Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'Ihe Vemonfiration of the Probleme. and put to penanceamong(! the twtfe marri· A cd,butthetr n:arriagca Llill did continue in· dilfoluble. And in this fon(e are the Coon– cells ofAnqrA, and ofN to« {•r<• to boe vn– der!lood. VVherefore at the beginning, marriage was not forbidden the Pric!lsby rearon ofany vow annexed vnto their order 1 but by rea(on ofthe greater frccdome , and conuenicncie. 3 The Perpetuity,&neccflity ofthis vow ofcontinence was ellablrOred fir (I intheWe– OerncChurcb,and annexod vntoOrden, a– boutthe threehundreth andeightie yoare af. ter Chrili.Itwasvfed before, but outof pri– uate and particular deuotion, not by any publike and decrotory iudgement of the B Church. Butthen, byacommondocr<e(if rhat decree be nota counterfeited forgerie) PrieOs marriage was prohibited in all the WeOerne Churches, as a thing impure and vnfantlified:and that by Pope Sriciut, Di/1. 8z,whicbdecrec,lnnocmtiUJ the firtl, Di.ft.Sl. c,Propofuifli, renewed,but yerwith graunt of Pardon to allfuch as had notfeenc the epi· llle ofSJricius.So that the glolfe,aif/.8•· ' ·3· (um in prrt.ttritu,adgloJI. verb. qtti[acrllmtntU, lheweth plainely that Syriciut wa• the firfi Author of this prohibition in the Church ofGod,in thefewords. They fay that theil: chapters were made before Gregorics time, who inioyned continency vpon the Mini– !lers)Jt.difl.cap.Antttrim•i•m) that is vnto C the fubdeacons.But Syricisu commandod the PrieOs and Deacons toobfcrueit. Nay,they nameofPrcsbyceretfos. Sigthm alfotdlofi- Th•F.un• cth thefame in his Chr~midevponrhe ye:are ~;~ z...~.~~ 1074.Popeqrtg"J(fatthho)-forbad rho f 0 ,,.:;,d,d marriod Prielluovfe their funtlion, &pro· onn, >07i· hibited thelaity to bore their Malfes,a decde without example, & (as many thought)done vnaduifedly againfi theopinion of the holy Fathers,who haue writren, that whethcrthc Sacraments bee mini!lred by good orouill petfons,yet they are neithetamplified by the merili ofthe good Minifier, nor ldfened by the linnes ofthe euill.-By which aft arofe fuch a fcandall,that neuer in the hcateofany herefie was the Church rent in funder witha greater fchifme and diuifion, And truly it is athing ofwortbic mcmorie that Florrntius a Monke of WorceOer hatb recorded in his Chronicle,~tdann. I J ocS,ofthis Gregorit, that beeingvpon his death bed,heconfelfed vnto •lmigh11eGod,and Saint Ptttr and vnto the "whole Church,tbat be bad offendedgreat– •<Jy in his Pafiorall charge, and by the per– "fwalionofthediuell, had fiirredvpangor "and wrath among!I mankind<: and that he "fent his confelfour to the Emperoorand to "the whole Church to pray for pardonfor "him, tbot he didloofcthe bands of allthat "weleoutlawed,&al his cxcommunications "againfitheEmpcrour, andallothorChri· "lhan people, clergie and laity, quicke and "dead--&c,And inde<d mariage ofPrieOa was allowed here in England vntill 970. yeares afrer Chr1fi, •• rhohifiorie of Iorn•ll fay that before SyricitU his time the Prie!ls might marric, and fo did /<s. Wherefore they expound 11 thus: the Apo{\le• taught this dotlrineofcontinencie in worke, e:.:am· ple,and counfell, as Hug•falth:not in con!li– rution:and ordinance,asothers fay. Now the cenfure of Fri<r Thoma& Manriq, publilhed bycommaundof Piut 5· Pope in the yeare 157>.commands this glo!fe to beorafed our, toge<hetl>'ith the marginall note,whichfaith that Priells might once marrie.And indeede AuguflineM.G,conf<ff. 3,greatly admireth the finglelife of Amb,.{t, (o that fingle life was more rare among{! the Priefis ofthofe times then marriage.qr•tianalfoDifi.•S.c.d< Syr><· cu(<. yeeldetb that before the Aneyran Councell•nn. 1oS. the vow of continencie was neuer propofed vnto the Priefis.Where– fore the decree was noither <>f Calixlut, Nor LuciHs his framing. 4 No,vasfor this decree, it had novni· uerfall admiflion vntill the time of Pope H>ldehra•d, in the yeare 1070. for hereof fpeakethA•mtintin hijlor,Boi, tbefe UIOtdcs: The Pri~lls at that time as other ChriUians, had wiues in publike, and begot lchildren,as appearoth in theinOrumenrs of the Donations which they gaueto the Chur· ches,Pridh, andMonkes,whore thefcwiues andtheirbusbandsarc named as witnelfes: and they are called by the graueand honefl recordeth in the lif• ofEdg•r: A!fer king of Mereia (faith it) and many others, ca!lmg forth the Monkes our. of'thegrratMona· rlerieswhich kingEdg.r hadlatdy fuunded, brought into them the Clorgie and their wiues.AndFAbi•nin Chron.P•g .2 G;.rclatetb, that Bifhops and Priells wore married fora thoufand yearestogether, no law enioyning the contrarie. AndFlorentiuJaforetlamed te– Uifierb,rbatthe Englifh clergie married for 997.yoares together, which marriagesw<re neuer forbidden by law or edit!, vntill An– ftlmn time. In the famo yoare [ 11 oo.}(faith Htnrit Huntington lib.7.)-Arcbbithop A•· D {tim<held acouncell at London,whorein bee forbad the Englith PrieHs to marrie, who were neuer forbidden before.Which law,fec. med moOpurevntofome, butmofidangc– rous vnro otborfome, !ell that in endeaucu· ring continencie aboue their power, they thould fall intomore horrible and morcvn– chriOiac impurities.Now at the promulgati– on ofthis law, thofePriefis that .,ore already married,~·erenot diuorcod. Naytheyconti· nued pJarrying for all this, two hundred yeares after Anfolm<, as M. Fox< 0Jeweth in his hiOorie, publiOungtheveryconuaiances ofthofe contratla then vfed. 5 Now thi• prohtbitionofmarriagethere are many Fathers that do not approoue nor ailow of: and r.amcly.rhefc that follow. 1. Theod11r~t. It isaffir01cd,faith he, I'll I,Tim.;. that