Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1 Tbe 'Demonjiratirm of the cProbleme. 57i 1 'Bur rofpcakerruly,ri11Svniuerfalllaw enioy- A fay-that 1t IS of the diuine politJue law 1110 •• t<) contcllion,as w a necelfarre aC!of falpubliOJcd by Chrrfl,vnro rhc ApoCIIcs' and 1 uat~on,wasnot promulgatevntill the Coun. vnro the Church, by the ApoftJc:s 1 without !cciJ uf LRraa~e vndct lmwcmt the 3.P.ope. ail Scriptures, as rheChurchholdcth many ~ : Thatthrs kind ofconfeflion had the inother things.from the ApoCIIes mourhes flitlJrJOo from God 1 diuers learne.:l men haue wirhour anyScriprure. Amongfl the wruen ither denied, or doubtfully affirmed. Cbr;- ofthe Popc;law (faithRhmanul in .rgumm• ;/lomacfu[ethit Hatly, Homi!. 4· de £,~:::-tiro. ~umin Terlu/1, de pcenitmt,) there are tome, rake heed (faith he) how thou rellcfl thy de-. (and rhofofamous mcn)which doeduw•tlns eClsvnto a man, Jcflhee cafl thee in the confeflion,whrchatthiSdaywevfe vnto the tccthwrthall, thou art not to confetfevnto · Priefl,and euery litle circumllance thereof, thy (ellow-fcruant,that he may divulge it,but from the inflltutron ofthe Church.For firll, vntohim that is rhy Lord,to him that carerh Publ1keconfoflion,that h,the adofpenance for rhy [oule,to hi.n that is mo£! courteous, done beforerhe whole Church, asraken out ro him that isrhy phyfitian doell thou n"'" ofrheold Tcllament, ofpublikcfecmes to thy ""unds. And indeed rhi1 Fathcrrolfeth haue bene made priu•tc:-for which it was rhis doCtrine of confeffion in many places, B nccctTarie-to make certaine la"'·cs for pe· 11i~.bomi/. :. tt~ P[tel. so. homil. 31. i1J Epifl. ~td nanccs,--for fatisfadion,and oblCruac1on H,b,bomi/, $.d' incomprth,nfib.•.rt. Dli,hom, 8. ofwh1chIawes, it was fit (forrhe Loytic efpeJ,pren.hom.J,prenit.&c<mf•lfi'-'·Andfodoth cially)roruakea Pr~cll pwakcr of their((:. Cll.!fi·'" in his Co/J41ioru, zo. cap. 8. And /lJJ. crctsandcountell. And agawe, This fecret guflme al(o,ConfelfiiJn,/,Jo c.3. And iod<!cdc confdiion(as farrcas wee c~n conictturc) praucc confdfionof great cnmes wasabro. fprung out of that pubhke one, through gatcd about the yeare 396. by relfo.nof the mens volunrary piety; -for weereadcno difcoucry of an whorcJome conumtccd beprecept ofold (or ir. And1 likcvnto this bath cwccnca Oc.1con and a noble wornan 1 as Ill· he another place, in admomlion~de Tertullian, florydoth cctlifie,l-fdl.rripart,l:b.9.c. 35.) But 'D(}gmfltil,where he faith: Conccrningfc:crer 1frhoF.rher; had rhough11t to hJue bcene a confcaion,you fl1all fcarccly findeany of the diuineordinance, doubtlctfe it Owuld neu<:r Farhers fpcake afit as ofa thing commaun:. haoe bceoe di[anulled by them. And the ded.Thusfaldhe.(airtan• vponthezo.of !ohn oiolfc,d• Pa:nir.dif/. 5. cap. t, §· lnPm•itrntia, aflirmcs,r.That Chriil in!tltuted but a vofairh,that Jt is better rofaythat it w.1s infiitoluntaryconfdfion, and therefore nor as nered bya tradition of theVniuerfall Church, C cclfu ie to fafuarron,and z. Thar Chriflmllr· ratherrhen by the authority of the old or rured noaur~cubrconfeflion. new Te(Jamenr. And hrmfclfedoth 3 By confetTion in the Fathers, it gene· Cl agger in rills quel11on, D' P(l?nit,d.r.q. 3.<. rally meant confet1ion before God (onely) 89. 6Juam•ti;. Vponwharaurhoriry,or vpon or a publikeacknowleJgementoffome pub· wha'7grounds ofrcafon both thefc opintons like crimes incurring the cenfure of excomoffarisfaClton or confdl.ion do relyl we haue munication, and that in an eccle!iJWcall briefly laiddown;butwhlch ofthemw llicke conucnrion: of the ncceflitie of this rhcy 1·nro, I leaue vnro the readers choice: for fpcake very often.Yea Orjgm,i•Pfai.J7.h•m. thcrcareborh wife& reJigiom men on both z.and C;priA»~Ddap(isS~rm. s. doe exhorr opinions. Here bee allowes euery man his rhepcopletomakeapubllkerecitarionvfall iudgemcnt free, therefore he thought ir nor theirfmall,and fecret finnes, and of all their to be ofdiuinc inft:imtion. And, Drft.(admJ cutiJ imentions.L~oalfo,epif,.8o.mcnrioncth cttp.{onu~rtimin;. Here may wee vnJcr!land rhiscufiome,ofwriting dawnc thefecrcrs of thar wee may obrame pardon though our tbeircon(ciences that rnadeconfeilion, into mourhes beeGient, and-our Lord doth alittlebookc, ar.drehearfing of it pub! 1kely lhew thara finner is not clenfed by rhciudge- D in theaudience ofrhe people; and holds this ment ofthe Pricfl,but by the bounty of the fulnelfeoffairh to be laudable,which for the diUioegrace. And )'et farrher, {ap.~walifeare ofGod,Clicks not toblulh before men: q;s.ndo.Hcnce iris moll euidently apparent, butyet hedifalowes thecuaorne, and aboli· rhat our finnes may bee taken away wirhout lheth If in th•fe wordes: Let rhe ouilt ofthe theconfeffion ofthemomh. Pan-Jrmitane, De con(ciencesbe l11cwen oncJy \o"nto~he Priclls pxnit,& remi/J.c. Omnio vtti:~fq; r~XIIJ. liketh in fccrct confeffion.Andbyandby afrcr: Ler rhlt opinionvery well, that faith that conrhatconfellion fuffice wh1ch is firU offered fef!ion arofe from a cerraine generall traditivnro God,and rhen vnro the Priell,•·ho beon or rhe Church: and rhattheGreekes doe commcth an Intcrcetfor Vnto God forthe l not froncin not vfingofit, becaufe this cufinneofthcPe~itcms. But there is no pr?ofe Uomc fpruog not vpamong them. AndScoto !hew that thli fecrct confcilionwas vmuer. ""J•,4.di~.17.q•</f. r. is very doubtfu!l (all, ofall the finne•, but it rarher feemes to t3 fay it isof" dllline inllttutlon: E1ther wee conccrnc fuch offencesooely as d 1 d troubl,: mull hold the fir(l mcmb~r, thac IS, that it IS rbccon(crence.Letvsopen thcvncleannclf~ of CIUine in(liturion publifl1ed by the Go[- ilfour foul er leprofievnro the Pneil, as the pdl,-:>rifthar be nor fufficienr, we mu(! law command' vs(farth Bede I• !a"b s.A1<1 ·- -·---- - --------------Bbb 4 whm.