Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Th~Vemonjlrationof the Probleme. .Pridls prayer, and (~ndi6e the fuppcr, & lay the foundation ofrhe adion,rhcrccan by no 1meancs any facrifice oftheLord be made, It l is nor cre~rblc(fa1th fnnoe<ntiur 1/ J,lib,4. de myji.Mifl<,cap.6,that he di!lribured his body 1 bcfore he had confecrated.Bur it may befaid rhar Chri!lconfecratcd by the diuine power, ~ndafterwardsthel"cd the forme that others tl10uld follow in their folemnizing,for hee of himfclfeconfecratedbyhisowne power: but we,byrhatverruewhich he harhgiuentorhe ..orddfany Prie!l(faithScotm in -f,di~.8. q, :,art.:.) thouId begin to fay rhefe words, rh11 is my bodie,and omirrhe words that doe goe before them : I fay,rhat in all fuch cofes wee may not wortl1ip [theEucharijl] fimply, bur with thiscondition, If it be truly confecra· red, And of the confecrarion ofthe blood he fpeakerh in l1ke manner: We are nor infalli· bly taught, whethervnrothe formeofrhe confecrationofrhe blood doe btlong anyof thewordes which are afterthefe wordes [of m,v blood] orany ofrhem that follow vnnll rhefc[doe this:] therefore it is dangerous ro auerre any rhii1g without fufficient authority be had for the confirmation. Lrkewife Bid,in +di{I,S.q.J., that the necclfarie and precife forme of confecraring the Cup– per 1 il notfufficiently determined of in the Canonical! Scriptures: which atTertion bee dorh afterwards affirme by rea(on,The!ear· ned man D, Redmanobferuing the rumultu• ous wrangling "f the fchoolemen aboutthe words ofconfecration, was not afraide to af– firme, tharnot onealmo!lof all the whole fchoole did rightly vnder!land the word [Confecrarc]H!flor, r...MAriJr. Anglicn••· 17 The bodie of Chril! in the Fathers writings,is threefold! Rea/1, that is,his bodic atfurued:MJflical/,the Church: Sacramenta/1, rhebreadin rhefupper, Thebody of Chri!l taken from the altar (faith the decreralls de confecr,d.>.cap.79·) isa figure, ifweview the outward formes ofbread and wine : but the truth, when we belecue the bodie & blood of Chrill to be truly there within. The flethisa Sacramcntofthe fleth (fairll Aug•.f/. inSen I, Pro(. and the blood ofthe blood. The bread is Chri!ls body, notcorporally butfpiritual· ly,faith AE/frii(_Archb.ofCanterburyin his fermon in Saxon, wherein beedi!linguitliCth the bodie crucified, and thefacramenraJJ bo– die,And to make ChriRs bodie, is to confe– crarcrhe bread into the tigneof hisreaJJ ba. die. Lerrhe word come to the element(fairh Ioan.8o,)and it becommerh aSa– crament. This is the bodywhich theFathers fay [o often to be daily made,blelfed, eaten, broken, diuided,fallerh to the earth, is hand– led, (wallowed,and rorne with the teeth: Cy– prian, [trmonedeL.p(is. The nature of the bread and wine(faithBede In Epiph.D•.)ioby the ineffable fandificarion ofthefpirit, tran· flared into the Sacrament of the bodie and blood ofour Lord,The fleth and bloodofour A Lord (faithHiet,ioEphe[i, 1.) is vnder!lood rwowaies, either for bisfpirituall,and diuine flefi•,and blood, whercofhefaid, my flelhi• mearcindeed, & my blood is drinke indeed, -orforrheflelh which was nailed on the crotTe, and that blood which was tired by the fouldiers fpearc, 18 And the creation that the Fathers fpcake ofwas alwaieswith<>ut rran(ub!lantia· tion, When the oyle is confecrared for the Gckc{fairh Am•lar.deeccl,of.I.J,c, n .we<on– clude thus: by whoructhou(o Lord)alwaies crcare!l all thefegood thing•. 19 The Fathersfay that we receiue Chri!l in the bread, or vnderrhe formeofbrcad, as the bread is a tigne ofChri!ls flclh, & in!lruB mentofthe foules nourithment: not asrhe rcccproclc ofhis body.And lrkew1ferheyfay that we in the water doereceiue theremr!fion ofour!innes.Lumb.Senr,4,d.). But rim is as wefay, thatwee hauc po!Teaiongiucnv• in writings,when asthe writingsdoe but affigne the famevnrovs:and (owe receiue Chri!l in rhe bread,as the fignified in the tigne, not the contained in thecontinent. zo The Sacrament io honoured, recfi. ued,and refpeaed, as itis the expremucfeale and ligneofourmy!licallvnionwirh ChriO, by wlrofe body wee arc after an admirable maoncr,quickned.Henceit is called a my!le– rie tobe trembled at, becaufe by rhcfe crea– tures through the operation of the diuine C maie!lie, weare made parrakersofthebodie andbloodofChrill, And hence irwasrhat God hath lhewen fomc miracles about this fupper to make theinOirurion more honou· rable,nor to proouethe real! prefence. And vpon this, the Fathers bad a carethatnone ofir lhould fa! to the ground,and reuerenced alltheornaments ofthe Church, and fuffe– rcd not the Carechumeoi!ls to cornmuni– care.AndChry[ojl,inEphe,hum. 3· faith that it iaakings table, that rl1e l:ing himfelfeis pre– fenr, and Ansells doe miniller to him. By rbis hemooued all to reuerence, and hence he called it an oblation to bee trembled at. vitl.l«, z 1 TheFathersgiue but one place at once D vnto ChriRa bodie.Our Lord is aboue (fairb Aug.trail.3o,in !oh,) our herealfo, and our Lord is truth. Forhis body whereinhe rcfe againe,may be but in one place:bur bisttuth isfpreadabroad euery where. BA(il de..Sp. S. cap,H.prooucrhrbe holyGbotlro be God, bocaufe hecan be in many placesar oncc.Hc afcended into heauen(faithA ug. epiP.57· •a 'lJ•raan.) fitterhat Gods right hand, from whence and from no other place bee lhall come to Iudgemenr.And againc,In thatheis God,he iscuery wberc:bur as he is man,heis but in b<auen, And, doubt nor rhara• God be is euery where prefent--but his cir– cumfcripuble bodie is infome cerrarnc place of heauen. According ro hts humane fub. Jlance,faithFu&,cn.l.z.cap.I7· ndThrafimu•d. he