/ 'lhe Vemonfiration o{ the Probleme. .1 tomporall painr, but adtons •nd rim,wher- ·A that fulfilling hisplufure 1 thou henot offon- ' by the finner thought to faris6c Gods prefiue to him. And yet thinke alhhy u-orlm cepr,commancjiog trueand vnfaincd repenof farre [maller moment then able to faus6c tance,and the frUttc tbereof,accordiog to the fouhy !iones : for, forthem thou muG ot: , manner and mealure of the finne: whereby fervnroGod theworkesof Iefus ChriG, his the adwns b<came not oncly pleaGng to the forrowes,wounds,death, in the vnion of that Church,but cuen to God affo. In this fenfe lou' wherein bee endured all thefc for thee. Radulph. Ardcns,lnJma.4,.in cap.leiunij, faith; T hefeare the meanes ofthy fati•fadion-but Sarisfadion for Gns done,conliGeth in three whatfoeuer thou doe, or fult"er, offer;(not l things,in fatisfadion ofworke,compunclion vmo God for thy tinnes; but for hi• Ioue & of mindc,•nd confdlionof mouth. And in good pfeafilte,ejther do,or fuffer,Gill wiChing thisfenfe are almes called fatisfoClton, not tncreafe of grace from him, whereby thou .tbat they are the price of our linnes before maiG performe greater, moreand more ac· ~ God,but becaufc they 31e!ignes of true and c<ptableworkes. ·whereforo fer the foue of :vnfained repentance. This the Fathers doe God be the cau(e of thy good life, and the appro\)ue,andA•g•f/inefor one,d<Dogmat. fcope and feuell ofall thygoodworkes.Thu• · <ecl.cap. 54,. in thefewords; Thcfari•fadion B faid a Fryar. of repentance,is t<' cut off all caufes ofGnne, 4 AmongCl the Latines, theword [S.,;,. and nor to dally l"ith the entrance of their (ac.rc] is fometimes v{ed for to pleale anoinCI,gations. rher in executing of fomeoflice.l (faithTu/. You o,.JI mortifie your in-borne vtces, IJ,/. r,<pi{l.r.)inall dutyandzeale,doerarher (fatth Btdf,in P/•1.-..)bybringiug forth fruits fatis6e, or pleafeall others, bur not my felfe worthy of penitence: euery one aflliCling at aJI. BcCides,fatlifadionamongmen"the lumfelfe for cuery Gone, as farre as true and rccompence made for an iniury, either in reworthy repentance doth exact. And how mbution of dammage, or rn obtaining of confeflion aboltfl1eth our finncs, the Canon pardon by fubmHlion.And after this fecond dccllrcth,r,q.OmniJqui.1Jepamittnlia>difhnfl. way,are workcs of rcpentam:c: tearmcd-fati i· r.in thefc words, Confeflion ismadeto flle!v faCtoriebcfore God, bceingreall fuppltcati· repentance, not to obtaine pardon. And in ono for pardon,which God in ChriU appro· . the famedillinction,c.r.M<dici"', theglo!Te ueth. ltbehooucththeDeacon whom you expoundcrh thefe )Vords,[Almes do redeem writeof,-- to fatis6e the BHhop t~at go· lihned rhus, [doe Chew them to be forgjoen.] uerneth him, with perfed bumiliry, (fauh Palud•nm, in4,. di{l. ts.denyetb thatworkes C Cyprian,/.J.c•P·9· And /ib.r,<pifi.J.they pray can far isfie for linne, be.emgotherwife due of that ChriGwould be intreated with prayers themfelucs. And this phrafe,[redeemeyour and fatisfadtons.And,I embrace with ready Coules]ts rcprooued byOpwm, lsb. J. contra &perfcctchamy,tholcthattunJefrom the>r P~rm.And Mark..the Herc:ruite,in hisbooke Hones with repentance, and confe!Tc them dt baptifm•,denyeth rh.r our finncscan be a· woth humble and fimple farisfadion. And, bolifi1ed by prayer,fa[lmg,gilts,humility,&c. adDtmttrianum,heexhorteth the faithful! to butthat fuch thrngs are mcanes to preferue fatis6eGod,whileG they haue time here vp· v.sfrom relapfe: and hisrealon for thefirU, on earth. Butthis can be nothing but to beis,becaufe linnes are taken away onely by the [eech Almighty God fO< remillion of linnes, crolleof ChriU. Here it is nor amilfeto re· and toacknowledge them : and the effed of citeafaying of L.rnfptrgm a Carrhurian, not this fatisfadion he affirmeth to be the attai· Co tedious as it is ttue and religious. I would ning ofpardon.ThcacknowledgingoHinnc, nor haue thee thinke (faith hce) that thou and entreaty of pardon is a farisfadion not can (I doe penance for thy finncs: doe not vntothcUridnes oftheludgc,butvntohis dreame of it: Why! Becaufe thy linnes are mercy,(as Crprian[aithvory well in another in number aboucrhe fands ofthe fea:too too D pl~ce that is vnto Gods merciful acceptace. many,and all too great. Thou art notable to At< cry rightly:forrhefe actsof the penifaCISfiefor one,what canGth~u do for many, tent,doe include in themfclues,a faith laying for innumerable/ rhinke nottherefore that bold vpon Cbri(lsfatisfadto, bywhich they rhou canfl doe workes fatisfadory for thy hauethmacceptace. And inthisfcnfeChry· Linnes. For what alas canfl thou account of (.flo111<,h&m,de B.Philogonio,faith,tbar If thcu tbefe, in rcfpect of the many mountaines of returne from rhine olde finnes wholly, and thme enormitie•! They that do greatgood promife vnro God rruly,that thou u•ilt neurr wcrkes,and commitbutfmalloffcnces,rhey rurne againe vnro them, God requires no [atis6e for their linnes : but what euer thou more for afurther farisfadion. doeCl,refer ittoGods glory: and what good 5 So then rheworkes of Picric orecaJled focucr thou doell, thmke and refolue thou fatisfadions, ns they are referred vntoour haG done ir for his pleafure.Letthe honour, prayers. God taketh away thdione (fa.ith tholouc, and the good will and pleafure oF M•r~<theHeremitc,iib.D<6Aptifm•.)whlch I God,be the motiucs vmo al thy good works. wee intreate for by almes, prayers,an.d pati· . 1 Do all things to plcafo him,to win his fauour, cnce. Ourlighcaandforrow (faithC/imartu. I ro purcbafc his friend(hip, to honour him, d~m~mor. morriJ ,e,r11d. 7·) doe cr1e Out vmo ----------------~-------------------------------------c~·o~d~,~----1