Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'Ihe Vemonfiration ofthe Probleme. wbcrcfoeuer the Fathers doe vrgethisfame ·A they vfed to powrc oyle into their water,C fpwallconfeffion,theydoenotteachtttobe f•rprefcribethto fweate in the bote hou ,,_ fe, oe necetTarie vnrofaluation,norasa meanevniand therctoaonoint , and by and byto g ucrfally necetf.1rie vnro the rcmiffion offins: downe into the bath. lrut propofeitfreely, andexaa icas agood andcommodtous courfe forthe obtainingof confolation for the foule: yea they make menrion ofconfellion vnto L"]men: foduch were the Fathers of the Egyptian Monkes, andyet they dtd abfolue. Theon (aid vn1oS<- r•pionconfelling his linne oftheft,Be ofgood courage fonnc, thy confc!lion abfolueth thee from thybondage 1 thou~h I bold my peace. Th~refore(ecretconfejfion J »'herein isneceJ{arifJ requirdartcllHI1ti"£ of.rO Am4111 mortall(tnr;u, togtther "it the circumflances that •furtbe~nde:,.ndJ'Phtrein the Prie{ls alo•"hat .,., tb< Conf,Jfort, doe('ttU jpiritNaf.Iudges, and impofefarirfaiJion vpon thepmilentsaccording to the qualttie o[the finnes,Ut.utmlerreceiJ#dofthe Clmrchvn· tillth<ftlatertimu, Conjirmation. C hrifmr:• 1 THe Chrifine, oranoinringof.the baptifed, (which was vfedmanrlquirie)had hi• inllttution from SJ!uef/er, as Plattna fatth in his life. He it waathat firll made a law of the vfe of Chri(me in Baptifme,whichbefore,wascithcr free, or none. AthanafltuContrA Arian. orM. : . ccllcth the Aritmt,that Chnil was neuer anointed with external! oylc, and infufcth the fpirit into vs without any (uch ccr<monfe. And Euft6iut lib. s.cq.4. faith,thatthc Cbri!liansareno more anointed by types and figures, but by rhe vertuc. themfelues alone. And indeed in Iuf/inet he MartJ'' time there was no vfe of Chrifme in baptifme. .Auguf/in<Adt«rf, Iud•OJ,cAp.'fJaith that Chri!l was he that changed the carnal! (or real!) vn61ion i~to fpiri· ruall: AndHimm< .AdNer[. LNcifm•not,di•- log,+faith that confirmation byvnaionwas rather inllituted for the honour of Pne!lhood,thenforany bondofneceffitie. , 1 z TherchefomeoftheFathers,a• Cyprian,and Tm•UiAn, whichdoe either fallfiatly intoMontanifrue, or atleaG doe fowly erre, in afcribing more vnto this Chrifmc then vnto the water of baptifme:for they will hauc it to confummote theworkethat Chri!lhath begun in Bapti!me.C1f''"" 'P·70-71>73·And what they gtue to rhis vn61ion, they giue in like mannerco thefigne ofthecrofle.C]prian epif/,, that the baptifed arc confum· marc,and perfected, by this lignc. AndTtr- , rulliandere/1fr.c~tr11is) faith, that the fldhis Ggncd thatthe (oule may be fenced. ; A'i fcrrhcvfcofoyle,in anriquitie it was common and vulgar, in bathes after wafhing, whence perhaps it crept into Baptifme. Yea B c 4 This Chrifme no10 1 thal the Fathers !Is as n– ue eh mention, is quitedifferentfrom thePapi confirmatorie vnaion, The Fathers w common oyle,andfo often called and me tioned by that name: the Papi!ls mu!! ba balfarne therein mixr,F•bi•••' <pifl.z.whi is afub!lance now not to bee had vncounterfeite.Looke 1'/iniesnaturall hillorie, libro s •· c•p.: 5• 5 The Fathers vfed their Chrifme n ooely in the forehead, bur inother parts thebodiealfo. This holy oyle (fatth Cyr ot of ill ill he re– a– er n– it. nd 5· ~- CAt<ch.3,mJP•gog)--isthegift ofChr and the holy Spmt, made powerful! by t prcfenceofhisdiuimty, wherewith the fo head, and the organs of thcfenfes arefigur ttuely anointed, and the bodie in ltkcman with this viflble vnaion' butthe foule isfa Clified with the holy and quickning fpir Thatitwasvfedvponthe nofe, cares, a eies,theTrullan fynodedoth re!lific,cap. 9 6 Thisvnction (inthe Fathersrimes)b longed vnro baptifmoas an arpendixand ceremonie,fometimes vfed before baptifm fometime after, as it was in the Eafi Chur for many yeares afrer Chri!t. By Chrifi e, eh me are reprefented the gifts beGowed in ha tifme, faith B.f!DefPir.f•na.c•p :8. Th p– ofe ke . that are to bee bapttfed are anointed li Chompions, fatth ChrJfof/om< In Coloff• .. homil. 6, Remember the my!lerie of ho Baptifme,(fallhThmlor.ln C••<.c.s.)wherc thofe that are to receiue it--beeing a ly in n– nointtd with rile Chrifme offpiriruall vn on,vnder that vifible ofanointing, receiue tbe muiliblegrace of the holy Spirt ai– do ... NA<.i"""''"'1YAt.4o.ln(anCI.BApti{.faith,th in Baptifme,theCouleand the bodyarcfeal with the vnCliQn and the fpirit. And fo fait D•mA(cene,Dejid<lrb.4·••P·•o. Wcadmit (faith theSJnodinTrnllo,cAp. 9S)thcAria Macedonians, &Nouatians--rhat gi D vpabtll ofthcirfaith, andcurfeand abio all herefie, andall do.ftrine which the ho at cd h re ns, ue re ly !h d, e, Catholike and Apo9olikeChurch allowe oorof:and fir!t otall, figninjl theirforehea eyes,nofc,mouth,& eareswith holyChrifm we fay, The feale of the gift of the ho ly h 0Ghofi. HolyBapri(me , and vntlion(fatt TheophJI•a,JnNaum.c•p.•-) are great and C. lidemonumenrs, vnrowhich allaretorna k< g pc ha!t,tbat are not yet endued with thebleffin ofChriHianitie, Becaufe Baptifme is aty of the burial! and refurreaion of ourLor (faithTh,.dorut B•lfamon,Adca.48,S]•·TrHI. d ) y u– therefore thofe tllat are baptifcd arc iu£11 annoinrcd withchrifmc,tbat they maybe b ried and rifcagainerogethcrwith Chri!t, I is neceflllrie(faith Simeon ofTheffalonica r '])c M]f/niis,lib.z,)thot euery fatthfull Chrt !lian be figncd hcrewtthallto hts bapufme, . .. tha