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~--~------~------~~--~~-=~~------- ------- '!he 'Demonjlration ofthe Probleme. See the seai.,nof lntercdli.~ onJ§•J· which "with him, at1d makerh vs partakers A of that glory. Heere oncly is the place for Cll<rcy(tauhB'de, inP[a/,6.) after this world isplace only for iu(bce. After the departure of [o,leoutofthebody (fairhthe author of . rhequeflions in lulline, qu.;J. 7S-) prefcnrly diflmdion is made of the good and the cui!: &nd both areledby angels to the placespro- , utded for them : thefoules of thegood vnto , Paradife, where tlfet inioy theblet!ed com– panyof Angels, aad oftheirSauiourChrilt. . Th.e Saints are in honour,they rclliA glorie, . and their depurure from hence isinto perfe– ction, (faithEpiph. Hor. 79·[ilb fi.,m.) The preachers of the Cburch(faithAn(e/me,inz. Cor. s.) departing from their bodies,arc not B deferred from the enioyingof their heauen– lycoonrrcy, byfpaciousdelaics; asthe olde Fathers were i but inllanrly vpon their lea– uingof the Helb, they doe rc!l in heauenly faith. What is irro thee (faithBernard, epi!1. z6G. and thine earthly veCiures,char beeing abouttogo to heauen, hafl the robe of glory to put on inl!antly I AndOtb• Fri{ingm{is, in hi• Chron,/ib. S.cap.ztS. fairh,that fome af– firme that there b apurgatory place in hefl, whereinthe foules ofrhofe that arc to bee fa – ued,areeitherpuoi!lied with darknelfe only, or withthcfirc of expiation alfo. Ifwalook< v-pon him witharight faith, that for our fins hung vpon atrce(faith L•mbArd, Se•·3· Jifl. 19./ir. A.) wee arelooted from the bands of the diuell, chat ;,,from our finoes;and we arc C fo Joofed,that he lhall find nothmg in vs pu– nilbable after this life: becaufe'bythat his death as theonelytrueSact~fice, what fault foeucr we had invs whereby the diueflmight bindevsto punilbment, Chrill fo extingui· fl1ed, that the diuelf cannot preuailc ouer vs by tempting, no notin this life. -4 TheauncientGreeke&Latine Fathers beleeued that the foulcs of the dead were kept all in one common receptacle out of heauen, vn11ll the rcfurredion. S'l holdoth LaffAntim, in his work.edediuin(} pr~mio,!t/;.7. cAp. %1. AndlreMUJ,ln finelib. s. Tmui/ian likewifeagainll M arcion,Mro 4capiu 3-4,and in his booke de ..ima, capiu ss. wher• hec faith,rhat cuery Coule is fequeflred in the lower places, vntillthe lodgement day. So hol- D deth luf/in.,andeuenrhe canonofrheMatfe, which prayerh for the region of light and peacevntoallmen. So that thefe admitted not this Purgatory. s The Fathers fay that all finnes, euen morral,arepurgcd and remitted by this Pur– gatoryfire. So faithOrigen,lnHierem. homi/. q . If ourfinoc be mortall, weecannot bee purged with nitre,or borith,(which is akiode ofhearb)bur with thefpirit ofiull•ce,thefpi– rirof b!uumg and pum01menr. And h(}mi!. z4.inN""'·" ' faith,that allrhar we carrywirh vs,istohe m <d by fire or w.rer. That pray – er(faith rh: Quukethat iscalledD•onJ{. Hie– ra'<h.ecclefi•ll.p. ,.c. 7-) doth antreate Gods clemency to pardon the dead for all finnes commltled through humane in6rmi.lie. The offerings for thed~ad (fa11hThtophyl. in Loc. u .) areofno fmalf value forrhoferhat di– ed euen in great finnes. Some (faith B<de_in P(a/.37·)eo mmit greatcrveniallllns,&fomo Jetfer:and therefore it ismeet·· to hauc them put into the 6re of Purgatory, now in the fpace betweene this and the iudgemenr. 6 The Fathers teach alfo,rharall arc tobe purged by firc,aswelltheSaints of God, as the infidels. AI mufl come tothe fire,al mu a c<>me to this furnace, faith Origm,inE'xod.b•– mii.6.And,ln P[al. 36.hom.3 . (as lrhinke)lt is necelfary for vs all to come to that fire. The fonnesof I.eui (faith Arnbrofo, in P(alm. 36.) lhaU be purgedwith fire, and foE<.ecbs– e/ l!kewifeiVithfire, andDaniel alfo. Bural– though that rhefe fl1alf bee tried by fire, yet they thall flY ; we hauepalfed by fire andwa– ter. And,in ['[al." 8.,11.: o. Whilefl weliue here, let v-skccpeour humility, that whena– ny of vs doe comevnto the iudgemeot of God, and vnto thofe fires which wee are to palfe thorough, he may (ay;--belides, a little before : It behooueth all men to palfe thorough thefe flame•;whether it be /ohn the Euangelifl,-•-or Peter,-- 7 Tile place wherein there is no water, which Z achari< fpeakcthof c.p.9.fignifierh the paines crernall, after Hitromr. ond rhc depth of humane miferie, after AugNj/me,de cmit.Dei,lib.'JS.c.p. 35• 8 TheFathers alfo fpcakc very ofren.of a purgatorie in the laCl iudgement, that is, of thepains which are to be fulfered not imma– diatly after death, but after the refurrection: fortheyaflirme, that all men except Chrill, are to be tried,and infome fort to bee fried with the fire of burning in the dayofiudge• ment. I thinke (faithOrigen,l• Luc,hom. I 'f.) rharafrer the refurrctlion from the dead, we n,.u allneed a purging, and purifying Sacra– ment,fornone can arifc againewithout fame flaines. And this alfo he aflirmeth in diucrs other placesof his workes,vi<..lnP(.Jm. J6. homi/, 3- l ncom,inepif/.adR• fine, In Hier.hom. 13. AndLaa•<tm. lib.?.cap. 1I.fairh,that there isa trialltobee made by the fire, when God bath iudged all men. Out ofthis which is alre~die fpoken (faath AugHfline, deciuit. Dei, /i6ro 10, capite • s.) we doe ploinelr fee, that there are fome that in that iudgcment lball bee punilbcd "'ith cerraine purging fires. After the ende of the world (faith .Ambrofe, inP[alm. 118, Serm, 3·) this (hall bee the futurebaptifme, when iniquitic lball bee burned away by the furnace, that the iull may fl1ine asrheSmmc in the kingdome ofGod. Lookc affo the other places of this Father, vi't, in Pf•lm. 118. Strm. :.o, in Pfalm. 36. ttd ver~ll,Frllmta peccatormn: As alfoHJt-,.omevpon Ifr.i– IU in fine, andaifo vpon Amor, c..epuc 3· who neuerthelelfc vpon the fame later Prophet, Bbb 3 c.p.