Cafes of Conjcience. l.Booke. 1 cured by the blelfing of God, three th•gges A mull be done. F~ril,that particular!innemu!I be knowue wh1ch ts the cauft: at r'b1s violent dtfiretTe. And here wee arc roknow by rhctway; that If 1sa'1 vfUall thingwuh tbe partJes rhus dillref .. kd, ro d•tTcmbleand cloake rhc1r Hnncs: and tnercJoretheywlllalloadge, that their trou– ble an(erh. fron, fomc cu1ll rhctJghrs, from w~ekCL·I atfcd:iom, and from the corruption of n.Hurc : whereas commonly men are not dlilrelfcd inviolent mancr,for euil thoughts, aff<ellons,&c. burrhe violentdi!lrelfecom· merh from fame aduall and odious Gone or 1innes done,which wound th~con[clcnce,and arethecaufesof great d1llr:dion of minde: and th~y 3rc many, wh1ch hauing been vpon B occafion before rchcarfcd, 1w&Jinornow re~ Q:.1ooccuJ- pear them. OncJy this mult be rcmembrcd, tu~ p~cc01·· that rhegreate& hnnes againO the third, fixr, ~~1;~lo~udi. and leutmthcommand~mcnrs,are rh~mai11C """'· · a11d proper <·aufes af v1olcnt dill relies: and the rJlore feLret rhe finncis, in regard of the pracllfc thereof, rhe gr<atcr hormr of Con· fGiencc ir bnogech; and open offences dot not giucfo deep a wound vmo ir,as fecrct and huJdctilinnrs. Secoodly,theparticular fin beingknowne, Inqu~ric mu!I hee made, as much aspollibly may be, by fignes, whethertbe partlcdiflre(: fed repcnrerh,yeaor no. For except he bath repented, he cannot be fitted t'J rec.chie com– fort: and vnle!fe bee be ti, li titted to receiue C comforr, hcccannot bee rclccutd in Cgnfci– encc. Now1f1t bee fOund our,rhat the partie haeh repenred>thcncare r11ufl bee had in the next place, that his rep~nrance may be renu· C'd for the particular finnecommttted. Thsrdly, hauing thus done, the comfort mu(f bee mimUred for the moderating or ra– ku~awayofthedJOrciTc, And bercrcmem– oerpy _rht way, that thecomforts miniflred, v(uallyand ordinanly,mull no goe alone,bur b~ nHnglcd-aAd tempered wHh fodJc terrors of theLaw: thatbeemgtherebyfearedwith thecon!idcratlon of11nuc,andoftbe wrath of God due vmo1be fame,the comfort mayap– pear< to bee rhe (weercr • The mini!lring u·bereof,mcafeofthis diflrdfc,would uot be D direct and pre(rnt, but by certainc Oepp<s and degrees : except oncly in the point of death:for then adireCler courfe mu{! be ;·fed, Thcfe degrees are two. Firll, theparrie isto!>e informed of apof. Gbilnieofpardon, that is, rhat his linnesare pardonable, and though in themfeluesthey' be great and hainous, yet by the mercie of God inChrill,rheymay beeremitted. No"' puttbecafe, tbarrheafHiC!ed appre~endeth ·>nely tbc odioufheiTc nf his linnes, and the ;,vrarh of God due ro the fame, and Jn this firre put otf the pardon from h•mfdle, and cannot beperfu.'aded thac his linne may b~e iorgJuen,wbat then is to be done l A,1(.Then for the effCtlmgof rhis firfl degree, cerrainc Grounds arc tobee laid downe, whereupon a!lurance in that cafe may bee built vp inhiS heart, The fir{! Ground of pot1ibilitie of par- Grou~<l~of don is, That th~mtrciecf c~du infinlte,,~AO· pt'lffibllmc uaaUhuwor~s,Pfal.l'f5·9· Tbatthed<ath ofpardon. of Chn!l isof infinite pnce, mcm;and value before God. Tl1atGod ismuc.h infpariug, lfa. H·7· ThatwirhtbeLordl6merc~e,and wuhhim isplcmcousredemption,Pfal. J j O. 7· That Chnfi• fatisfal'liLn is not cndy a (h)prtce_.but ~t (c) cotmurptice, I.Tinl, l. G. a- b ~,&~orf1t. Die tofatisfiefor the finnes of all men,y:a for c «'f'T11\vr~'· rhe that haue (innedagaiufl the holy GhoU. Foa th~t tinne 1s not therfore vnpardonabJe, becau{e the offence thereof is gtC'ater then the merit of Chlifi, but becau{e the parue offending, nerrher dotb, nor can appl1c the n>enl ol Cbnll vntoh•mf.·lfe.Anancient Farhervpon Cains \\ords,faith, My pHnifom~nt Mgreattrth~nl C4nh~ttrr. Thou tuJIC~in :Jor Aaguflin. (jods 111(1Ciei4 gr~altrdun th~ ftmu{)f Hll men. The mercy of God wasvery great to Manaf. fes,roSalomon)toPcrerland tomany others, though they weregreat offenders. . The(ccondGround. Mcnofyraru,/iuing mth~ ChutehofGod,and kpo-n•ir~ th~ do[Jrineof :~.Chr.3J·J3 :~.S;]m.r. 14.11· (41H4tion, foal/not buco~edt'mn<'d. jimp!y fur their {innes, bHt for IJinJ. in thtir {ir.nrt, Vpon this / ~round Ifay, rhat men difirelfed n.u(i bee titlrued,norfo much forcommitrit.g oftinne, as for Jying and conunumg 10 finncs corn'" mwed. A third Ground./r pltoftth God m••ytimn tolutuemrnto thrmftlut's, tmd tBjNjf(rthrm to commit(cm(finnnh~t J&oNndtthcrmfcirnu. Iris crueandcannotbC' denied. Bur we mull \\sth– aJI remember, rhar fmmtcommlltrddD~net vt– ttrlytak...~ A'NaJgrace,lmt rttth<'r milk!it th~mor~ IB fointand {btn: itfilf(.For God in mercy rur· neth all things, cucn finne it felfe, rothegood ofrhem that hehis: and tbercfore finn< com– mitted,cannoteither wall,or extinguifh grace receiued,but by diuine d•fpenfation,ferues ro amplifieand inlarge the fame1 foaswhorefin aboundeth, there grace aboundeth much more,Rom.s. to. And 1hc Lord faid toPaul, ~eing i~ grcatextremity,z.Cor,ll,9.MJgrace I! (u.fficunt ftJrthufurmy po'W~rismad~ pcrJ~ff throughwtAk._nuffe. Hence itappeareth, that Gods grace is not vuerly loll, but appeawh liuelyin the time ol d•Ure!Te. The fourth Ground is •his: Th' promifouf Gt~d toHchm,t runiflion of jinnrs,~tndl{<'tltrmtll,it~ rtJP(l1 of beiuu~rs ;~r~genn-nll,11mJinr~~Ard of t~ll 4nd~H<'r}m4n,ind(fi,it<':that is, chcy donotde6neor exclude any pcrfon,or any linnerlor a– ny time; ('lnely they ad01it one exception of finall impemtencie. Her< aquellion may bee 1nooued, HowJonghe thatmmiOrerhcom.. tort, mu!I (land vpon the poliibi!itic of par– don I I anfwer, vntlll hee hatb brought the party dJUrc!l<d to feme mea(ure of true re• FCntance :and rhis being done, then heeis ro proceed to thefecond dcgrc_c cfcomforr. The