Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'The f!Jemonjlration oj the11Prv6/eme. 573 : chat hethat i• baptized, may haue his bap A Chrifme is well vfed in bapnfmc. Now che \ {tfmemolldiuineandconlummate. Schoolemen wrll haue Chnfme '" confir7 This_vnelion (we fpeakeof now) permationvfed torhefamc elfcd and end. The taincdvnro baptlfme in the Well, vntill aperfedion ofconfirmation (fairh'l hormu) is boue 3oo,yeareoafter Chtill. For then was ro make a rnan !land llronglyin himfelfe:and thereanotherconfirmatory vndron deuifed a litle after:The child is made fir for rhe conbyr.»MchiaJn , ot as fome fay,before him flid,wirh rhis Sacramenr,/nSmr,4.dijl.].q.j. by Yrb•nthe firll.Howfocuer it wa• beforevAnd Soto,JnSm<,4-di~.].art.], fairh, that by fed,as we haue faid. Afrer th·eir baprifme he confitruario" a roan 11 madea Wacrrour. iignerh his fouldiours in their foreheads, 9The Farhers did not hold rherr Chrdine farrb TertHiii•n, Depr.{cript.c•p. 36.4o. We and irupolirionofhands rogiuesrace by rhc are to know (faith Bede,in Pf•l.a6.) that tbar workewtoughr, or bydoing ofrhebare adi· .vndion whrch is dune by rhe Bifhops, with un,bur vfed itasa figne,Ggnrfyingthe powerimpofition ofhands, as different from the ofulnelfe of rbe Spirrt whrch is gruen an baptherrwo, and called by the nameofcoofirrifme: Callinghm' uuttharis(thus)anoomruatiOo,is indeedc all one with thefecond (ro B ted,vnto rhefe facred cooflrds, in type or fiwit,wherby we become profelfors ofCbrrfi) gure,fairh the booke of the H ierarchie,cpp. bur becaufeof atrogancie, it rsnot granted •- pArt. 3- The gift ofthe holy Ghofi(fairh vnroeuery oneofthe PrieCis, no more then Ong••hom. 8. in L.Hir.) islignified by the fimanyorherlrke things. Himmr,Conrr•Luci-- gureofoylc. Thy forehead and thrne other fer, c•p. 4.fa11h, rhar neither Prrcll nor D cafenfesaieannornted, typically, faith Cjrid, con hath power ro baptizewirllout Chrifme, Catech. 3.Bur thisannoanringwa~ accounted and rhe Blfhops commandcmenr. offmalJeffect,without the inuocarions \\'h1ch 8 The annoinring in B1pnfme was vfed rheyvfed therewithaJJ, as the Fathers them· by the Fathers a~ a fignificant lignc ofthe felucsdoetcflifie. The hands are put vpon preparation vnto the fight and contention rbcmbybenediClron, wirhinuocarron, and with the diuell:whereasnowthe vnC!ionthat callingvpon the holy Gboll, fairh lmu//,.n the P•pillsvfe , isa figne of aSacramenrdilib. 'lJeb.prifmo. Impofition ofhands (faith Clind from Baprrfme, and yet vntu tbefam.e .AHgH/1ine DrY•pr.!lb. contrA Do••t. c•p. 16.) endandvfe. Your brelhareannoinred (Cairn what is ir bur prayeroucr rhc pcrfon1 !doe CJri9,CAttche(. 3· MJ/lag.rhat beein[latmed C natdeny(fauhHuromr Adu<rjiuLHcifr.)but with rhebreallplare of rrghteoufnefle, you that it is a cuCiome infame Churches forthe may refiLl thediuels alfaulrs more Orongly. Bifh<'psru goe, and with inuocarron of the By Baprifme (faith Na<.i••"-'"'• Or••· 40.) holy Spirit, pur his bands vponthoferhar thou haC! fortified rby felfe, and hall prourare baprized,by rbe Priells and Deacons, in dedtbee of a rnofllirme and duringhelpe, fmall<rcmesa farreoff. Bm now adaicsiris figningthy body and (oule with the vndron held a true dodrine, rhacrhrn-ndrondoll\ and thefpirit. They rhar aretobeebaprized giue gracc,andconfirme truly and properly, (faith Chryfo{lome, In (oloJI;homil, 6,) areanwhereas mauncienrrimesrhere was no facranoinredlrke champions, or asthoferharare mental confirmation vfed wirhour baprrfinc, to runneacourfe.Theannointingoftbc bapand rho Lordsfupper. tizedwitboyle-(fairhqrrm••"'• lnTheo. 10 Irwasoncc a cufiomc to giuerhcin ri•,)is to this end , that the diuell fhould nor fanurbis confirmatorie {hrsjmcimmedrarcouercome vs with his power of finne and lyafrcrrbeirBaprifmc; as wrrnelfelnnoceot death. Lookealfo the faying of Theophylafi tbefirCiepift, 1. Auguflmr Ducd,dogm.r,c•p. cited §.6.By the benefit ofthis vnction (faith 5•· OrdoRomanl#, & Amal.rius Drecc/. •ff. 'r tbeAuthordcvnfiione Chri(m.•pud crpriRn:) D lsb.4.cap.29.Now it mull bcdiffcrrcd(ar leall both wifedome and vnderllanding is giueo ittsfoinrhegcnetallprattrfe ofpopery)for vs from aboue, and couilfaile and fortitude 6ue,fixe,or feuen yeares after. Nay moreocommerh dowrie vponvs from hcaueo. uer they confirmed (the baptized) by oiuino Wecomevnrorhefounr(fairh A•brofo,tle the holy commnniun as AlcHinus br-:;,fclfc S•crAm.lib,l,c•p.>.lthouenrrell-: and art Deojfic.rcclt.cap, drfabb.Sanlf. Pafch•. dotb annointed as achan)pion of Chrill, as one rellr6e, that art to vndergoe the fight of rhis world, 11 Thefchoolemen cannot agree vpon &c.The name ofChriU(fairhProfPer, lnftn· the originall ofthis fuppofed facramenr. -"-! ttnt,Aug•/I.Senf.342) isderiued from Chriflrx•n- .Ala In Smt. 4 qu.jl, 14. memb. 1. will me,that is from vndron:Wherefore becau(e needcs haue it infiitured by rhe Counccll oft I ofthir,euery Chrillian isfan~ified, (o rhar Mtld,(Meldtnfi.)BonAHtnrure InSm . 4 dt/1. he may vnderlland that he is not onely par- ],art. t,qH.j/,it was nor of Chrills or. raker both ofprie{IJy,and.of kingly drgnrt' ; daining: and(,,faith Marcili"' in4 qu-f/. 14 . but alfo made a warriour againll the drucll, Mol•n~r farrh,that conccrnmg the forme of \ ill.. Byrhe annoinringo'f Chrtfme in Dapll(tne rhisSacramenr,irisnomarucllrfrhe Far hers (faith R•hanm MaHYHr, lnjl.(l.ric.l. 1.c.z8.) make butfinall mention thereof, fcei og fnno- \ rhe holySpirit giuerh vigorofheauely grace crntius rhe firll faith : I dare norfer down<' rhc vntoallthefaithfull: therefore,faith be,thar words, Iell ITIJOuldfeeme ro bewray(a (ccr<r ----~------------------~~--------------------------------~·~ny~l~r·~·~~~c~)-~/ ______