The 'Demonjiration of the Probleme. 565 the head polled, but not lhauen as the Pa- A palls haue now, and which the Fathers re– prooue. The haircs of rhe head (faith Cl•– "'~"' Ale.t:4ndrinm,p< are to be.: cur nor witharazor,bucwith barbers Uzzer1. Sb~wyou (faith0pt4lltlto the Donari!ls, /, 2..contr, P~rm.) whercyouarccommauoded to haue the Priclls head fhauen : whereas contrariwi(e, innumerable examples !hew that it is vnlawfull ~o bee done. Weelearoe here(f.lith Himmevpon the·H·of E<-<ehiel) that wee neither ought ro bee fhauen to the barc,with arazor, nor to becutfo neere,that wee feemeasfhauen: burlerourhairegrow fo, that it doe couer ourskinne. As for the lbauingvfed nowadaies,the Church thought B not of 1t for many ages afier Chrifl: for the firfl mention that was euer made ofthe Oaa· uingofthe crowne hkc acircle is inGerma · mu ofConflantinople hisTheoria;The lha· uing of the priefl (faarh hee) and rile cut_ring of hi!haire round vpon the crown,is in hgoc of thecrowne of thorne which Chrafl bare vpon hiS head. This alfo is fpoken ofby HH· g(J.. S11na, DeSt4CY4m,!i6. z, p~:rt.;. cap. 1, Lum· b,<rd,lib, 4· di{f. •4· Thom.u,and Bon•uentu", becing indeedall one with the lhauingof the lay-pen<tents,as the Councell of Agarha,..A, z.and the third Councdl of Toledo,c•p.u. doe boah record. As for the Priefls moderne naauing, it is abfolurdy condemned by the fourth Councel of Toledo,cAnon4o.inrhefe words: Lccallclearkesor readers, as the Le- C ultes and Priefls, polling their haire all their he~d ouer aboue, Jeaue but a circle like a crowne below,[abour their eare•.]Noc as the readers do infome partof Galacia,who wea– ring their hairelong,like lay-men, doeonely clippe a little circle in the top or crowne of the head: forrhisthe heretikes in Spainedo vfe vnto this day.The Greeks v(ed no round polling, as s,J, iLl two placestellifieth, vi'<-. hifi.Eccl.lib.4 c•r·•·C': lib.;.c•p.z:. S Thec~owne in the Fathers figni6es the Epifcopall glory, dignityand reuerence: or the holfines oftheir haire,which toold men is asa crowne. Or,it may be,the polling vfed mthofe daies,not the wearing of the hairea– boutche temples, and thnrowne fhaucn as the center ofrhat circle. And fo muCI tM~E- D pillle of Himme to acerraine Priefl,beevn– decflood: thecrowne vpon the clearks head ligni fieth the kingdome they haue in God, And that of .At~gu/fine, •pifM. :G. I pray thy crowne to falute thy two brethren, my Lords .Atipim,and EuodiHI,inmy name. 9 The Prieflscur,and theMonkes,in11n· cient time(forall BAronim his talking,""""'· rom.t.p.G31.)was both one: for both vfed to cutall their haire,leauingbura ring rounda– bout their eares,To/,t.r;"''·4·'•P·40. 10 The beginning of this cleargy-clip– ping was rhm: the people at the firCl were deI lightedwith long haire:which afterwards the Clcargy vfed eo cut for fobernelfeand mo- • defly fake. And this in procelfe of time, through agrowne:generall vfe, becameafig– nificanrceremony. So faith ljid. d"f. uclef. /.:.cAp 4.1he cuttingofrhe haire, andleauing acirclebelow, I take to fignifie pricllhood,& the ruleofrhe Church in rhem.AndAmAI•r. 4•-f.lib,:,c.s.Caith,Wcbeareourcrownevp– on the lower parr [of our head) when we doe equalize with roafon thofc necetfaries of the world, which we oughrrogouernc, Thus of ceremony fuperfli11on is growne. 11 Organs were erectedabout rheyeare 66o.asPlatirtll fatth,in Pit,cila~:~o~about .Amomusfairh,d•g•JI.ErAn.lib.+. c•p.l14. not vntill after Aqui11Mhis rime, as N AHIITre wit~ n<lfeth,i•lib.deorAt.&bor,cam,cap,IG.Asfor Church-muficke, in fer fangs, Gregorit in his 4·booke. tpij/. 44·dege{f, SJ•• hAbir. in 11rb,, difalloweth it. 1: In the auncient Church, fuch fincere fimplicitywas accepted, chat they neuer vfed any ceremony in their ordinaria of Ba!hops, but only impofmg of hands vpon him. Al– rcrwarda crept in the ceremonies of dcJJuc– ry of abooke,andannoyling orthe hands of the priefl with chrifme. The Hierarchic vn– der Artop•gitAhis name fpeaketh of impofi– tionof hands,bur not ofvnetion at all. PenanceJamtmentall~and SatufaC/ion. 1 fHe Sacrament of penance aro,fe from rhefe beginnings: firll,in the primitiae Church,rhe publike penancewith hisrires was in vfe: nor anypriuarepenance vfed, or at leafl nor impofed : afterwards a– bout qr•ti•nstime,anno1IJo.entred the dif– putations ofthe neceffiry ofpriuareconfeffi– on, and fatlsfaetion, getting footing, butnot foundationvntill PtterLumb•rd. and he was the firCl that durfl auerre it to bee a proper Sacrament. And the fucceeding Schoole· men could not agree about the matter and forme thereof, for all his determination, Bur in the Councell of Laterane,anno 111;.they made a iudiciall proceeding of confeffioo and abfolurion. _ • ThcFarhers farisfacHon wasan eccle fiaCiicalJ and publike mulct impofed vpon the otfenders,as rhis,rhatthey fhould be pur in fame feparare corner of the Church, and there that inabflinence ofmeare,drinke,and raiment,and alfo in reares and forrmves,they lhould at an appointed rime acknowlcdge their offence, teflafie their repentance, and thereby farisfie the Church whome they had offended,and which doubtedoftheir re– pentance. This Saint .A•gHjli.erellifieth,fn– ,bir,6;. 3 The fatisfactionswhich are faid ro bee made vnto God, were no redemptions o! Bbb temp. •._.