'Ihe Vemonpration of the Probleme. picafe God. And inhke manner7errul/ian,/. A demonog.arma,{atthJ that it Jseuill toconrrad: matrimony, and by the word euill, bee mea· nerh tinne. And Hitrom~,COHtrA loHin.libr~ 1. goech thus farrc,that he faith,In the fulfilling the <iuty ofan husband,! fulfilled not the du· marmges,which were not fruLlratcaad bro. ken off vmill after-agu. Extreame l'nflion. I fHe Fathers neuer fpeake ofthis ty of a Chrifiian, and it is an euill thing ro rouchawoman. And Athana{IIU,lihradevir.. ginut1u,(airh, that rhcwomansbodyis pollu– tedby her husband. To theende (faithLeo the firit, Epifio!. ad Anaf/a(ium)that wee may bringcontinency vnto his perfect purity, we doe not permute any carnall marriage fo muchastothefubdcacons. Gregor, in Pafio. P"''· 3. admonit. z8. I lpeake this as permit– ung:-~---It is imimated to be afault,which is forbidden ro befauoured. AndAmbro[e,Of– fic./i~roprimo,rAp. vltimo, ~·ill haue the Pridls to bee pure from marriage,and to beecoma minarcd by marriage. Let thofechar med– dle wllhthe holy myilerres (faithljidor<, 'De ofJic.di•m.t.b. z.,·ap. 1o.) be cha!le,and conti– nent, and free from all Befirly vncleannelfe. Arator,ln Al1a Ap•Pot.[aith, that The Church1s purejl fAith .ommar~ndt that all ExtreameVnltion,thatis,oface– remony of annointing in mannerofaSacra· menrwithout the gift of healing, vntill Jnno– centim the firLI,in theyeare 4oz.For Sigebert '"••.404, afcribeth the decree ofannointing the dead, vnto lnnocentiw the firLI,who bow· foeucr he call it akindeofSacrament, yethe wrll haue I! miniOred by all Chrillians: It is B lawful! (faithhe,epif/.I.Ad DecentiHm, <Ap,S.) nor only for the Prieils,but alfo for al Chri· llians tovfe the oyle of Chrifme, made by the Bilhop,and to annoint therewith in thm owne orrheir friends neceffity, AndBede,ln Luc,9.thmks, that it belogs notonlytorhofc thatare weak in body,buralfo vn10 the weak in fairh:Andm lacob.c.s.hewill hauerhe rni– niClring rhereof free vnroaJI Chrtlllam,nor binding 1t only to the PrieLis. And this JS rhe opinion ofAlcuineaifo, dediuin,ojfic.c~tp.4o, that wrote abour theycare750, the Priefls liu1etur chaft,r;§-c.-– AndOrigen,Homtl. •3· in Numb. rna~cth cha(Jity and marriage dire~lly oppo!ires. Looke his words in the feauenth feltron be· fore. NowRhmanHJ, In ArgNmmt(l/ilni Ter. rulliAn. de exhort11tioneadc~t]litatem, doth ac~ knotvledge, that all the Fathers as wdat Hie- C rome were no equal! Judges in the value of matrimony. Sooredvir. 1 3 The Original! of the Popinr Cingle– gins. ne!Tcwas thus: Firil,thcPotareff<t drat rnarri· ed after their vowe,were found fault with for their inconUancie, but yet their marriagts were not dilfolued. If that out offairh they hauc dedicated themfcluesvnto God (faub {}prian,Epif/. 1 1.libro1.)Letthem perfeuere m chall11y and purene!Te, withourany leror moldlation, and fo beeing (lrong and con· llant, let them •~peel the reward of virginiz The Farhers vfed this vnClion in the beginnmg of ficknetfe, and in the parrs that were moll affeckd. Vnto the deafe& dumb, they powred oy'le into the mouth &crowne ofthebead,Greg.THron.hi(/Dr,Fr.nc.ltb.G. c. 7. And in the pellilence they annointed the armewith this holyoyle, Fl1rtHnAt. inv.itA S. Germnn, But tbisvnttlonwas notinllirured asthen,whereby to giuefpirituall grace.The oyle((aithYifJDrofAntioch,adMarci.cap.G.) "hrch we vfein this bolyvnClion,dothf~gni. fie both the mercy of God, the cure of the fickne!Te, and the illumination of the heart: but it may be faid,that theprayer doth effett all thefe, and that the oyle is but an outward frgne only ofallthefe elfel.'ls.This oyle (faith TheophJ!afJ,Jn 6.M.rr.) beeingof greatvfe in labour,and anUJtimentoflight,andanin· creafer of mirth, doth lignifie the mercy of God,and thegrace of thefpirlt,by which we 'D ar~ freed fromlabour,and obtaine light,ioy, ty : but if they will notcontinue fo, or can~ not,rhey had better for to marry,then to fall : into the fire by their finnes. And the Coon– cell of Ancyta,Ca. 19· appo.inted but avery light p•uance vpon thofc that brake this vow, namely, in ranking them amongfi the twife rnartied. £piphanim faith, that marry. 1 ing after a vow is a linne, and commendech· repentance for it : bur JliCt holdeth it better ro m~rryfo,thcn to burne. And in !rkeman– nerdothHmome,and Ar~g¥/l>ne,dt ~onovidu• it, cap. 19. But afterwards thefe marriages IJegan by fome to bee held for.more heauy offenccs,after 38o. yeares !JA/il calleth them incells, and the finnesof whoredonreand •· dulrery,t.b,devirginit. And the Councel)of Calcedon, ra. 15. doth cxcommunicarethe parries thus marrying, yetcommanderh the Bi010ps forthwith to abfoluc them, neither willmg the diiTolution nor fufpenlion ofthefe . , and fpirituall gladnelfe. But the cafe i• alte· rednowadai<s;·fornow it is not giuen as a cure to the ficke, b.uras a necclfary puruey- ' ance forri)e dying. • ~~ n ... The Priinacie ofthe 'Bijhop of~me. · 1 JHe primacieoF dominion, or (as TNrrtcrtm4ta calJcrh Jt,Smwma de Eukf./io. 3 .r.13.) of authoririe,was not ac– knowledgeded to beein the Romrlh B• 01op, but