Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'The 'Demonfiration of the ProbJeme. Gofpell to make rhefe words bee taken pro– perly. But IofophAnglu,inJZ.rib.Th, /og. in-f. difl, J Euch~triflia,4rt. 1.admorufherh vs ofcircumfpeClion in reading this place of Caiet;me. Seeing ic i11 certainc (faithFerm, in Mat.z6.) that Chri!lsbody is there, what need we difpute whether the bre~d remaine or no?Thus he.Now before the fchoolemens time,there was oneA£/fri~,Arch-bi!hop of Canrcrbury, who in his forenamed Saxon Sermon which was wont to bee read euery feafl ofEa(lcrin the Engli01 Churches,fpea· keth expreflyagainll thefame tran(ub(iar.ri– ation, and BertrAm lrkel>'ife in his booke of the body and blood of Chri!l, rv1doration ana eleuation of the Sacrament. I THe adoration in the Sacrament belongeth vnto Chri(i fitting in hea· uen,;and is an inward worfhipof the: heart, or lrfringvp oftheminde beeing (iirred vpwith thefeoutward fignes. Tho fignes (faith Aug. de catecb.rudi,c.p.:G.)arevilible Sacraments ofdiuine things, butinuifible things are rhcrin honoured. . 1 Ifthe worlhip be referred to the Sacra– ment only,it ii butar"uerence,and no adora– tion, giuen as well to baptifme as thefupper, as rei!Jfietb,Aug.deduEir,Cbrif/.1. ;.c.9. 3 Hunuriusrhe rhird,•nn.I Ho.wasrhe fir!l that euer inllituted tbe adoration of the Sa– cramenl.And after himPrb•n the4.ordained a feafl in honour ofthe body of Cbri£1. 4 The eleuarion of the hoflc was vfed, notthat it Owuld be adored, but to fignifie A had zeale, but not according toknowledge, "·3· ButTertuUJan,de Idululat. faith, thatthis was the cu!lome o(heretikcs.AndL411antiu 1 Wifely reprehendethir,/,6, lnfbt.c.z. faying: They doe light vp lampcs vnro God as thoughhee liued in thedarke: fodotl{Jhe Councell ofE/i~erio,r.34. z The PrimitiueChurch neuer vfed Io– ccnce. VV t buy no frankincen(e atall,'faith Tmui/J4n,ap•lug.4•· Wcgocnot IntoArabia tofeeke frankinccnfc(failh Auguf/incin!'fa!. 49{--ttJSthe facrifice of ptaifcthaJGod "'(Ulteth at our hands. AndPf•l. so. Offer w•ldy : thou ha!lrhine offering within thy fclfe: goo nor:broad tofeeke frankincen(e, B but fay,In meo God are thy vowes,the prai– feswhJchlwJllgmethee. Arncbius in his 7. bookeagam!l the Gentiles infcrrerh many rcafons again!I the burningof Inceofe. 3 The vetfelh wherein our Sacraments are pur and confecrared(faithW•lfrid.c.p. z 4 . dcre~.ccclef.) are cuppes and drOIOs, Pope Zepherme ordamcd that the celebration thauld bee performed wirh dilhcs of glatfe: andYrb...tier him caufed them& all other Church velfels to be madcoffiluer:thusas in . aU the reil, fo in thia harh thechurches gra. ui!Je and Oatcmceremomes, increafed daily with the rim<S. ThUifaith he. 4 Thelinncn veflures,[berhcy Albes,or C' Surplctfes) wereatthe firflthe raymenrs of noblemen, and for honours fakegiucn vnto Prie!ls:but not vnro any Monke, faue onely in diuincferuice rime, as Er.fmus teOJficthin rne life ofHimme.Tbeuduret lib,z. hif/.rap.•7· rclatcth that Cot:fl~tntine g~ue MilcAriw Bi– lhoppeof Hicrufalem a robe u·rought with gold.for him to vfe in Boprifme. 5 The PtieOs ornaments (as W•lfridre– portcth) grew vp by litrlcand litde vnrothc height that they nowbe in.For firO 1bey(aid their Matfes in common attyrc : asthey doe vnro this day in fome Churches of rhe Ea!l: Bur Pope S~tpbm ordained that the Ptie(is thould haue holy ve!lures,to wearc in r.o daithe my(lerie ofChri£1 taken downc from the crolfe.Amal.r.I.J.•.z6, ThePricllo and Dea– cons eleuarion lignifie the taking downc of ourLord from rhecrotfe: the hofle and the cup fignifie the Lords body. And theLiturgic ofChryfoftume doth not affirme, that the elcuarion ofthe bread was vfed, that Chrifl D therein lhould be adored: but thepriefl cle– uaring the facred bread crierh our, Hcly, to the holy. ly vfe fauing in the Church,- ·ltwasde– creed in the Councell of Br.carea, that no Prie£1 lhould celebrote Malfe without a ryp– per. Others added other vellurcs, in the Church, either in imitation of the habite of 1he ceremonioll Priefls, or to beare fame myflicall Cignificarion.Thus failhWalfrid,Jc rcb. trcle{.r.p. 24, And indoedcthe gaudie lhewesthatarcnowvfed about the appardl ofrhe Maffe,weJe neither feme nor heard of in wlroleor parr,foraboue4oo.ycarcs afrcr thrill. · The appurtenances of the lkfaJ.7C,atthisda_y. I THcrapers that are now lighted in the Church on the day at Matfe rime,beforeand afier the reading ofthe Gof. pdl,arenotapproouedbythe Fathers. We lrghtnotorchesonthe daytime, faith Hie– "''"again".Pigil•ntiuJ;Y<t heconfetfeth tha~ rhey were l•ghred in the Church<• of rhc Eall,byfomeofignounce,& by others that 6 And for 8oo, yearesafrerChrill, rber< were but eightveflurrs vfcd in allthe whole myfleries ofreligion ! as the (aidWalfrid,cap. 24and AmAIAriHJ,/, ~.r.2Z,tifujfc. ccclc(, doe both teOific: whereas now therearc 6freene, fixe Pricflly veOurcs,andnine ofrhcBiD10ps. 7. The clcrgy of•n•iquitic, as well in the Wcflerne asEaClern Church did vfe to hauc the