.Cfhe.Vefnonflration of the Pr<Jbleme. 571 cHar the holy Apoflle faith, ch.c hoe that Jj. A lipp1u B~rgornm(. record in his chrOnicle; :ind ueth chaftly w1rll one W!fe•aloile,•lsworrhic fo doth s.beUictl4 alfo, Ennead.-j.libroS.The c.> be elcClcJ a Bilhop, &-In 1.Tim.4.Righrly firll Councellof T erwin, (a.3. A•no460. af did'the Apolllep1J<:b;[f:>rbitldingto nury:J tertheprohibirion of marriage,addcrh rhis: ·tor·he1 doth tWt Uit1lhofcOaAnencie &fin· Norwithllandingwc bcciog'WJihng ro mode. gleoelfe of lite, but hec acctJfec!l 'chofe that rare rhisllritlnerfe, and righcly to mollilie it, · will commaund anJ enioyne ttiem byalaw. doe decree that aPriell, &c. abiding fl1ll in :. ArtJbro(e. f-l'<.!e taich,O ffic.b~: 1. cap.vltirm, Hc01ly concupifcence, and ceafingnot r6·bc~ chat voto rh; M1nilter. of the Altar it isal· ger children, bee not capable of any higher Iowed once tu n)arry 1 not lh~ fccond time. prefcrmenr.--But Ice" bee fullicienl rbr 3· ChrJ(oftome.Hcc"raith, lnTil:hom. >.that thofe,not to bee fepa rated from the cornmu~ marriage iS fo·honorablc,that·vnder ita m~n nion. Now the z.Councdl ofTwvin,c.8.& maycome to afcend vnto the holiell prefer· 9· alloworh aBithop to haoe awife as a liflet, 4 ment and dignity. 4· I(id.ri. The Clergie and calleth her Epifc•pa,aBiflwppeife. AnH (faithhe,Reg.de vita C/eric.diit. ZJ.c. Ht.igi· lnt~DC!HiiUJ the third faith thu' of married tuY,) ought to keepe their bodies cha(!e and B Priells,about the yeare 1 •o'o.'Decretai.bb-3vnpollutcd fpr eucr, orelfe toioync themtit. J.ct~p.vt clericorNm.Tbo(c that (accordrvg s fc:Iues in one bandofnuuimony. ;.B~rnt~rd. rothcircoumrics cullom() haue norabHarTake honorable marri•geoutofche Church ned from the bond of wedlocke, ifthey doe (faith he,I" C4nt.Ser.66.)and the vnpolluted fall, letrhem bee feuerely pumfh,d, bccaufe bed,and do you not fill cbe Church with for· theymay vfe their fa\'.,·full matrimony: and nicarors,inccUuous, vnclelneJ effeminate, & hercaretwo·worthy obferuations: tirll,that Sodomit1call perfons, & finally with all man~ neither all Priclh,nor all places had then aa.- 6 ner ofvnclcannelfc?6.TheqphJiaEf.HusbanU mitred chisfinglcnclfe: fecondly, rharrnam· vnroonc wife(f.11th hc,in 1 Tim. 3.) i:~ ta.kcn age of Priclls wasthen heldl•wfull for fucb in this (cnfe,that hec that is to vnde1take the , as pleafcd to vndcrgoe ir. Pim the frcond, fun<lion of a BiOwp, lliould not haue many Pope,did determine (as !'larina faith) tl.lat e. 7 wiues,butonf'. 7· Salttitm. Mi!nofreligion ucn as m~trimonywas forbu.lden tbePticfh' (faith he,DeP""ident.l.s.) doe abflaine from for great rcafons,as hethoughr,fo it ought to carnail copulation, bm not fi-om rapine and be permilted them againe for farre greater ltealch' How arcwre deluded by fooh01 per· reafons. Wecthinke(faith chelaid Pnu, or fwaliO?it i~ in1qu1ty,& nor matr1mony,which e/Enw Sy/Him, EpiPol. 3o8,) charyou follow 8 God dorh prohibicc. 8. G"t"Y the third: C no badde counfell, if you take your felfe ro Let no m~n malntainc either harlot or con· marriagc,being notabJe tocontainc:though cubine(fairh hc,writing to the B:thops ofBo1chat I hiS were to bee confidered of before aria, libro J.p•g. %90.) but let him either hue your admHfion vnto holy orders. But l'lCC cha(!Jy,or rake h1m a wife,whome If !hall bee are not all Gods, chat we thould haue knowla.,full no way to refufe. Befides, the whole ledge in things to come. Smce it Js come ro Conned of Nice cloth coli the Pricfl accorn· thiS,that you cannot relifl chelawof the flelh, ' I panyingof his proper wife,challe, lawfull, & ltisbcrrertomarrythen to burnt',--LeQ,, I honorable.And Gr•rian faith, that this Coii· NoueU.Conjlit.3.faith>th~t there is atradition c~llcommendcd Paphnutiruhis opinion, and of the Church, which commaundcrh that dc:termioed ofmarriage after euery mans thofe chat areto bee eletled Priells, letthcm will, not impoflng any necellity thereupon, eithervow finglenelfc for their whole l1fc (:f or on thecontrary ;andcitcth the rcUimony they think to be able to keep thm promifc,) of Socr~tteJ,diJ'f.JI.c<~y,Nic.zna.Now whereas or 1f thcythinke it impoffible ro bee kept, it is obieCled, char the Synode faith, that abJet them firfl marrylawfully, and then cmer ll:inence from marriage is a rradttion of the into the ?rder of rhe Mrmilery. Epiph.,i:M Church: I an[wer,that therewasindeedfuch maketh tor this vowc of perpetual! tinglearradiuon, bur ncuer vniuerfaiJ, bur parricu- D n~lll', but he cannot prouue it oucof Scrip· laroncly' forthe vniuerfahty got firfl head turcs,but is fainc to flicvnto traditions.And in 'heCouncciJ of Ancyra,c. 10. wh1ch was the fixt Synod of Conflanrinople,capiteIJ. twenty yeares before theN1cene Councell. condemncs wharfocuer theRomane churd1 Aod the Councel ofGangren following that ofNice,condcmneth thetr opinion,that held hath fet downeconcerning rhcfin£lelrfcof Prie(!s, And rhis Synod was held so.ycares chatthc Priclls might not celebrate the di· afrerGrtg"J the great, and is approoued by uine myflerie:i, by reafon of their marriage. the Decretals of the Canon, the word:; arc And it is apparent but of the firll Councell thefe, di~ 31. c. ~ni11m. Bccaufe u.·ee know ofTolcdo,<,<f.&. 7· that the Priells then marchat it istaugbt intbc order ofthe Romane ried.Ar:d Pt~trqnm commandeth the Infittu. Canon, that rhofc that are rhoughr worthy tions ofthe Nicene Councell, robe kept vn· to bee ordained Prieils or Deacons, 010u!J uiolate for euermor.:; in his preface to the profelfe, that from thenceforth theywculd faid CounceU. PopeSyluef/" decteed, that norvfc any more the flefh!y c6pany of their aPridlibould content him(clfe with one or· wiues: wee tOIIowmg the auncienr Canon of dcr, and with one wife alfo. This dorhPhiApollQhkediligence,and the Conlli:ur<nns cC:-.:------ ni