Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

----------~~~~~--~~=-~-------- ----- 'Ihe Vemonflratien of the Probleme 579 . ' E11(ug, up.9. Epiph411itU. rn (omptlld. doUr. c!r A di!lofue the comratt of ruau1agem~deaflcr h•r<(!hA'OJ,C]ril.c•rechi(.tz,NJf· the vow. (en111,dt, "'P:vlr. Cbry(oflomt, ~""'· 9 For zoo.yeares after Chr~U, there""' z.dtpa<imtia lob. Ba(ilm l(aJ,<•P·l· & Hmon. no rccciucd opimon in the Cburch ,onco•<r• Pigill. Whot!hall rhe Churchesof the cerning rhe excellcncie and merit ot tingle EaU doe i what ofEgypr,andofthe ApoUolite abuuc ma<riage. Hec that harh arwned like fea,whoreceiue either virgin Pr1cUs, or vnto true pcrfet!10n (faith Clemens A"x•ncontinent 1 or if they bauc w•ues,theyleaue dri•tu,Stromot,7 ·)bath the Apo(\Jcs for hJS to bce husbands i I anfwet two waies; 6rll, pattcrnes, and JS rruely counted a man, not That theGreekePrie!ls did ab(!aine from mthat bee hathmadea choiceofMona(IJrhevfeof their wiues,butonly atfuch times caH life; but hee conqucrerh and cxcellcth as their courfecaruc to celebrate, nor conti.. men, thar exerci(eth hm1tcJfe tn matrimony oually: and (o fome of thefe aforefaid Faand mcrtafe ofchildren, and 10care and gothersdoe require this rcmporallcontinency, uernance of hia family, w11houc eut.crploa· nocpecpetuall. Secondly, in the Ea!ltheir fure or forrow. ecclcfiallicallcuUomcswerediuen: inCome B to Butaftetwards,rhe moll ofrhe ancien< places the Clergie contained, andin othetwriters began to defend the excellency ol fomethey married: So faithSocrAtes directvJCgmity before ruariagc, & fpcal<e fomwhat ly,lio.5.<•P·••.thUJ arethe aforcfaid Fathers hyperbollcally (beyond mcane) in praife rcconcild wirhthishifloryof Pap/,nutiiU, thereof. SofauhCur;,.,'D<6onopodicit.that 7 The reflimooies ol the auncient writers virginuy IS equallvnro Angcls,nay ifwe feek concerning theJingle life of Pricfl•,werc bur it willingly, it doth exceedcthem, bccaufe in priuate opinions and comedorcs. Me thin· Cfriuing In rhe Hefi1, irobrainerhavld:ory a· kcrh(f;urh o,igm,Ho,.z. J. inNumtr.)that ir gainll nature, which the Angels hauc nor. ishisp:ntalone, tootfi:r t~cr•6cc, that hath And .Athan•{iHt,7Je virgir.it4t~cricrh out:O vowed himfelfc vnro endklfeand perpetuall Continencicthe Pwphersioy, theApoUles chaflity. Neuher do they con6rme thefe ogloryl0 Continency the life ofAngels, and pinions our of the word of God,bdides the the crowneof fantlity! But for allthis,(omc· great ditferenceamong(I chcl'fi.Againe,whtt 11mesthcy fpeake more moderately of virgi· they fpcake of tingle life, they fpeake it bur nity. Bccaufewefec(fauh.Origen,l, Rom.) of rhofe rhat haue thiS gift, and while they that dlllers of the Samrs,yra and forne Apu• haue it. And therefore they require it nor (!Jcs,haue had wiues, ~eecannorthmke rhu• of thofethat are norwilliog,but ofrhofethor C ofvJrgimty only, willingly promifecontinencJe: Andby rhofe Vfcrhy marriage with moddlyand mothat ate willing, they doe meane them that deration (faithChrJfofl•m,,Hom.7. ad Ht6>·.) know furcly chnrhey haue this gift of conriand thou thalt be rhcchJefe 10 the kingdomc, ncncie. And in rhis manner\_VaSit that Cy. and enioy thefulnelfeofbldlings. Now the prjan kept his virginity free wirhout vow, or Fathers did fomctimes afcribe chi• excclfe monallicalllifc, . vnto virgmiry, to make choice of the ex8 The Farhcrsdoepermittbo(etbathaue r<eame wh1ch wa; mofl oppoGte vnro the made fuch vowes,to many notwithllanding, YJCe then predommanr, for the jJeaJhen poif rheycannotcontaine, Cypr,libroprimo, Elygamies (hauing ofmany wiucs) werenotas pjf/ol. 11. Neirhcrdoctheyacknowlcdge ayet vtterly calheered from amor.gU the peony vow of contincm:ie-,.wherein marriage is plc: and bclldes,they d1d it to efchcw rhe fof. ablured,orbywhich itlsannihilated. A•g*· pition of diforJerlycopulation togeth<r :as Pint,Deb~novidnit. c•pite 9,10:11. fairh, char. alfobecllufethat theifingle men had·rhe leafl the breach ofthevow is worte then adultery, encombrances,·ahd fo endured pcrfccution bur yet beewill hauc thcfe martiageuhar arc with I<ITegreefe, . _ made afterthevowtobe firme and lawfull: ·J 1 Befides,lhcFarhersrookcfuch·paincs fucha• doe thus conrract,doe herein (as bee D in the praife ofvi•ginitie, nor becaufe of it faith, c•pitn.o.) olfcr.d, not in the marriage, felfc, but'by~eafon or the offices and duties but in the breach ofvmv. So:ne anfwer,that ofgodlines::On~ hence fprung allrhefe cornAog•fiinrfpcakerh nut of rhevow folemne· m'endarions ofvirginity• .1\.nd this is hereby lymade,burofafimplevow: B"tl fay,rhar i apparent, becaufethat they will hauematrithis dillintlion is friuolou<, a rricke of the m~ny(already conrratled)to be diiTolued by Schoole·ruen, vrrknowne iO the F..rhcrs: nethe entrance into.rcligion. Looke 'lu/liniant uer found burin theSchoole-men1 ~·mings: in!lltutions,cap.deEpt{copi&& Cleric. tij,.Ji••· and in rf•e liii'1.f'the D~cretals; ll.mi(ace the> b:B.[ilinqu</{lot txplic.ti&,qo. 11. Ca!Jia· cighr,li6'" J.Tit. t ; . fa!lh ,rhar thefolemnirie nut O~Utet.z t.c~p.9• of"·ow harh tbco1 igmall onlivpon the con· u The Fathers vrging thefinglenelfe of Ruution at the Church. So faith Scotu~,Pe. thePtidls, doe fon,.llmes detratl from the trHJdt P;c!ud~,ln4,dd1.38. C11ieta"H,;, 1.1.q. pra1fesof marriagc~and (ometimes rcprcouc 88. 4"t, 7.and P·amrmit~'l1f', incap.l1t~rfiu: all it as an vncleanething. Syricius,ep•f/.ad H1m. I rflc!C' thinice, that irii ondy adecree o( the Epi[c.T•rr•: !luckenot to l;ly,tlm rhofe rh.r I Church, whereby the f~lemoe vowe doth arc in tbeflelli,thatis,inmanimony,cannot . Ccc : ple:lfc