Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

CI'he Vemonjirat;on of the Prvbleme. 585 ; 14 IntheCouncellofNicetbecu!lome A doubtsbutlhe Church was exaltedand in~ and fan1ion of the Chorch of Rome was richcd by the llrength ofkingdome;,and bemadeequal! toothers,and no ~>ay fuperiour, ne6cence ofKings, and thatit isapparent, namely, that as the B1hJ>p of Rome harh a that the Church could not fa farrc bring vnpower ouerall hisBilhops, that is, his der the !lateano!Clrongthofkingdome• , or Prouince;(o by the fame cullome tbe Bin1op the ciuill £late, vntill the ciuill £late, forthe ofAltx•ndrialball hauc ouer the Bilhopsof loueaod honour it baretoPriellhood,hadao Egypt; for in the autbomieof Patriarks the it wer~vnbowelled it felfe, and exhaulled all uuncicnt cuOome mull be obferued; 9·1· 3· itowne !lrength:aud fo the Ciuill flateof the ConqutfoH4: To this purpofearethewordsof kingdomefairhhe<,ruined and fell, {mitten theCouncell, as CufAnHJ himfclfeaPapi!l not onely with the fpiriruall [word of the takeothem.l.:.dtconcor,cAJh.c,J:, And euen Church, bur efpecially by itowne, namely, fa dothRu(!inuJ an auncient writer expound with the materiall [word. Thus farre Otto, the Councels meaning in his hiOorie,t.b.J o, A •gu(linu• .Suuchu•.t. :. writingagainOY•D• c•p.6, and fo dothTheodoru• B•lf•mon, .in his touching the.donation ofConllantine, bath explication ofthefe Canons, and alfoNilu• B thefewords:qregory the third excommunica- • in his booke of the Primacie. red L:o the Emperour, &fo withdrewRome Jf ThePopestemporalliurifditiioo and and Italy fromhis.Emptte,abfoluingal their dominion was partly fnatcht by violence, tubietis from theiroth and fealty of obedipartly Oolne by fraud, and partly grew by oence.AHdthat confeffionofBtUarmine " not her mens liberalitie1 and donations: and by table,m bis s bookeof rheBdhopcfRo~ rhe(e meanesit grew vp to that inro!lcrable c, 4· where hce (aitb, Chrlll as he was m:an, he•ghtitwasoflate.P'rUmgen(zt himfel(a Po- • wh1leO he hued ontheearrh . acccpoed not, pifh Chronicler,reporrerhthann theyeare nor wouldhaueany temporall Lordfhip or 7 53· PopeSuphm befo,ght Kmg Pipi• of dominio: nowtbe B11hop ofRomeis CbriOs helpeagainfl theKing of Lumbardie, and V1ckar,and r<prefer.ts Chnfl vnrovs, as bee KingPipin came with his armie into Iralie, was when hce Jiued here amongtl men on andbefiegedhim in Papia, and compelled earth;thereforethe B1010pof Rome as beehim by the Ora1ghtnelfe of his Gege to pering ChriOs V1ckar, and confequentlyas Biformewhatafore he had promifed,and fo halhop ofRome, oras bighell Bt!hop, bath no uingreceiued of him RAH<nna, & l'entapolis, C remporall dominion norauthoritle: But Belwith the whole Exarchie belonsingtoRastnlarmine, whether checked for thisfpeech, or na,he g•ue them toS.Pmr, and hauingthus vpon more.confideration thinking bee had difpatched the[~ matters bee returned into gone too netrethe truth, in his lafl edition France. And againe (peaking ofthe yeare, feemesto recant this,orat lea£! to mitigate it; u :8. he faith; In thefame yeare &the yeare forrhus becorreas it: Therefore thechiefe tollowing,rherewasa treatieofpeace betwixt Bilhopas Chri!lsVickar, and confequently the Emperour and the Souldan, and their as chiefeBifhop, bath no autboritieor domicountries :But thePope raking the opportnnion meeroly temporall ouer any City or nitie ofcbe Emperours abfence , had fent a Prouince. Orong army into Apuleia,&tooke by plaine 16 The EogliOo Nation for Jooo. yeares force (a mofl horrible thing to report) the afterChrifl; were not fubieti to the Popes lands of 1he Emperour beeing then in the authority in caufesEccleGaOicall.7hom, Btc· warre and feruice ofChri(l, and the Church, k.•• tbe Arch-bilhop of Canterbury was tbe and hauing(ubdued them to him(elfe, and 6rfl thatdur!l offer to call otfor refufe the !igned them with the Crolfe, he prohibited Kingsauthorityin caufesfpirituall,he indeed by all meanes, both them in Apuleiaand in D denied his obedience to the King, further Lumbardie,that they lhould ·palle ouer the rhenwiththioconditlon, Saluoordin•fuo, fafea: who is it that rightly confidering fuch ulng alwaies hisowneorder: &by t·his means faasasthis,doth not deplore &detefl them bee infringed the liberties of the Enghfh ao being tokens portendingand forerunning Church. AnfolmeArcbbifhop ofCanterburheruine·of the Church / Andalittle after. ry, loogafore Beck•tin his EpiflletoPope Whilll thefe things were thus adaing,in the Pa(chal,•; TheKingwould not fuf. parrs beyond thefeas,thePopewith hiscornferthe Popes Nunrio, or Apollolicall Leplices,as men reported,madearumour to be gare to be receiued into England,without his raifed•a'(l·ddivulged.ouer all Apuleia,that the leaueand e.>-lptelfecommandement, neither Bmperourwas dead, whereupon fuch Orong would full\lnneto write or fend any lcrrero ·Citiesas had,yet referued themfeluCi for the tohim,nor to receiueany fent from him,nor jEm~ertiur(which for their llrength thePope toobey anyofhis decrees. And alittle after: coul<taot'fo etfi!y fubdue) did 110\V prepare In all thefe,and In matters oflike nature, ifl to•difpofeand yeeld themfeluesto the Pope• a>kedcounfell ofothers what I might doe,all 'dominion, and m·oOcruelly and wickedly to the fub~etisofth~tKingdome, yeaeuen my kif[ all the Almaines rerurning from the hoowneSotfrag~neB•lhops,denied to yceld me IYl.and,and abidinginApule~a_Qtto Frifi•g•n· any aduofeoraffi!lance, butaccordino to the li'i!!:..7~!::._pr~fa'i!_~; that no man will and pleafureofthe king, M atth':,. Pari• in