'Ihe Vemonflration o{the Probleme. of holy men, wtll haue thefe lawfull mania· A ge• from henceforth to bee of force, by no mcanes dilfoluing their wcdlqcke with their wiues, or depriuing them of familiar rc(ort rogerher,arconuenieottuucs.By thi•Canon wee vnderfland, that for aboue 700.yeares together, the Churches of the Earl did not approoue,(at lea!I did nor eflabli!h) this C.n– glenes of life in the Miniflersofthe Church. A11d hereunto adde rhe tellunonyofTh<ado· r•1 Bal(dmo•.l• Cans.Apoff•I.Beforethe C.xt Synode in Trullo, ltwas lawfull forthe Bi· !hops ro marry,& hauewiues, yea after they badreceiued that dignity. Belides,rhisinrer· • Awy di&ion is reprooucdby•Volufi•••'·or (aso· i anciem c.o· thers will hauc:it) by Huldricus, in hisanfwer P"(\( ~h" vntoNichol.u rhe firli:Whethet hebcPridl, ~~~an~:~ D eacon, or Subdeacon,fairhqr.ctian in the: Co<pus decree, diF.zS.cap. J, s,racuf.it is plaine(by Ch10fii Col· rhe opinion of Pope Pdagiu,,) that be<ing I led;ehbra· inuefled in theaforefaid orders,rhey mayvfe ~~~;;;~ge, matrimony lu·fully. AndJ,Jf. 31.c.p. 1. a· ; vnderthe bour three yc:arcs bc(orc. the fubdcacons name_of throughout all rhe Churches (Jf Sicilicwere l~oluf~·~ur, according tothevfcof the R~manechur~b, ~h~·~~.oL·u forbid~cn to h~ue any ruedhog at all wuh their wwes, wluch fccmcth vnto mce ro bee nor holy orders as tlley are holy, doe hinder matrimony :and in the Weflerne Churthet di{l.aS.c•p.'JJiAconi.itwas oncelawfull for rh~ Deacons to marrie·-.Befidts, itis manifell ···that the Priefl• &Minillcra oftheEaflern Churches doe marry,dift.J t.<Ap.Aii"r.Nei· therdorh Prie!lhood rake away contra(!; in ~>arriage, whether precedentor fubfequent, rfwcefecludeallconllirutionsEcclef~atlicall, and flicke onely vnto that which wee had taught vs by Chrifland hisApofllcs. This rtaohethCaitt••t: and fo dothM,Jin• alfo, de C C1Pitintntit~,lillro{tcHr!dl,cApiteprimt~,andSo· to~d~ lnre,!Jbro ].q•-ft.G,Artic,a, And this pro– htbmon,thewhole Clergy of Germany,dif· ~llowedof in rbe yeare 1074.fairh,Schafn•· B uurgenfis. Pope HIId•bra,J...decreede in ma– ny Synods, that according to the auncienr Canona,no PrieR Ownld haue a wife :fuch as had,Owuld<irher put them away, or bceput from their dignities: nor!hould any bee ad– mitred hereunto that would not vowperpe· tuall continency and finglenelfeof ltfe.- -·A· gainfl this decree, rhe whole Clergy-men benrrhemfclucsexrrcamely, calling hiru an heretickeabfolutdy,and a man ofadamned opinion, who (hauing forgcrren the Lords word, that faith: All cannot take this vpon them: hethat can cake ir,let him:and the A· poflles that laid, bee rhatcontaincth not, !er him marry, for it is betterto marry then to avery hard and vncomperent thing, that he that bath not attained vnto the vfeof conti· nende,nor made:ny former promife ofcha· llit,v,O:ould be compelled to forf:ke his wife, and by this meancsto fall mere peroiciouf. Jy,(which God forbiddc.) And C••f• :G.q. C z.c.Sm:Before rheGofpel camero thcluflre and brighrnctfe, many things were permit· red,which in rheartfingof more perfeadif· cipline werevtterly abolt!hed :Astllemarri· age ofPriells,and ofcoufin·gcrmancs,which "not prohibited by any authority either of rhe Law,Gofpel,or A_poOies;and yetisab(o. Iurely taken away by EccleliaO icall conflitU· rion. L-.,,pi/f.8].wtlleth thePrie!ltochoofe him a virgin to his wife,notawidow; fothar thereby he allowerh Prieflsto marry. And Dcclcdco~ Ptmormit~:nefaith, ~tharcontinencieisburof tum Con· rhe pofitiue law, and that rheGreekes allow ~~f~,~~~~ nor that in~irurion:ThomaJ,in .z. :.qu.e/1. 8~. pCrnit & re~ ~trt. 11. affirmei th1s, rhat thevow of contt– mi!f §.Om· ncncy is noradded as an etfcntiall part oft~e nisvtrlllfq;. (olemniryof ordinAtion, buroneJy acciden.. burne) with a violent exatlion, would con· Oraine men to liue hke Angels: and by de– nying them rheaccuflomedcourfe ofnature, openerh thewayto fornicarionandvnckan· nelfe :bur ifhe proceeded in con6rming this decree, they bad rather le•ue their Priefl· hoods,then theirwiues,and rhen they Owuld fee, where htc that dcfpi(ed men, could get Angeh to gouerne the people throughout rheChurchof God.And afterwardshe< de· clattth, tl.atit held alongtimeas acuRome, that thePrie(\! Otould rake themwiues. 6 The hi!lorie of P•phnutim, dcliue1ed in wilting bySiKTAtu,libro 1.cop. 8. andSo<.o. "''"'·""" l.c•p.zz.and approoucdby Nicr– phorlu,libro.7.c-p. 1 9.SNtJMi•t~trbo PaphnH· rim, andGrati••.Jifi.Jl.c.Niu••,thePapiOs tally,by a llarureof rhe Church. D•rand, ln 4·fmt.diff. J7.qH•f/.r.faith,thar Holy Orders doe hinder the folemnizarion of marriages, •nd aboli!herh rhofe that are already con• fummare,not abfolutcly, asthey artorders, but a"hey are hcly,and htrein by difpofing fo ofthem:--bur 1t hindreth thtfe marriages fully, our of the ln(\itution of the Church. Iris neither probable by reafon norauthori· ry,(airh CaietAnt,mDpu(c.tom.:. trA!J. 3J. de cai/ib. Samd. rhata Priell in marrying doth commit finneabfolurely : nay, rea!on dorh r.1ther dr:awc am<~n to the contrary, brcaufe JS wee reade in Lumhard his feorences, difl. ~7 lih.4. N1:irherorders as they are orders, D of thefetimea<loerercCI;andcontcmnemoll boldly, as if it were falfe and forged. Sotm for one,J, lNrt,libro7.qN<fi.6,Art,z,M,khior CAnlls foranorher,inlff.romm.bh. S·'"P• fJit. and BeOArrninefor a rhird, dtcltricU, ls6ro J . c•pitoo. Their lirflreafon isthi•.S•"-•"''"' (a• Gregoriefaith,/ib. G.tpi~•I.J 1.)doth faine many things: AndSeer•"' doth lie flatly in rhehifiorieof hisnmr. h nfwcr,Greg.,.rac· cufeth nor Soument o( forgeriein thisthing by name : and in (o famous a thingas this j was, rhey could not erre vnwittingly. Their fecond rrafon isthi,; lr is the cornrnon con· fent of rhe Grceke Farhers,that none lhould be miniOet sof Gods rnyllcries,but the chafl and continent : {o faith Orig~,, h~mil. J 7. in Luk. & 4,;, Ltuit. Eu(t/Juo,ltb,J. d~ Dttno'Y'jl Eu.r~ng.