CJhe 'Demonflration ofthe Probleme. Councd. AntoninHs in his fumme,pifr.3.tit.zz. <.4.§.3. laitb, that it is lawfull and reafonable thotrhe Pope thouId ip(o{•ffo,bcdepofed for hercCie:Pa.,ormitAnagreat Canonifi,deE/ea~ §.jlgni(icafll. faith, that cheCouncellmayde– pofcchePopefor hereile, and alle?dgech a chapter• our ofthe Canonlaw forl'r,whereit isfaod cbarthePope may bean heretike, and beiudged for herelie. Yea further (faithP•– nwmitAne) in matters concerning fAith, the word or affirmation ofone priuate man, is ro bepreferredbeforethe Popes, ifhefpeake vpon bettergwunds our of rhe old and new Tellamenr then the Pope dorh. Tbe Coun– cell ofConllance,f'ff.37.callerh Pope Bme– diff afchifmarike,and an hercrike, and fuch a one at bath erred from the faith, and not much orherwifefpeake they ofJohn.the z!.in rhe 11, feffion ofthe fame Councell. The Couocellof B•fiiin the J. oftheir Synodall Epo[tles,hath words to this effett, The holy Church io indowed of Chrill our Sauiour with fuch priui!edges that we beleeue firmely lhecannot erre:and beildeche Church,wc do notreadethat any other (ordinarily) had at any time thefame or fo great a gift giuen vn– to th?,to no Angels,to nomen, to no Popes or chiefe Bilhopt, whereofmany arc repor– ted,(andfoalfo wcreade) that they hauc fal– len into errours and hereiles. And AEne.u SJ!viHrafrer hewas}?ope himfelfe, relating theathofthe Councell ofB.jil, faith, char the opinion of fuch as hold that Councels may not bee called without the Popes coti– fenr,ifi(may l!and,will bring with or the very ruine oftheChurch:for(fairh he)ifrhar may be fo,whar remedy or helpewill there be,ifa fcandaluus Pope, or one whofelife is tainted with foulecriroes doe trouble rhe Church, if he dellroy foules,&c,ifhe fet forth dottrines conrrarie to the faith, and in!lill herericall o– pinions into their minds char are vnder him. C•tharinHJagrearPaFill in his Commenta– ries on the z.to theG•l•thian.rfaith, Thore is nothing again(\ ir, burrharrhe Pope may erre,yea euen in fairh,and fall from it, how– foeuer certaine late Writers and youngvp– f!arrs haue prefumed to defendrhe contrary, conrrarie to the common and auncienropi· nionofrheDoctors. Alphonfut de CAjlroin bis firf! bookeagainll herefies, ••F· :, faith, The Pope by homfelfewithoutrhe alfembly ondarlillanceofaCouncell, mayerre euen in fuch things., belong to faith, by the opi– mon of many Diuines of great authoririe, whohauefo affirmed and caught, Yea it is found by expcrience,thatdiuers Popes haue erred in the faoch. And in rhc4. chapter of the fame booke,Eurry man may crrein faith although he be thePope hom(dfe:for!'l.rinA reporcerh ofLib:riusrhcPope, chat bee held wochrhe Arrians.And to conclude,chis truth is fod~arc 1 that BriiRrminr bm(clfc,a'dlo. Pont.l>b.4.<•p.9· confclfcth, chac Liberiurrhc Pope d•d afrer aforr,namely,in his mind and A iudgemenr,confent ro theArrian herelie, on afrunch as he fuffered AthAH6[iur ro beeccn– demned,whom heknew robeper(i:cured for char caufe offaith onely,& becaufe heecom– municaredwirhP•/enraadPr[ariur that were Arriani, for which caufehewa• pur from the Popedomebyrhe Clergy of Rome. 18 Touching Antichrill the eldell Fa– th<rs held no cerrainry,becaufe hewasnor as rhen recieiled; therefore rhey bringcunie– ttures:ycrfomlitime rhey doeaa good as fay, that he isto be found in the Romanechurch. Cbry!•f/•me vpon the z:to theThe[.i.Ham•. <f. direttly aflirmerh, rhatAnrichrall isrofcic– ceedrheRomancEmperour, namely, after B tharche Empireisrakenourofrheway. Hi– !.rJin his Epif!,ro Auxe•tiur,[,.,,vnro Al– t.•fia,qu<{l.t t.andOecummiHs on rhe l. Th•f– z.doeall hold chat Antichritl !hallnot lit on Ierufalem, bur in chc Church of God. Ab· bot fa"chim implieth plaine<nough,rharche Pope otRome is rhe very Ancichroli.Many (f•ich he in his Rmei.M,Io.part.;.)vnderrhe prerenceofGodsfeace, chatis, ofche feaof thevniuerfall church,are become indeed the feareof thebeall, which isrhe kingdome of Antichrill, who reignerh euery where in his members from the beginning ofthechurch, and namely in rhecleargie,Monkes and Mo– nalleries.And againe,we haue plainly caught C : and deliuered, char Rome in the fpirit is Ba– bylon.Andalittle after: The merchants of rheearrh (fpoken of in rhe Reuelarion)are the Priellschemfelues, who fell prayersand malfes for money,makingrhehoufe ofpray– era lhop ofmerchandife.And agalne:We fee that nor onely many Di010ps and cleargie men are enfnared in the bufinelfes of Baby. Ion, ro make rherofelueo rich thereby, bur euen many Abbors,andMonkes,and religc– ouo perfonr: and yet why doe I call then• religious/for theyare notfo,bur feeme robe. Otto Fri(urgenfitin his Chronicle, lsb, 7- "!· 3· fairh, Therelhinerh acercaine refemblance betwixt Dabylou and Rome, inafinuch as chatwhich here with vs inrheciry of Rome, D isgiuenrothePopeourchiefe Dilhop by the Chrolloan Emperours, the very fame is there by the Pagan kingsofPtrft•(rowhome fora long time BabyIon hach benefubiee!) gran– ted vnto their high Prietl: and the kings of Perila rhemfelues leauing the lmperiall ci– tie,as ourEmperours makerheir fearear A– quifgraue,&c. So they ar Ecbarane, and fo tranflaring thefeare ofrhe kingdome, they held nothingofBabylon for rhemfelues, but thebare name ofan Empire.And againe,l. 8. c,:.Some(faith he)doeintcrpret thisdep>r– turefpokenofontheThif. and char whereof theApolllefaich, [chat which wirhholdech, woll withhold vntdl ir bce taken ourof rhc" way,]and doe referre irro thekingdome or Empore:and rh.reupon rhey olfofay,charthe Apollle purpofely dcliuered his meaning vndcr this coucrmgand obfcurity of wor9s, le_(!