I 'Ibe Vemonftration of the Probleme. God, ami our reares dogoerlle embaiJage of A fearc. GoJs mercy isobtained by the imreary of ahncs,faithR..dulph.Ardmt,homif.indo– "'in. l ..fil!!Ad,So thatfatisfafiions arefuch,~1 the mcanesof obtainingin prayer. Where· fore irbchoouerhvo to beleeue thatwe mu!! repcur (faitb .A,W,oft;dtpa:•iuotJibra J,capi· , ti,) and lhall obtaine pardon; and yet to hope for·pardon out of laith,notas ofdebt : Itis one chingto deferue, andanother ching roprefume : faith obraineth as it wcrsfrom oouenanr in writing; bur prefumptionijnee· rcr chearrogant then the fuppliant. cS Inprocelfe of rime rhedofirineof fa· tisfafiion began eobeedeliueced and taught invn6tandillappliedtearmca : aswhen the B fathersfay,rhac herebyour finnesareredee· we~,expoared,purged,andpurified,&c. The Geucrall Lord ot vs all (faithCh?[o!1om,, H•mil. &,inGtnt[.)--dc!iring eopurge a· way all that euer wee haue offended, bath found ouracurcrhcrcof,which IS performed byfallmg. Alme(·deeds doden(e rhe whole man.C•i<h ProfPer,flb.dtpromi!f.& pwl.p•rt.>. c.p.r. If we becontaminate wirh any fpotte (faothLea,Serm.z,dtCoUtfliJ,) byconuerling anthis cattltlfhabitarion, it may bee wholly walhed out by the power of almef.deede•. The man that bath vndonc himfelfe, by his ownfarisfafiion may rcdccmc himfelfe,fallh C•f•rill4,Hom.J, And ChrJ{olog~t~, Hom, 4'· holdeth, that faUing dorhopen the gates of heauen, and lmcrbvs in vnro God. Almes C extiaguolheth finne (fairll MAXiiUTaurintn· fis,H,miJ.dtditm{ls,) euenasbaptifmedorb, and pu11c1h out the 6rc of hell.So thatalmeo isas a fccondfounrof purgatiOforrhe foulc. tlur here we mu!! note,rharrhe farherofpeak not in thcpapi!licallfcnfe ofrcmiffion of a· ny remporall paines: bur fpeake whollyand abfolurcly ofrhc wholccrime,and wholepu– niOrment rogether, fo that tbeyfpeakebooh in thcfc and in other likecafcs,afrera6gura. toucmeronymy,bywhichrhatisgiuen rothe meancs.way,inllrument,and occafion,which in ir folfe is due and proper vnto anoth<r. for it is the oncly blood ofChri!l, which is tthe fariofafiion and purgation of allrhe finneo of the world, as the farhcrs them– fclucsack~owledgc. There isbut oneexpi· D arion for hone (faoth Ba(rl, b•t•pite primaE. (•;.) namely, that blood which was offered and lhcdde forthe faluarion ofall the world. And .Ambro[t, In Luc. 1 z. & Serm.46.faith, <hac rcares doe walh away and purge our !innes: and yet hee adderb in expretTe rearmcs: I reade of Pmrsteares, bur not of hisfatisfaCiion. lrisa common phra(e\vith vs to fay, this iourney_harh made mee rich ; and the pardoning of_anlniuric is not rile caufe of the forgiuenelfc, bur rhe article anJ condition vpon which the pardon is s•um. So (aid .Adria• vnto Fr.dtrik.., wee hauc giucn r)lec the enf'!lne of the lmpc· r~;JIJ cl'owne,that is,our hands hauc confecrared and crowned thee, S~··· de R•g•• ltalia; llbrofecundo. 7The fathers fay in likemanner,that ihc works of penirence do take away our tinncs; burnotbythemfclue~, but oncly inrefpcfi thar they arcannexed vnto that faith which apprchcndeth and laicth holdcvpon Chri!l, torthe remiffion of finncs: (Looke theplace ofAm~rofe,ciced inrhes.!ection of rhiS arti· cl e.)I do not deny, (faith rhcfame Sainr, De pamit.li6.z,c.9.) charlinncmay bediminilhed by extendins ofren our bouncr vnro rbc poore, bwt then mu[! thy faith approouc thinealmesand expcnfeo. Lookcalfohou. booke,and3o.chaptcr ofhis oflic... S Someruncs the Fathers vfe an hypct· bolicall metaphoi in their phnfes. Asohas we giue almes afr~r our linnes,(fauhGug•r;, U./•6 &z.cap. •4 ) fooficnwe doeasit were payapricel~r our euill dcedes•.And fi6ro G' In 1. R~gum, cap. J). 1JJcthiidkind(', that i• reumg<(for linnc)isasa nccellary rueditinc, char rheimpoUumc of guilr.·hiCh wehncc on our conucrllon, bee purgedbyconfeffion, and cutcd by the falue ol aflltction. Thu• will the fathers haue almes to obraine vs iu!licc and faluation, but rbis is ligurariue– ly fpoken, nor proptrly : for fuch rhings as webc!low vpon the poore,they fay woe lond vnro God, after the Scripturephrafe: and chat bee bccomesourdcbrour, who paycrh backethewholefummewirhprofit an hun· dredfolde,asChry(oft•mt[airh, Hom,3.inGtn. AndGrtgory/ib.7·•pifl.zo.fairh,Whatfoeuer isgiuenvntorhc poorc, if itbcwcllconfide– red,i• nol£iuen,butlent :becaufcrhatwllich islaidout, is doubtleiTcrecurnedwirh a mul– riplied gainc. 9 AgaiQc, our fmnco arc taken away af. teea doublemanner: fir!! in refpefi of rhe guilt, and fault,and this iscalled Remiffion, bccing peculiar vntoGodalone : fecondly, in re(petl yfthcexcreifc of fmnc, which Is rearmed purgarion, wherein the clierclfe of linnc isceafed, To haucour finnes abfolued, and tohauc themremitted (fa11hHimmt, lo l(•i,4o.) arc twofcuerall things: for bee char harhhts finnco remitted, necdco noabfoluri– on :--.but bee thathath rhem abfolued, hath them fo becaufe they arepurged and loofed by puni9>ment.And in thisfenfefaith thefame Father, I~ Imm. 1. that finnes arc pursedbywarnings.Thcexpiarion(CaithR•· d•lpbHJ ,lnL<Hit.li~. IZ,cap.>.(belongerh vnto Chri!l,burrhe clenfing toour felues. So that there is a double fatos(aCiion inthe fa1hcrs, cxpiatorie, which belongerhvntoChri!l a· lone, &amcndarory,or approbatory, which they woll hauc to belong vnto our felues. Turnevnro your farher with rruefatiafaC'Ii· on,fallhP•ctanmpar<nt{.de pcenit,) running noruuher 10 crrours, heapingnomore vnw your clde fins, and in Cayingfomc lamenting and l1lourncfull prayer,asthis,Wee haue ot: fended before thine eic• . I n this f<nfc Bbb : c.-Ith