcfc feuen reafons following. 47.&Richtll'aHsde Mtdia-viOa, in4.d. S.q.1.) Fidl, becaufe the Euchari!l wasreferued in doeconde~nc ~rasao err_oneous affcrtion. priuatc houfeo for eueryonc to reccruc: Bee5 Noiuhc moll learned fchoolcmcn af. in• difmilfod(fallhCJpr•anofone, Dtjptfla· ter lnnoctlllillsdoe difagrec both in tbc thing culis,)andbearing wath him a• the manneris, it felfe,and in the manner ofexplaoing what the EucharHI.~c. Secondly,becaufetheyvthepronowne[Efac]this 1 doth ligni6eand defedrofenditbychildren vnto the ficke, as mon!lrate properly in thcfc words[this is my Et~(tbiut retli6eth in his 6. booke and 43· bodie]Richardus dt Media-villa,in4,d.S. ""· chapter. Thirdly, becaufc itwasvfcd to bee q••ft. 1. expoundech it chu•,, This]<hatis, carrycd about in (uch meane manner, a• fomething becing vnder this fenfible forme, namely,rhebody inawicker basket,and rho is mybody. Orrhus, That whii:li will bee blood in aglatfe,asflimme re!li6erhofE"ufurthwith prefent vnder thia feofible figne peri11s Bilhop 1 tpi/1.4.aa Ruf/icu,, Fourthly, whichisfecne,ismybodie.Tbom.u Aqoin.u 3· becaufe the Bilhops vfed to fend >t vnto o- B part.q.78.incurp.•rt. Hoc, Thio]rhat is, that thers[as it is probable] for falutations fake. which isconreined in thegeneralvndcr thefe Wllnelfeo/muw, tp. ad f!iCior.apud Eujebi•m kinds,ismy bodie.BQIIAtte~rlHre lnd.8,in z.parl, M.S.CtiJ>·Zl.andNicepliorut,/ib,4.cap.39,Fiftdiff.•rt.r,q. i.thus. This]thatis,thefubllance ly; becauferhey vfed togi•e it vntoInfants, ofbread:and hewill haue['ft]is,iofignilic[ftt] as Auguftintlib.).cap.l o. and almo!l in euery IS made,or[rranf"r]ischanged or [conumi111r]is workeofhis doth tefiifie. Sixtly, becaufc if rurned,ScotHsl•4.dij{.8.q.:,thu>[this]that is, thereremained any parcells ofthe Eucharill this tingular etTence, or'"'· is my bodie, voreceiued, theyoung childrenthat vfed the M<~rf!/iutin4.qu<(f,G.art.t. thus:[this]that is, Church;were called to eate themvp. Thu rhatintowh>chrhisbreadis changed, is my Euagrius,li/Jro 4.capite 35 .r~cordcth, a~dN ,_ bodie. Occam quod/ib.z,q.t 9.thus:[rhis]rhat ctphonuin hkc manner, bbro 17. caprte 1.5. is,this bodicwhrch will bee forthwith vnder Seuentbly and la(\!y 1 becaufe it was a cuthefe formes,is my bodie. Bur PeterofAli•- tlome in the aunctent Church to burne cUin 4-Sent,q.s.art. 1, faith,thar irisnor necefthe remainders of the Eucharill, asl~chifarie for the Priell that confecrateth rightly HI, lrbro :.ctiJ>i"8. vpon LtuiiiCIII dot af- c ro demonflrateanything by this word[rhis]: firme. orthat beelhould vnderflao.J any tbmgby 3 Afterwards begun the difputations of rhatwora more then by a word thathathno T ranfubllantiation 1 bur not as yet approofigni6catlon,becaufe this word is one!ygiuen ued as an article offaith, nor concluded of in vs as a ligne,wherby we may know th•r when Lumbardhisage, which was aboutthe ycare thefewords are rightly pronounced,tbc bo114$-forhe,lib.4,d,11. faith, that ifit bee dedie of Chrill ia immediately vnder thefc manded ofwhat fort this conuerfion is, whe6gnes, by Gods good plcafure. Efolcot,ln 4· thcr formail,or fub!lantiall,or of Come other fm,q. 3.fairh,thatby thispronowne(Efoc,this] kind, I cannot fufficicntly defioe; yea the "fignilied thatwhich remaineth vnder both Church for a whole thoufand yeareo raught the termes ofrranfmutation, &isthat which no other then fpiricuall receiuing of Chn!l. isonelyaccidentsfenfible, and nofubtlance. & all the Fathers of thofe times vnderllood Biel/eCI.48.incan•.Mij{<.[aith that[This]rhat rhc wordeo ofche (upper to bee 6guratiuely is,rhis content,into which the bread is tobee r,oken.Wherefore iris amoll impudentaod turned,&c. in fome partoftimcwhich inclu• aithlelTc partofBe/larmine tocite 3z. writers deih thepronuntiat,lon, and the terminating for,the opinion oftranfubflantiation. D or fimlhrng m!lant,rs my bod>e. Cairt.ln3·p, 4 Butinchqeare urs.l•n""tnrthethird q.78.art, s. fatth [this], chat is,this fingular determined the manner ofthis conuerfion, inrefpeelofthe name, calling it Tranfob- !lantiarion: and fortbethingitfelfe, Ltoche 9· determined it, in a conuenricle held at Rome,ann.I049· And Nicho/.u thefecond a\fo in his decrerallsJuon(ccrat. cap. Ego Berengarim,in,the,yeare 1o6o.AndyetBm•g•· riurabodc in his,true opinion of the Lords _Supper,vntillrheday ofhisdeatb,and rherefor<>.is·(aid to hauc fenoufiy dete!led that ab(u[d recantation. Hitdebertns Cenomanenfis dothpraife him.And La'!ft"an~condemneth him'as aviolator ofhis rccantacion, and vn· ronflant in hisopinion.And indeedethere is not aP•pifl in the world that will defend rhe recantation in Grad~tn fet downcbyNtcbo~ l.u. becaufe he faith rhatthe body of Cbri!l . . fubllance,is my bodie. Nowquitmundthar is elder then theall/.•. doth rhus expound this word[rbi•] that is,which hirhertowas bread henceforthit is my body,not broad: or chu; [tlliS]tha't is,thatwhichi now giue,vou,is m; body, forthts pronbwne [this]inrhis place hat~no relationto ~ny thingbeforefpoken, but lS ademonflratrueoftheching prefent. 6 Thefc Phrafeo of rhe Fathers, ]thar ChnLts body is eaten:goeth inro the moLth: " touched with rhe hando: his blood is drunke,&c.]areto be vnderflood tropically, rha11s, f>mbollcally: ligmfyingthe cfficacre of facramentall receiuing: and admoniO> vstoembrace the bodicof Chrill that is In hcauen, with an vnpolluted heart. For iris the Fathendoelrinc,tbarthebrcadand wine Aaa 4 are