.. 7 he 'DemQnflratton of the Probleme. f<irh H"go,deSanfl.TMiercd~ f•cram:nrw,ilb. A vokoowne, and lately koowoe and recciued L,part. q..c~p.•, rhar linoe is pumlhed &cor· into rhc Church: and foafrer men began 10 reeled by la!lstatlton : •nd char fansfatlton beafratd ofthe fireofPurgarorie,in crept In· 1s thecorrc·ttJon oftheoffence. eucheruu,lr~ dulgenccs. Mros Regum,l,z.faith,rhar borh Da•idtguilt • Afterwards the Father& fell to fpeake, and ours (for rhc faulr already pardoned) IS both ofthe manner ofthepaine,and ofPurpurged and abfolued by affittltons: becaufe. gatory11 felfe,but noras of on amcleoftanb Goddorh endeauour to wipeaway all fpors butooely of a probablethingprobably. 1: of intquiry from htsclett, by remporallaffit· tsnot incredtble (faithAuguflint, Enchirid,c. tlions. IrIS a worthy fartsfatlton ro correct 6]. & 69.) thatfome fuch thing lhould bee our otfenccs, •nd haulng corretled them to after aim life,it may be demaunded whether beware ofrbem,&dallhBern.rd,Dedm10mit be_((, or no,and it may either be knowne or urio.cap. 1. And mthis fenfe they do rake revnknowne,rhar fome ofthe fairhfull,astheir demp11on. loue to temporallrhingo bath beene more or 10 The Fathers will haue greatfinn_csta· lelfe,foarclaued either fooner,m latcr,by a ken away by publike penance, & (mall hnn<• cerraine purging fire. And, dt tiMit,'Dti,lib. byfaytng of theLordsprayer, lfugujl.cnchir. B z1.c.p.:6. Botwhetherit bee rhere alcne,ot cap 71. AndAt~guftin• ltkcwife wtll baue this there and herc,orhere alone,thar rl'efe parts prayer to rake away great Gnnesalfo, duiuJt. ofrhe worldly building,pardonable from ea· Dti,I.H.t. z]. So rha!lhts kinde of lpecch i• natton,fhall6ndea burning fire of rranfitory to be vnderltood coparariucly, rhar tt fhould tribularion, I do not difputcagaiofr it; it may nor bee thought rcq01Grcto vfe publike pe· bce,ir is true, And,d•Jidt &•p.cap. 16.whenance for alllinnes: The difference is in the ther rhercfote fome fuch iudgemcnrs follow cxreriordifcipline,whtchfeuethdowncadt· vsinrhrs lifeonely, orafrerrhislifealfo, it uediry of penance in great andfmall offendorh not (as I rbinke) dtfagree from rrurb,if ccs. And ifthat vcmaiJ finnes be taken away wee vnderCland rhis fcnuncc in this manner. byrheLordsprayer,to what end (erucrh the HJerom(',in l(.t. /ibro J 8 c"piuvltimfJ, Ad ft~ punin1mcnt ofPurgatory afterdeath I ntm, would haue fuch thtng• left wholly vn1 1 Secret fatisfaclton for finnc•, was n<· ro the knowledge and iudgcmem of God: ucr v[cd bur in the corrupted ellare of the and yet he faith,thar heethinkcrh th>rrliere Church. Bdides,fatisfatliOniuthcFathcrs is a modetate and gentle fentence of the goes beforcabfolurion, by which the Iinners fudge concerning the burning away of the by impoGrion of hands, receiued libcrtie to C Gnnes of Chtifri•ns. Doefr ,r!Jou leoue no communicate,& remtffion of fins.Bur auhis punilhment for thefoule~ (fairh one 1n Bot· day 11 IS otherwtfe in the church of Rome. tim,in ProfP.4;.flbro i· dtc••(ol.r. Philofophi•.) Whmfmfatufaa,.n,tai{rn"' thtrtd•mpti•n when the bodies arc dead?Ye•,and that great - o( thttemporAD pttineondJ,Rfttrthertmi(- (faith another) part whercnf is cxcrci(cd in (ion if"" guilt ofrh• (innt, And follo.,.ing penal! bitterne!Tc,and p,arr (lthinkc) mpur· the a6jo!urion, wM vnk_.,owHeto the Fligaroryclcmency. then. f 3 But contrariwifc,theFathers do cxprcf· Purgatorie. 1 TErt"Uian aMoorani!l, andOrigen, were rhe firfr that euer talked of Purgatory in the Church:andyet Origmwill haue Purgatorie to be m thiS hfe, ln Ltu11Jrb. &.apud Cyillum: andalfo roremaine euen af· ter rhe refurreaion,ho.,.l4·'• I..uc.In fumrna, faithTcrtHIIian, deanj,ul, capite SS. & vltitt~o, fince wee vnderfraod rhar prifon that the Gofpel fpeaketh of, robe hell; and doinrer• prer,rhatto pay rhevery Ja!l pcny,cucry IJa. der linoc l11all bee there punilhed during the Oay ofrhe reforretlion,uone necdc to doubt .harrhcfoule n~all pay any thing in hell by rhe body alfo,afrer the fulfilling ofthe rcfur- • T caul!. rctlion. This alfotbc comforter' hath of. plraclctus. reo commcndcd. If any man doe admit his fpeeches, by the acknowledging of bts pro– mi{ed graces~··.Roffinfit againlt Lutht.r, ~trtic. t8. confctfcth, thatPurgatoricwa9long lyrazerhc foundation of the PopiU1 Purga· tory. There IS no middleplacc(fatthA11gu· {lint,bb.dtptc.mtr.&rem,cap.z8.) that aman may beeany where,but with thedtUcll, who i• not with Chrifr. And the author ofH]pog– ,.,(1.1. ;.faith, we acknowledgeno third place at all. Whenwee once depart from hence (fa.irh (ypriAn,traa••dDtmttr.) there IS no D m"re·place o(.pcnance,nor no more cffeClof fatisfaaion. The gunt beeing taken away (faith Ttrtof/lltlt, DtB•pti(m•.) foisthe pU· nilhment. Sinne is fo vtterly abolilhcd in the remiffion'(faith Chr1fojlom<, D< p!Znit. Strm,j;)rharno printof it isleftremaming. And, in Gtntj.hom.s. Hcethat harhnot pur· ged away·his linnes in this life, lhall6nde no comfort inthelife to come.---T-hi• is rhetimeor atling,apd of wreflling,and llri– uing,rltar is for coronation and reward.Aod b.m.69.•dp•p. Anr:tfie lull rhat depart becc, are altogdher happy, for they arc gone to Chrill,··they are with theKing,& there moll ne<rehim,-·not by fairh,bur face toface.And again,hom. 16.rntp.•dR•.Dcathfeuercth nor vs (rom Chrill,but ioynes vs vnto that qurcr wh1ch