Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I The Vemonflratior~ of the Probleme. 583 theChurch aodfot rJ:l~l he firllofall in the ' A the pcr(un ofPeter, or hu perfonall fuccefln~1~., ofalirhe Apo,[ll~~. confelfed the churfour,as his do<lrine is rcGdcnt;fo faith Cypri- /die~f-a-itQ. his orauonD~m,. anb~. t, epif/, 3· The aLJnclent Empcrours derd.ivdiiJI.Caith,Ptter is c_alleda rockc, and afwbed ro tRc B1U10p ofRome a powcrro hath the foundations of the Church cornd1fcerneand Iudgeof matters eccleGafhcall, mitred to·histrufl. I( heefeeme b11the, let b;cau(e then they followed the written word Amb--feSer. 47· •~plane him:Ptt:r,faith he, ofGod,and iodged out ofir. isc•lleda rocke,forthat he firfllaid rhefoun9 That Ptterwas euerot Rome at all, is darion.of faith in the nation~. 'And in the vncertainc: Indcede, moll ofthe F.rhersfay fame manner and meaningin the FaJhers, is fo:andfome o(rhem fay more too, namely, 'Pmrrfeatc called alfo a rocke: fo faith A•- rhatof an ApoiUe hcc was made Bllhop of gt~ffine in P(al,contrt~ pnrum Danaei: N uo1ber Rome:but ~IJ rhis is affirmed, but not p~oo~ the Priefls,eucnfrom the very foare ofPmr, uod: and IllS affirnted oncly by fuch as hued thor rs the rock which the gates ofhcl cannot norcill theage after Ptttr, ., ouercorne.So likewife theconfeflion of p,,,, I o The BiOwp of Rome exercifed boor hisfaith isoften by the fame Father• cal11ourable authoritieand power;bur inva• nor led a rocke: namely by A•guf/inc on Saint B properly bdonging to him a11d hi• owne by !ohm firfl Epi!lletrall. 10. byHilAry in hi' 6. perpetuallr~ght. In this manner hee was oft bookcofrheTrinitie: by Chry(oftom<inhis times in fomeciuill caufos made an honouhom.H.on Mauh.Anbro[ct.b.6.cap.9.011 Lu~c rablearbitrator: Thus he vilired Churches, f•ith,Thy faith isthc rocke.AndwithO,.igc•, thus heconfir.ned and depofed Bithops,thus Ho is a rockc, who(ocu" "anImitator of he auJe Canom,and difpenfed with them •· Chrifl. And that Pmr himfelfe was the gainewithinhisowneProuince:-And ifararocke,leemed ro A"'uft.after go~d dehbcraoytime hee did any of thole our of his Protion fo h.ulhea fpee~h, that he rccanc~d !tin uincc,he did it notbyoffice or authority, but his rerraCiatiom,lib.l. CAf.ll. [r isalfo tobee either at the entreario and rcqucll of others, notedthat the Fathers doe oft rimes fpeakc or in the ~wne and authoritle of the Empctoo hyperbolically ofthe B1010pofRomc,as rour:or tf otherwcfe,lt was tyrannicall vfu.rpawhen rhey call him the head and fpoufe of tion. And the place and power ofludging the Church. AndCo B.rnard,deconfid.•J E•- which Come of the Farhers fomellmo gcuc gcni.lib.:,caf. 8.Caying,he isChrifl byhlsa11him,was onely diretliue as ofdifcretion, not nointing:andL~,Jay1ng, that Pturwasalfu. coatt'Jueasofauthontre. med into the fellowlhip of the Vndmcded C 11 Appealawere fomerime made to the Trinitie:in hi• 89. Ep1flle. Seealfo hcsthird Bi01op of Rome, but not as to the Iudg• to ferman of the alfumption to the fame purwhorue it belonged to giue the determining po[c. and concluding [udgcment: but as to an able 7 By the rock! in that fpeech of Chrifl, alid honourablehe/per, who by hrs place and Mat.I6.[Jiponthi& r.c~c !willbuild"'' Chu"h] power wasable t~ procure their wrongs reall theauncientFarhers doe not vnderlland drelled.And fa oftentirncs menvpon wrongPeter, bur many ofthemChri[/, ••T<rtull•a• full fent<nces, appealed tootber BiOwp• of agamfl Marci.lib+c•p. 13. Gregory NJJfmin the Well,that fo by,procuring theirconfcnt, 1 t4lim. . dei/et. T4Jam. deTrinitate can1ra !11they might make their caufe the Cl:ronO'er: d.,_Ht!aricin hisfccondbookeofth~ TriniNether did they of old rake any more vpon tie.{hry[ojl.inhi< hom.o[thurof[cof(hr•fi. A'"' them; for <.M•rcionbeing excommunicated bro(<Serm.S4.flicrom•in Matth.lrb. 1. «p. 7in Pontus,camc toRometobeabfolued:but A•guf/.in three places,v!<:..Strm.IJ.D<vtrb, they returned him rhisanfwer, We cannot Dom.& traU. I loan.& !ib,J..deTrinit4U we may not doe this withour the pcrmitTiot; cap. 17.1"he.doret in< P(a/.47· &in 1. or fufferanccof thy reUC{cnd Father meaCor.J. ~ndtorhefc auncicntudde fomeof D ning hisowneBithop; fo reportsEpiphaniut, thechicfc larer,B<de,An(clme,LJrA, the I.terHer.4!: AndCh'!foftom:epifl. ad lnnocmt.l. bmar Glojfo mM4rth. 16. Further many vntom. s. mh1s wrongfuJJ perfecution craueth derfland by therock,ethe fairh and profeflion helpe,not onely oflnnocmtius the 1. then Siof?eta,whereby he facd, 7"ho• artthe Chri[l lhop ofRome,but o(all the other Bi010ps of the(onncofthd'"mg God: [o fatchS.l4mu hcs the Wefl: and therefore (as Socrates in hi• lyturgio,.Ambro(ei•Ephef. •·. &d• lncarnat. flory,lib. 6. '"P· 14. faith) he appealed to a 'Domm.Sacram.oap.s.Htlary t.b.6.d<Trt•ll.ECouncell: But Chry[oftome receiued this anpiphani<Jrher-S9· Cbry(o{ Matth.& (wee from tbe Pope,that(alas)itlay not in his hom.dc Penucojl.t01n. 3· C1rt0dtalog.4. d<Trtpower to helpehim, neither might he call a nir.Bdein /oh.t1 .and Theopbylallin Ma1,16. Councell for his helpe.Bajillwriting to Atha8 TheFathers vrge acommumon or fclnafiusthuscounfelleth him in his troubles rp. \ lowOlip "ith rho Bilhop of Rome •• (arre sz.ltfeemes tomethe be[! courfe (faith he) foorth as he fate mP<~mcha~re,rhatrs~as far that Lettef! bee written to the Bifl10p of as bee raught the true doctnnc of Chrdl, Rome, deGriog Iurn to confider how thefe whichno•v adli<• he doth not at all: for p,. matters beeherecarried, and togiuc ,tmcbairc isthe Church, where not fo much uice what were befl to be done. To this pur. i--_----- Ccc 4 p"<:;fc