Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

\56 o 'Thc_Vemonjlrationoj the Probleme. ore rrulyand p~operly rhe hgnes ofrhe bodJe A ~~ •:Cor. I I. Himme in rwo,vi"'-. i•M•tth. 1 6 • . and bloodo~Chttll.Our Lord(falthCJP""" f!rtn MArk, •4· A~gujlme infeauen or eight, T'"U. dcvncl. Chrifmaw~anhe cable where t•t<.,llbro 3.dcdoU. Ghrtjl.ltb.3, up.16.dcTri• he tooke parr of hu !all feall w!Ch rhe Apomt.llb. 3· <lif-4· & lo.cpiff. • 3· i•Lc•it.q. S7. flies, wirh his owne hands gauc them bread cotll,.!dlmnnt.c·np.u.& Pjnl. 98. Chryjoft.i• ,and wine:but vpon rhc crolfe he gauehi• bo· P(nl.u.Th"d.dinl. 1. ProfJ}(rtnSmt. Aug•ft. / die eo be wounded by rhe hands ofthe fvuld!· And he" ciCed,deronf«r.d,z.r,H.c tji,Bcdc in crs: rhat the finctrc: rrurh and tr~c lin~eritic ~:~c.1z.and B1rtrarnde co1p.&fnng.Ddmirti. whj_ch he had more fectedy rmprmted m the 9 But the Fathers fpeake not only fioura: \Apomes, mightdeclarevnto rhe world how tiuoly ofrhe Sacramenr,but euen fome~mn che bread and wine were hisbody and bl"od: hypcrbolically thercof,robegetlrthegtearcr and vpon whar reafonothecaufcsthus agreed r<uerence, aud to pierce m<ns mincle• and with rho dfech, and diuers names or formes follow the phrofe of Scripture, and I~G·the were rcduoed r~ one clfence; and the throgo fupl'er 010uldfceme atragickefiC!ion.IIi this figntfy10gand hgmficd 010uld be called borh fenle faith {hryfoftomc in r. CDT, 1o. bom. 14 . by the fame names. Our Lord (faith A11gH· What is 10 the cup/ chat which flowed from (line contra Adimant,cap. u.) did nodlickc to B hislide. And againe,thatwhich heefulfered fay,This is my bodic,when he gauerheligne notvpon rbecrolfe, bee fulfererh forrheein ofhis bod1e, A111ximinum, theotfering, futfermghimfclfe ro bee thrull: Wherein [in which fignes] wee mufi nor rethrough. And hom. Zl. adpopulum Antiach. fpeCl whar they are,bur what rhey reprefent: rhmke what thou takefi in hand--.For it becaufc rhey are fignes o(things; and becing i;a perniciousrhing to v(e that rooguc vn10 clfencc one thing, arc in fignificarion anoro rcproches, thar barb minillred at fuch dirher.Origmlikewifevpon the 15.ofMatthew uine my£1-eries, and beene purpled w!Ch the faith, that if all thargoerh into the mourh colour ofrharblood, ana made a fu·ord of defcenderh into rhe belly,and (o is call forrh gold. in<a rbc draught: chat n1eate alfo which is 1 o That which rhe Fathers fpcake ofrhe fantlified by the word ofGod and prayer, as bread and wine in theLords Supper,rhefame farre asrhe mareriall part thereof, go<rh the rhey fpcakc in l1ke manner oljlaprrfme and ordinarie courfe of01hcr meare. So Chry[ctheword of God. We arc faid (faith Origm, /tome (orwhofoeuerwasthe author of that Hom, 16. inNum)ro drinke the bl0od of cp1lllevnro) C-f•riru faith: Euen as we call Chrtll,nor onely in the facraments,but when rhe bread before irbe fantlified,bread, and C we hearcand recciue biswords, And 111 anawhen God•.grace bath fanchfied it by the ther placc.Bind norrhy fdfc vmo the blood Priells meancs, it lo(cth the nam• ofbread, of.rhe Htfh, burrarhcrfeekeafter rhe blood and is held worthy to bee called the Lords ot the word: and heare him that faith vnro bodic,although rhatthenatureof bread doe rhee, this is my blood which is fl~ed for you remainc thcrin, and isnotcaiJcd two bodies, for the rcnHliion ofycur fioncs. No man but one bodie of the{onnc-. Chrifis llelh mull any'wa'y doubt (fairh .IJ•gufline in one (faith Maxenlillt Dialog.z.cot;t,N~flor.)isnot ofhtsScrmons,adinf4ntn,) citedby B-ed~~in called rhebodio ofGod asthc Church is:nor J. Cor, 1 o. that euery fairhfull ChriUian is asrhe bread,which the whole Church parramade 'pluraker of the body and blood of kerb in memorieofhis pal1ion:bur irisCo calChriO,wHen heis made a ttJemberofhim in led rhe bodieof God, as is amans proper vaBaprrfme.' norrharheeil':il(enatclrom rhe 9ureorapparell' I' herewith bee is arrayed. commumonof thar brcaa and rhectJppe, al· Hc,[Chnll](fmh Augufti•e'])cci•it.Dcilib, though he beefng in Ynitielvirh Chri!l, bee : 1 .cap.zs.)in (aying,he that carerh myAen,, tak~nour. ofthis world hcfbre hceconie to and drink<rh my blood,liuerh in me,and I in commutucatcofrhef1id Sat'tamcm:for he is him;dorh 01ew what it isto receiue hi1 bodic D notdepriued ofthe participationand benefit not (acramcntally, buttruly, and drinke his thereof,fincehehath~lreaily-artained ro that blood: here markc an oppolitlon betweenc which that Sacramcnr doth ognrfie. (acramcntall eatingand r.ue eating. 11 The Fathers by the forme of bread 7 Thef~ wordes of Chritl, [My flelh is [O>ecim1] doe llrll vnderthln8 •the fubllance, meareindeedc,loh.6.&c.] areby Clrmcnt P4nottheaccidcnrswithout the { ln dM.Iib.J.cap.6.Tcrt•lltnn drrcfurefJionrcarni<, this feRfe faith Cyri/1ofH!erufalern, Myflog. o~gm inLcuit.lm>q.{hryf•~cmc in /oa•.hom, 4 vnder the forme of bread is gluen rne·b'?: 46.and Augujlmetr•CI.m/OAn. zs. and z6. tad1e,and the blood vndcr the (drtncof wme. ken in an allcgoricall fenfe. I fee not the forme of blood (faithAmbrofc,' 8 Andthewords[thisismy bodie]motl DeSarram,/ib.4.c.p.4,) Qutthe hkenelfeit' ofrhc Fathers take figurariuely, and namely hath.And lib,deii.q•i"'!fieri;, initiantur,cap. there:T~rtulli.-.,ti~.tfconr.Marc.Oriuen, in two 9· lfElia&his {peech were offogrear power, places,vi~.itl L( 7. and inUu-~tt. cap. that ir w.:t'S able ro fcrch dmVnc lire from hcaJ5.(7P'i•ndcvnCI.(, Na"'ian<-rnedc uen;OJall norChri(!s word! b~c ofthe power Plljchatt: Amhrojdn threeplace~,viz., drip to chAnge theformes of rhe Elements l To r u}!!'y/itr,tniti!lntur,cap.9:d(SaGr.ltb.f.cap.s. make the forme ofvifiblcbrea~_((ai'~ ~!~- • .. gJ:jlmc,