f- 1 Cfhe 'Demonjlratiou of theProbleme. 575 4 rherhe (who doubrleffe may put a1vay his A ofcouenanr,wasrhus: It was askedofthofe ) wife foradulrerie)bc an adu[tererifhe marry rhar wererorai<e Ecclefia(!Jcall Orders, whc- 1 · 'tAatfurcly I am of opinion rhatany rherrhey would ab!lame from marriageor I agame, , ooilfrheyfaid they would, it was oouhcnce i man may herein bee pardonably minakeo, I Thusfaith Auguf/iwt, lawful! for them to marrie, Difl, :7. cap. diacon,if they fa~d they would nor,it was allowed them after their elettioo to take them wiues, Prieflr mariage, and (tngle Conc•I.Ancyr.c•p.lo. But rheeledioo was de· ferred,rhar ifitamghr be po{fibJe,they might life. haue a CinglenJan to eled,Difl. :8.cap.dtSJ· racu(. Now thefepromi(eswere exaded,oor rH• mulage ofthe Cleargiefor the fpace rhar marriage in this cafe was held an vndeanething, orrhatthe Cl<rgy"erebouod of3oo.yeam after Chrifiwasarhmg alfrom it by vo1v,but efpcciallybecaufe ofthe waaes freely allowed, without prohibition or pouerty ofthe Churches 1 wanringfufficieot vow ofperpetuall cootineoc1e. Ifthere were B mean<•to maintain• fo may families of Bi· any that liued fiogle, it was out of fomc pn~ 010ps,Priefls,aud Dracons, 'D.: 8.c.deSrac. uate and vnbindmg purpofe,or clfe'for fome where Ptlagiur thefirCl faith, rhatthe fioglecuflomeraken vpoutofagood and h~oeO nelle of Prieflhood was infiitured becaufe end. Thi*<annot be d1fprooued out ot any thatthe goods ofthe Church flaould not bee lawfull authoritie, whereas there are thcfe tcdi(perfed amongfl the Priells wiues ~ chiJ. llimoniescocon5rmeit. The"rearcm;ny of dren.Thi• is to be marked d•l•gently.ButLto the B•lhops(faith Atba•afiur,Ep.•d Dra.·ohl.) C.ith very we! in rhe(ewords,Novri.:.I(omerhat hauc: not married, andcomrariv.-1fe mat1mes haue occafion to wonder much that ny Monkes we tee daily become fathers of Come are nor afraidvuerly-to abroga1ema· chaldren:Agaioe,you may obferue many ht· ny holy Be diuinclawe'i, & io(Htute others, as lhopuobeefathersof children, and many though thefe were not abfolute : for whereas Monkes that haue not fought to fee thear the holy Canons treating of the dedion of ownegeneration:-for this is lawfull, &the Bilhops,doc ordaine that bee rhat haah chilotheru not forbidden, but euery one a< bee drenby lawfuU matrimony (ifthere bee no likorh,let him vodertake to hue.Whereas we c impedimentao orher ofhis atlioos) may bee reade(faiththeDecretals,d•fl. :6. cap. C•••· made an Archbalhop: Thefe men dare fer pu•m(<m.) that the fonnes of pricCis haue downe the contrary, that irisnot po{fibJefor come totheh<>nour ofthe Papacy, wee mull thefe encubrances,thatanythat haue childre norvoderfland them to bebegorten by for· (though they be the bleiliogof lawfull marrinication,butby fawfull marriage, which was agc)lhould vndertakerhedagmty Epafcopall: lawfuU for thepraefl• euery where, vnrill the It may be thefe Jawgiucrsfuppofed, that the timeofprohibitio,&in theEafl Churches ts narurall affedion vnto their children (for allo.led vnto them aslawfoU vnuil rhis day. whatother thing can be aUeadged for them!) AndCypria• (or rheaU!horof rheS<rmon, would be agreat annoyance to their cccJcCj. den<t.( hrijl.)faith, that there isneither coma(licall mainrcmance. Butrhts reafon is flmnmand nor neceffitie to compell VI vnto con · dcdvpon falfe grounds, for ifitwere(o, the tineocyor virgioity.Aod Caffidmu, in Pf•l. likereafonmightconuince, that none that 57.faith,it is free to vow virginitie, ornot to bath either brethron or other kinfmen almc, vow it. We impofe no neceffity hereupon lhould be madeBilhops: (er confanguinity (faith Epiph.b<rtf.4.) but outofgood will we begetteth the fame vnion or Joue betweene couofell it: exhorting him that is able to D them. Moreooerrhe holy Canons forefcctake itvpon him, but not compelling him ing this, gauerhe Bilhops aurhoriry, that H that isnot able,oor reietting him from f•luarbey had any poorealliance, they might re· tion. Vir~inityonely(faith Amhr.exhorr,ad lccue rheirmifcrics our of rhe rtnenc~,·es of virgi•er)is to bee perfwaded, nor to be comrheirBilhopricke. Whereforeourlmperiall maoded,being a thing ratherofvow, then of Maiel!ie(whichisofGod, ifwee kcepe our precept. In the EaCl(faith Socratrr,I'[,fl. 7r~- feluea toqodscommandements)pertcluing part,f.9.cap. 38.)all,eoeo the Bifhups 1 doeabthat to be tarre moreconuenient, makcrh a Claine ofvoluntary choice, nor ofany neceflawagreeablero tho holy Canons: that a•it fitie: and many ofthemintherimeof their feemedgood vnto them, that he might bee beemg Bifhops 1 haue had childrenby their promoted ro bee B101op , who in other re. lawfull wioes. fped• was wonh1e ofrhat honour,alrhough • But in thefe aforeraidages,there were prohe had children, (prouidcd they were leg11i. mifes ofcontinency v(edto be made publikemate)foltO~albelawtullnow: andrh~t with lyiotheChurch. For Cl<mtnt,Strcmat.lib. 3· this refolurion, thar wedoe from henceforth (who wrote in theyeare 170.)faith,rhat cooabrogate for cuer, to puoilh their boldnelfo, tinencie is ade(piling of the body.,..•.,;·~~, •ny law rhatgain(aith hereto.This be, Now 91'14w..g}'Iot~. according to .the promife, or coue. 1fthePrieCls, or B10>ops broke thefe prooant madevnto,or withGod.Their manner mifes(wefpoke ofbrfore)they were depo(ed, and