,. I The 'Demonjlration of the Probleme. 561 gr~jline,S:rm, .dinfllntes, recorded by Bedein A onofcbcmyUcrica true propewe, and fign1· 1. C~W.Io} many grainesof cor~c: are co.mfierh a change of the things euen vmo rhcpatl: together: -and in the wme ltkc:wtfe, firil elements, vnro rhe tlrUmauer: but yet brcthten,confidcr how ircommc;:th to beone that word istoovnappliable, and <oovnfit liquor. Vndcr that viGble fom>e of oynt· for this myClery. Fur it may fignific the conmenr(faithThtodoret, '~'~ 1. Ctint.)Jhcydo~ r~- uer(ion ofone clement into another, o.r the cciuc rhcinuifiblcgrae< ofthat mo(l holy fp1refolurion ofa mixt body into the elements: m. And the fame meaning fomerime they ~but tranfubllantlation mo(l properly, and hauc when they vfe thrfe phrafe., the figure, I;no(\ fitly lignificth the conucrlion or comor outward !11ape ofrho bread.And they doe 1migration ofonewholefub(\ance, into anovfe thefe wordo, to rurne our eyes from the ther whole[ub!lance. externall fignes, vnto the heauenly matter 14 The Fathers whcnthey[ay, that the therein fignified, vpon which wee oughtro bread or wineremaincth no more, doe nor fixe the eyes of our mmdeo. And hereupon meane limply, bur m rcfpetl ofh10 intent ChrJfolf•mefaith, rhatthere isnothing feene rharisto rccciuethcm, wben hce rccciucth I vpon rherable, butthebodieand blood of B them rightly; bc:caufe then wee muflnor the Lord; & yet intends nor to pur acc•dents rhinke of thebread or the wine, but fixe without afub(\ance. Conrrariwife,the word both our mmd andfenfc•wholly vpun Icfu• [nature]dorh fometimes in theFathers figniChri(\. fie the quality and condition onely, and nor 15 Where they deny, rhatthe bread is a cheelfenceofthething.And in rhis fenfeCJfigure ofthe hodie, rhcy fpeakc of rhe bare pri•n de<ren•, f•ith, the bread changed net 10 fignc, which is without frUit('. There is nor forme or lhope, butin nature, byrheword• ondy a ccmine figuring of Chrills flcfi1, omoiporency is made Rcfh. [aithTheoph;la/J, In I.•n. 6. Heefaid nor, xz CJriU,Ii!Jro ro.c11p. q.inlo.t.11.andel[c. thefcarc theGgnes ofmy bodie (laahEuth]- where. AndHI/arie,lib.8.deTrin. with fome ,.,;,u,i•U'rf•ttb.cAp. 16.) bur,rhis is my bod1e. orhe< Farhmwill haue Chnfl tobeinvs naVVeought nor therefore to looke into the turally,and corporalln and fo rhcy"·illhaue nature of that is fer before vs, butmro the vs to rtceiue him. Burrhey doe nor fpcakeof vertue. the manner ofour vnion witb Chnll herein, 16 T ocon[ccrate, ;, notto tranfubllanbut ofthelimits ofour vnion.They w1ll haue c riare,bur to dedicate a prophane thmg vnto vsvnitcd with Chri(\ in one my(\~eall bodie, an holy v[e.And rhar the conlccrauon ofthe according tothe truth of nature, and to bee bread is included in rhefe fiuc wotcls [forrhis ioyned trulyand really with his fleO~and (piis my body]and of the wine in thele [rbisi• rir,and ycr after a fpiriruall and vncorporall myblood]orfuch l1ke, no Fatherd1deuer manner. rcach.Cypri~tn,Serm.de ca:n~t fa.nh, that in hi~ 13 DAm.tfcmncommutation t-U1~-;~~~rJib. time they did con[ecrate with rhcfe worde" 4<- 14. and TIJeophfi•/Jn tranfelementation Doe this in remembrance ofme, this is my fd'k"'JXrkt"'r·is thcdiangc:ofrhcbread intoan. flclh,thiois my blood: B-fNand Chryf•Jlomc other llarc or conditton, nor into another held, that irwu done by praye,, as we may [ub(\ance and beeing, becaufe it is vnited to reade in rbeir Liturgies. W1lr thou kno~ Chri(\s body in afaeran1enrall vnion,and of (faith .Amorof<,deS•cr•m.lib. 4· c•p. S-) "·har acorporallti>odc wade a fpirituall. For afare the hea.~enly wordcsof confccration? rcr che Came manner, rhey affirmc that we, T he[earethey:thc Priellfairh,makethu oblf!P.lu~'t'I2>1JC~iq~t•dxUmrlll1su~r.udrontp~•that is) lation afcribedvnto vs, rea[onable and acarereallyconuerred inrorhat (Chri(\s] fle!11, ceptablc for va-who the day before hrs Chry[.hom.4sJ• I•••. and are tranfelementapallion tookebread in his holy hands,-- red into him, Theoph]I•IJ.lnlo••- c•p.tS. and D and giuing thankcs, ble!Ttd it, broke 11, and · yet they doe not faine any abofilhing of our gaue to hi! Apo{lles,faying,Take, care, &c. (ubflancc for all this.And this fame,...1•=•m. andfovnrorhe end of the intlirurion. Bur is notalwates a changing of fub(\ance, bur Himme,in J.c•p.S•ph.[airh, that ro makerhe fomerime acorreC!io orchangingof a thing Euchari(l, there is not onely anccrlliricuf into berrer;but how[oeucr,this cransformariO folemne prayer, but al[o of m<rite in the hclpeth not the Papitls aiotte,for thatwhich Prie(\.Wecallthatonely[rhebodie &blood is tram(ormed)remaincth nor in:regard ofhis ofChri(\]faith AHgHj/ine.deTrinit.lib.J.c.4.) exreriour forme. Although the auncient Fawhtch wcrakmgfrom the fruits of the earth, rhers(faithS""''"' vponThom.u,tom.J.qH•fl. and eonfccrating with myflicall Prayer dot 7s.difJmt. soJefl. t.)vfed many word• in the rcceiucin dueorder, for our fouJcs h;ahh, explanation ofthis my!lerie,yetthey are all and as a memoriall of our Lords fulfcrino either generall,as arcthe words(Conuerfion, forvs_. Pre[enrlyafrerrhisprayer (faithGr<~ Mutarion,Palling into,and chaoging]orthey g•mt.b.7.)lnd•IJ.>.<pi/f.6J.) we [ay theLord, are properly applyed to the accidentall prayer 1 becau[e it wa~ the Apollles vfc to change, as the word [Trans6guration] and con[ecwe the ho(l ofoblationat rhar prayer \ fuch llke.OnelyTh,.phyl•fl his word(tr4»/t· oncly. Vnl<!Te Chnll doe come himfclfc, '"'""'•tion] commeth nearer the cxplanati· ([aithH<jichimli6. :. inL,nit. cdp:_8.) •• the Prierls