Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

\58:2- 'ThGVemonflration of the Probleme. \man, he gauecounfcllwhat wer~t.O bee done A decrees, in ~he Popes old Canon law, aifl.•r.\ mthat dtf!iculc pomt,namcly oftwo emls put cap.Inrwuo,rx,.A.naclrto. And.if.cuer the Facogerher,what were beCl w be chofcn: And !hers fpeake ofa Primacyofpower ordomi. M.7.<p<f/ fatth,ThiSword of comman· mon,tt IS pl,amecnough,thcy meant notany diog,or I command,! pray you!akeit away, y~iuerfall ppwee ouer the world,but ofJhat Ier me hearc no moreof It; for I know who abfolute pow_s.r, f"hich bee might cxercife in lam, and who you are_; for by your places ht.sownehmtledProuiocc;andfoarcthcyto you are my brethren, m vertues andgoo4 bevnderrlood. Likewife.fubi~Clioniscitbcr examples,my Farhers:lhau 1 etbereforecom;: i~regard<Jfp~)ver, or oforder; and·tn this. madcd nothmg, butI haue to Ote!'. fe.con~ f"!'f~jf is,pamcly,jn refpect of ordcf, : wnar mmy opmtonli moCI profitable or eo· that fome ~~~her;write, tJ\~.t:lliOJOps~nd all 1 uenteot. Furthermore,Grrgomvf-,dnp other t?mgs are f~~iect to the Romane {~ate. . See ; Canons for !awes, but the lrupenaiiEccleGrrgori~in fi!~EpiCiles,l,.7.<.6s. . .. tiafltcke, namely, fucb !awes of the Empe4 So!lletir_neeuenBinrops.for theirpainrours, as concerned EccleGa{hcall matters fulnelfe,faithfulnelfe,andheedful carcof.thc andperfons. ,, Churcbcs,were prefcrd before others. Thus 3 Durwg the forefaid timeof6oo.yeares, B Ba/ilwasaccounted the-Dotlorofthe world fuch of the FAtbers as be of vodoubted ere· asThrodmt cals him,/.4.<, 1l).andPo/Jcarp:S d•t, fpeakenothtngofany Primacyof pow· the Apo{ioJicall and P(opheticall tcacbc:r er, domimon,mrifdtCltoll, orauthonty. See oftbofe tirues,aseu[rbiH4 reporreth,t. 4 .c,t 5 • [hr;foj/. ill fm third Honulie on the Acts. , and CJprian is faid to haue becneas it wc•e a IAnd Cyprian, dr S~tnpl. wbofe words B1010p, and to haue had authority in euery arc thcfe:The rdl ofrbe Apollles were cuen Church.For fo fa11hNa<;iar.inhis fernJOn of the veryfame tbat P<trr was,partakers oftho him. Forfaith hec, bee was notfet ouer the fame fellow!htp wtth him, both of honour & Church of CAYthag<oqly, no nor only ouer power.Himmr,againrl Jouim•n,/.r.c.l4. fa11h, . the Churches of Afrlcke, all which haue re· that the Church wasbuilt vpon all the 1\po·. ceiucd much honour and rcnowne by him&' !lies, & euery one of them rccetycd the kctcs : from htm:But he was as itwere aBi!hop,euen of rhekingdomeofhcaucn;an~ t~e Clrength : ·ouer all theWellerneCh~rches, yeaalmorl ofthe Churcb was founded an the a! equally; ouer all the Ea {I erne alfo, and ouerrhe Sou· yet that amongfl the twelue one waa chofen, "theme and Northerne Churc(les, cuen as far that a bead OI chiefe beeing appointed, the ,as his naDIC and admirationcould fpread it occ;oGon offchifmc might be taken away.(J· C felfe. Bafi al[o faith ofMrletim 1 rpif/.so.that ril on lohn,lib. ;.cap. •o. faith, God gauethe he was fer ouer,or gouerned thewholebodic ApoOles and their fuccdfours, full and pi~- ofthe Church. And of .Ambrofe the faid.BA· narie power in rhe Church. Therefore It'' (;l,,thattheMarlerfl,iporgouern· apparent,that theFathers fpeake of th.c pn· met of the great Ship, meaning the Church, • In this macie of''order,digoiry, vocation, ma1cfhc, · .was cornmitred vnco him. Nicrphorm,l.J4.c. fcklre the orreCpeCl: forrhey acknowledgea certaine , 34· faith,tbat rheB10topsofAlexandria, afF,.hc.sto excellency or prehcminencc, both of Per<r, ter the EpbeGne Counccllwere wont to bee ~v~"ke~ • and of the Bilhop of Rome: butthat was in called Popes,and Judges ofthe wholeworld. ,.,il'~,;,;) refpeClofthegloryandauthorityofthe Ci· And in refpe~of the11 care it was that Birhch"d' tie, whichbeemgrhe ch1efeof all, therefore fhops ofRomchad thmvtckars or legates oryccld purchafed thathonour to her Bi010p1 : for mforrainc.prouinces of other Bifl10ps ; but ::~:~!~' this pointfee the Councell of Calcedon,cap. no vickars.ofpower,vnrill thefe later ages. i.uh' Y z8. all. 15 • And thence was it that many ,5 ThefpeechesoftheFatheraconcerning Lhur,h, fought tobml for aide and affillancein Come P<t<r,are to be vnder{iood induliuely,ofthe wrongs,but not expcctmg any commaundeother Aporlles: and their fpeeches of the mentoredtClfromhim. Couarruvilu aDo· D PopeofRomeare alfoto betakenofother <tor of both !awes, one of great account aBiibops. CJprian,<pif/. Z7.adlap{, the mongO rhem, t,tom.<fr[/, §. 9·P•g. Churchrasconfiitutcd vpon Bilhops,&.not \ 4 , 1 _cot. 4 ,edir.l'ra•k.of•rr:fauh, By the aurho· vponP<ter oneiy. N>crphorH4,1.14. c. 34· re· rities andterlimonics of Catholtke Fathers, ports that CJr~Uwascalled aPopeand Judge and the traditions generally receiucd of~ll,tt of the whole world. A«g«ftint on the 36. \ "cocludcd, that~he Apomes receiued from Pfalme calleth al theAporl!es and Prophets I rbc Lord Iefus equall power withPeterJoforfoun~ations. H~erome~gainlllti11inia~,t. J. t. \ dcr or iuri[ditlton, in fomuch ·as euery one 14.fauh,rhou wtlrfay, The Church IS fouo· of the ApoOles had from God equall power ded vpon Prur, although the fame in ano· """ ''''"• ouerthewholcworld,and that to therplaceiS done vpon alltheApofiles:and all ends and purpofes,andf"r all acts whatfo· equally on them afl (s the firength of the euer thorPmrcould do:Whorby itis cl eare Church cflabhfl,ed. \ rhat he afierwards fightswith himfelfe;whcn G Pttrr iscalled of fomeof the Fathers,a hefaith, that rhis power of theirs wasfubor· rocke,and rhe foundation ofrhe Church,not I Jmatc and {ubocct to Prrm. The fame a!- properly, but byaMetonymtc,_becaufeby (,_,in ctft:Clistobec found in Cratitm in the hisdottrine.helabourcdgr~adym foundmg I ~