\ 570 'Ibe Vemonjlration of the Ptobleme. c•P:9· oucrrhrowes rhclam<poun of Purga·' A fuch a faltas isrcmittcd in parr,tobcreferued tone. Looke alfo Htlarzc,"' 1'/al. ••.R. vpon for the temporal! paint to abolilh, 1. 4 •d.:o. 1 rhe worJs _Cs11cr1pmtt. amma mea Jujtmtun. Wherefore 4 Purg 4 torie, [HfPtJfod tfJ 6ee beAndBd(zl, ••!fay, cap. 4· vpon the words Ex· '"'""' dtath 4 nd rJ,e l.jl iHdg<mtHt, j<rpt:rgauu Huruj,dem. . . . . Htng ond]for thepHrgAtumofveniAU finnes, 9 ~!though Gr~gorse byhiS a.pparttiO~lS b] temporaUJhlinu, wa.~ 'lmeyowne to the and Vlilons doe make for Purgatonc, yet 10 Fathers of thefirIt Goo.yeAra. h10Dialogues, {or rather fume othm) bee ,. fpe>kcs not confidently, asrhcPaptCis doe, but wtth aplaine doubtfulnelfe. Herein{faith he,'Diaf.Jgo.ilbroqum·to,cilp. s8.) we mu{lcon· ftder rbar it Is a [Jfcr way tOr a man to doe that'good himfelte in hismvnc ltfe, which ho • f..·~ : SacramtntaO Confes)ion. hopes to obtainc at odl<rs ha~ds after hts I AVricularconfeffi~h;;hatis,thofpe· death. And indeedeG"'gori< in ht svnfurged ciall recitation ofall morrall finnes workcs, doth Rarly ou~rduow PurgatOI ic. necellary for the remiffion thereof made i~ Bccaufc we arc redc'emed by the gr3cc ofour B fecrecvnto aPne£t,beganne to be ~rgedand Crearour{faith he,/n lob,bb. IJ.c•p.:o,) wee commandedmJhcChucch about 8oo.years h~uc thu hcauenly gift bellowed vpon vs, afctrChrill. A!c11~·ne~ DediHin. offic. cap.t 3· in that\vhen we leaue ourc.unall habitacle, mc14p.ititsn,taught it in thcfcwords: Bemgwil ~ comincnrly we arc carried '/Oto our heauen· ling to forgiue all that haucoffended again!I ly rewards, becau(<fccing that our M1ker & him, let him confclleall hisfinncs whtch he Redeemer breakingvp the gates ofhcl,rook can remember. We findethis thing needfull chence all rhcfoules of the dctl, furcly bee of reformation {laith the 1 . Counccl ofCha- !Utfererh not.~:s ro goe thither from whence lrms,ca,3l.) that manyconfefling their Gnnes hebrought all the rcft in his de(cenfion. •nro the Prie!ls,doe it not fully, norperfe(l. 1 o That place of l'aul whtch fpcak crh of ly.Wherctorc,becaufc that aman is made of thecriall by fire,I.Coriothi,m.s.vcr(.•J·'5·by mofubfianccs, foulc and body,ao.d finneth cbc,common con{ent of the am1cicnt Fafomerimesby the matton of the ruindc,and rher~,,vas ncucr fpo~en nor intended of Por· orherfomerimcs by the frailty of the flcflJ; garory. For firfiofall by tha builders, A•· both rhefckindes of finne oughrro be very gnflioc vnderflanderh all ChnCitans, Enchinarrowly fearched afrer,rhat a plenarie coo· rid.68 Orhers,rhe Mimflers andPreachers C fe!fiun may bee made thereof accordingly. of the Gofpel,as doc Am&ro(r, Sdu/i,..,A•- Namely, rhatboththe finncs that hauc been (dme,Tho•w,LJra,and Caiuan<,al vpon thiG committed by the body,bcconfcifcd, as alfo place.S:condly,by che nameoff/ran>or flub· by the foie cogitation. Wherefore he that is 6h, fomc doevndcr(fand mortaiJ finnes: as roconfeJfc his finncs, is to becinllrutlcd to {h'][•f/•meandTheophJial1.0rhers,hercfics, make hiS confeffion of the eight principall as Am6rofe~vpon this placc,andHurcmu in Ifinnes, without which, ll'Cccan hardly line in fq 5· Ochcrs,bad hearen, asTh:odom and rhis world. The PrieCismufl call rhofc par. 0 utnnmirts: orhers carnaJJ affeCtions, as Au~ rics toconfeffion, thararc in danger ofdeath, gujhm in h1s bookcde fide &operi.6rn, the 16. faith the CounccJJof Mcntz, inq"gorie the cuaprer. Thtrdly, byrhatday,rheydocvnfourth hisrimc, cap. :G. Now wee haue in. dorfland che day of the la(! iudgemenr, no deedcfomeexamples of this priuarcconfef· 'lli·ddleday: and fo dorhTh«dorer, Theophy· lion before thcfe times, but no precept at all. la[/, and An/elm< vnderffand it. Fourthly, Audoc•us in the life of Saint Ehgi•t, /ibro ' · by the fire lame vndcr:land the tribulations capit< 1· faith,, that hee...de[iring to make cf this ltfe profeor: (o doth AugH[Iin<,de jid< himfclfe a fantlified velfell vnto God, and & op<ribm,cap,16, and fodorh Gr<goridn his D fearinglefl fome of his finnes might darken Dtalogue, /ibro4. c4piu 39. Other< rake it his foule, hecconfe!Ted all his ads from his fort he fire erernall, as Chr;fofom<and Th<a· very youth, before the PrieCI. But indeedc phi/a[/: erhers for the lire rhat 0JalJ confume thts vfe had his fir{! inueorion in Monaflcrhe .vorld, and others for the fire of Gods nes: Beforeall rhings(fairhClimacHt,inSca· ou·Jgmenr,which they af!irmc litall nor purge laparadi('grad. 4.cir<·a an•. 58o.) let vs conlnd affitd,but prooueaod trie,asrhe Iefuires felfc our faults vnro our worthy lodge a· holde, lone, and if heecommaund vs,lervs be rea· 1 ' llut the foundation of the Popifl• Purdie to confclfe them vnto all men . And gataric, (namcly,rhat theguilt becingaboli· Swditetinhis funeral orationvpon thedwh foJhcJ,fome pcnallfatisfatlton inobe vnderofS.l'/ato,cap.8.faith, And (which wasmore ;;ono)was neucrrccciued by the learned rea· laudable) bee did ofrcn,confelfc hisfccrctefi chcrsoFrhcChurch/oratleatliioo.yeares thoughts and decds vnto o~erharwa_s JHs_f~- •ftcr CbnG. Lrmobard indcedc teachclh,rho.t pcriour, which was agreat l1gnc of h1srel1g~- rhcre i) p;~.1ncsof Purgaroric to be endured on.And truly the molf Orid mannerwhere· 1deer ciHs hfc, but n?t afr~r rhe full and plc:~ wirh he didir, madehim rharheard his con- ,.,~,,~r~Je~r~<~nl~i(~rt~o~n~o~fr~h~c~f.~a,~tl~r.~F~o~r~h~r~w~il~ll~la~u~e~~r.~e~ffi~o~n~c~o~b~e~a~m~a~z~e~d_w~ir~h~a_d•~n~ir~i'~'gLo~t~·h,•~n>:.l ·-- __I__ __ B_o_r _ _ __: