\574 'Th~Vemonjlration of the Ptobleme. myllcrie). The Mallers of the Church of A Churth,b~tabouuhec>oo.yeare,rbePopeo Rome arerhe fidl rhat publiO,ed rbe forme Grtgw],Nu:hof.u,&c. dctrecd rhaullrbe dehereof in their booke called Ord• Romanm, jlrees ofconfaoguinitiethould bee kcprvnfo whetewereade rhefewordes:lconfirmerhee rhefeauenrbgenerarloo.Grar;.,. 3S·9·'· But in thcnameofrhe Farher,&c. d•S•cra.rraa. afterwards, lnnocn~the 3.in rhe Couocdl of .....p.6.B•U•rmin•Defacram,co•firmAt.M, '· Lareran,..n.'Z>om,l 1 IJ. limiteth chitprohi- •p. 1 o, confeffcrh rhauheFarben baue nor b111onarrhe-t.de~rcc inclufiuely, and allow· fer downe the forme ofconfirmation,nor of erh all marches wirhourrhio 4.dcgree.Bur by diuersorhcrSacramenrs, becauferhcywcre thit allowance of hit arc many vnlawfull alreadic knowne vnto cuery one:he hadfpo· marriages made:forexample,P""andPaul ken more truly ifhe had faid,vnknownevnro arc brethren,& their llocke defcenderh rhus: eucry one: forrhey doe fcrdowneborh the Here Pttermaynot beioyned Jolm formeofBaprifine, and ofrhe Supper in diin marriagewith Lr.cb,rhough t"..Vl ucrs places: what rcafon had they then ro G.degrecsdillanr,bctauferhac Ptter Paul keepe the formes of che reil from ourknowbeeingrhe brother ofPaul,ho R•chtl ledgei 1 but thiS is bur one of Brllarmaints isas farhervnroallrhar d•f· Su(•nna conuaiances, Ofrhe forme ofconfirmation B cendinP••ls line,and fo in loann11 (faith S<~am:.l• 3· part Th•m•.) we finde nothatrefpettvnroL'Ahal(o, z,,. thing inScriprurc,and 1fweberakcour felues 3 The Fathers doe fometime reprehend ro rradtrion, we Otall finde great ambiguirie rho fecond marriage of either perfon in cafe •nd varietie hereofin rhe Farhers.Thus fa1rh ofDiuorcevpon fornication, but yerrhey he. Erg•. doe hold (uch mamagesro be rruc &firrne: rhisall hold for 4oo,ycarcs after rhc incarr.a– Marriage. 1 1·N the pure(\ rimes rhe Canonicall account ofrlle degrees ofconfangui– nitieas it is called, wat neuer heardof. For 4mbro(ei.S.epi.G6.faith, that brotherschil– drenare foure degrees dillant in legall fop· putarion,not canonicall. Bur rhislegallfupo purarion alfo crept into the Churcb by de– grees,and was free without bonde oflaw vu– till 1 o7o.yeare• afrer Chrill, and then Alrx– anderthez. dccreedthatthe degrees were to be ~eckned afterthis canonicallfuppurarion, and rhar vndcr paine of excomQlunicarion cap. 3 s.q.s .cap.z.Ad/tdtm. z The forbidding of rhe fourth degree (and much more of rhe feauenrh) accordmg to Canomcall fupputation, rcmamed vn– koowne in the moll pure andauocienrChur– ches,vntoat !eaR soo.yeares afrcr ChriR.A– bouttheJoo. yeareofChrillrhercwas no degreeat all prohibited, but onely fuch 11 were exprefly named in chc written word of God.But afterwards, was marriageofcoufio– germaiaes forbidden, as Ambroftlib. 8. tpi. 6G.and Auguf/inral(o Dumit,Dti,lilo,Js.c~p. JG.withPrtrws Diac•nusdoetellifie. Bur this prohibition was abrogated by the !awes of H..,orius& ArcAdius, and by lufliniA•sal(o, though afrerwardes it was renewed in the Church by the Councellof lipawnr,c•t· 30, abourrheyeareofour Lord 490. Andafter– wards •••· sob, began rhefe prohibitionsro 1 cxtend vnto rhe third degree inclufiuely:for 1 rhc third Councell ofAurtliAcap.ao,and rbe l fccond of T<rrrin. c.pitt u . doe forbidde marriage of rhe brother or fillers children, ) and fo dorh Alsifiodor,cap,)4.circa,a.,,Gt4. Thus llo!'d rhefe Prohibitions, in this third degree, for a longtime, inrhe Larine rion. So that they held, that in cafe ofat!ul– rerie themarriage (amongtl the fairhf"ll) is dilfolued,not onely in rcfpetl ofbtd,but al(o ufuond:wherefore they were not acquainted withthe ditlintlion ofadouble diu01ce. Ori– gmH•mil.7.inMatth, faith, rharrhefe marri– ages(after feparation)are againll Scriprureo, but yernocwirhouccaufe bee alloweth rbem for auolding of agreater euill, and holdeth C them no orhcrwife permitted, And rhcfe doth Amuroft,in a,Cwinthian, 7.allowvnro a man: andfodorhEpiphaniusalCo,«ntJ-.. c•. thar,h.wif,S9· Himme,tpift. ;o. •dOctanu,, difallowerh them inFa~io/.,,but he gocrh noc fo farre asro difanullrhe marriage~>hich bee himfelfecxcufeth. It wasan vfe to inioynea publike penance vpon rhiutt, and chatwas vfedalfovponfmaller faults. TheFarhmV· fed to note fuch fecond marriages at they held lawfull with penance:and they punithed the husband thatkept hiswifcafrer heradul– cery,wirb rhree,.eares penance.;.z.q. a.c.p. Siquu,The Councell ofArlcs,cap, 10, coun– fellerh theguiltlelfeprrfonofthe two, roab– llaine,bur doth nor compell or commaund him to ir. And rhiarhe Church afrerwardes D did for one while allow ofand follow. For in one place of theDccrerals, 3•·9·7·<· C•ncH· uuipi. itisappointed as lawful! forrheinno· cent perfon to ioyoe with another, afrcrrhar hit firll yoake-fellow harh polluted rhemar– riago bed, And chitis al(oallo~>ed, 3r.q. 1. cap.Siqu• mH/itr, ifeitherparry haue endea· uoured tokill the other. 4 Afterwards, .A•g•flineandorheuhdd - thefe marriagesof no force at all: andycr Auguflin• Dt (idt & opmbus, cap. 19. wlltcrb, char he thadlnderh his wi fc m odulterte and putterh heraway, fcemesnotto bee equalled with him , char purrerh her away for tome O· rher caufe,and martierh •game, And lt IS (o doubrfull in rheSwprurcsthemfelues ,whe. thcr