588 Cfhe Vemon~ration ~~the Prob/eme. Jell hec might feeme ro Ocnderby thu p«· A uidedfor.GIA~tr Rodulphus in hio bj(lorics /, t, Inp:~goTufage,or \\'cakC{l\the fiaceo(the Romane Emc.4.reporteth,thar oneF•lcaerctled a goodly rooi,o~ pm:.!,which r<> the$rareli.11en and Emperors: church inavillage about'fouro, and hauing of thofedaie9,. was thought fo (me-, that tt finiOt•d ~he l'holeworke,hc [cm roHughthe 1 1]10uld ncuer.haue an end, ~!;,to that purpof~ then Arch-bilhop ofTours, that bee would (fay fqcy)it was, rim rhe Apoll, (•id,[& \'hat come &confccrate the church bee had built; \Vlthholdeth,yuu know,]as d.cf~?ribinglt, and but the..&,rchb.prolon;ied his com111ing, and yttnot namiogit.To conclyde,~ucntiwusthc made no great haO to do it,(or that Fulcohad Cl!ronickr, lib, 5· & 7• al\'ir~yh, rhat the taken from thechurch diuers lands &Lord· moflborhof the PrinccsS~!NhoP.IOI Gcr· fhips. F•k• therfore,feeing himfel fe {o anfwemany and of lraly, held ~nq.prpc)aimed qr,. red by rhe At.chb. furmfbcd himfclfe ~·ith a gor]thc y, andMm the u.plaine Antichri{]s great malfeolgoldand filuer,went Uraight.ro ~nd no bcmr. _ 0 Rornero Pope/oh• tbartll<n wa•, and with :·,,!)The monarchicall or foueraigneaurho· great complaint laid open rl]e ~alter before , riticof ,ihc P..opc of Rome ouet the Church htm;"ho forthwith fent one ofthofe whome and generall Councds J waso(n•any men ep B rhey call Cardi•Ais,with chcfardF~tlco to con- , us:r r.:prooucd and condemned, and was not fecrate the forefaid church, and gauc thefa id allowed,noradmirtcdofthe Church till very CardinaiJin (heir charge~ commartdemet, 1 larcly,ll3mely, afrcrtheyearc 1500. Krt~nt. that he fhold there take vpon him rhc awho. :Uus aGermane hifioriographcr in h1s /vir~ my ot theBilhop ofRome, & by him,llf ~p, tropolu,/,7..c. 45. fpeakingof the yeareabour derrhat authotiric, wirhout fcare or delay 1 z4o.In rhofc daies (faith he) there needed pcrformc what(oeuerrhc faidF•lc• cho~g~r }lqt,any Apollolicall confirmation from the expedient to be done touchingthe pt<mifes: Pope, itwasfufficicnr that the ckdionwas whtch when the reil of rhc Bilhops a~id prt· approoued by rhe Arch-bi010p: but now rhe larsofFranoedidhearc.PI, they knew well Church ofRome hath drawne to her felfeal enough, rhat rhisfacrilcgious prefumption rhe rigbrs,honours, and priuilcdgcsof oth<lr proceeded from blind & filthycoueroufnes, Churchcs.Hearc a Frcnchm~n,Dt111rrnur-in, towit,thar while vne w.ould fltale, and aJ10~ his J.bookeofEcclclia!licallliui ngs,,,J.who, therrecciue, amongO rhem they brought ic faith thus: In the ApoOle. timeswhenfoeuer; 19palfe, thata madde fchifmeand diuiilon asany wereto beeordained either Ililhop or e was rifen in the Romi01 churoh. All ofthem Dcacon,oranythingdsof what natu.1efocthete.forerogerherdiOikcd and deteOedthis ucr, waseo bee confidcrcd and derermincd, 1 deallpg oftheRomin1 billiop,iudgingit avewhich c01:cerned the Church, S. P,ur did ry 0 vnworrby and vn(eemely thmg, chat hee neucrarroga.tc nor take itvpon himfclfe,but who rooke vpon him to gouernethe ApoP"mitted and put the matter ro the whole Oolicall fearc,Osould fir(! ofal himfelfetranf., Church:tbcmoH that he did wasrhi•, that as grelfe the teoour and rule of ApoOolicall orbeeing aprincipall ApoOJe he v(ed to alfem· d<r,and ofthe auncicnr Canons;efptcially it ble or call togetherthereO, and to them fo beeing arhingnororious,andconfirmed with alfemblcd to make a fpeech, declaring the manifold authorities ofantiquity,that no Bi· caufe ofrhcir alfcmbling, and the particular 010p prefume to ex•rcifeany authority•·irhafEurcs tbarwcrc robe handled: eucn as with in another mans Diocelle,vnlelfe the BilllOp vs atthis day (herein France) hethat is the oftharDiocelfcdoceithervrge him to it, or Prcildcntofthc Ccurc of Parlamenr calles giue him leaue to do ic,&c. Foralthough the together che whole Senatc,andfpeaking fir(! Bi!l10poftheRomifhchurch, in refpe<'l of in rhc alfcmbly,&c. Neither fer all this" he the dignity ofthe ApoUolicall fearc,be dleegreater or fupcriour then the whole CoUrt, med ofmore reuerently then rhc BiOiops of neither harh l1cany iurifditlion or err.inency D the other fears, which are conUitutcd in the ~rpower ouer rhc who!< Parlament, neuher world,yetmay not he,for all that, rranfgretfe may he iudgcor determine any thing againll th'eordcre!lablill>edby the Canons,but in erheir iudgcmcnrs and opinions,&c. Thus inuery thing, is to beruled by them as others Jccdc [Jood the cafe in times paO.But I know are: foraseueryBifbop of rherrueand Or· r.ot bow it is now come topaif~,that fupreme thodoxall Church, bee1ngas it were rhe busand foucraigncro\ver oucr 21I Chrifl1ans is bar:d ofhisproper and peculiar llocke, dorh afcnbed roone:and that he Otallbe(euen like bearerhe pcr(Oofour Sauior in rh;atch.uge, an Empcrour)frcr,exernpred anddtfcharged as well asany one dorh, [o it cannotporlibly fromalllawcs,edids,canoos,&fynodall conbelong to anyone, to intermeddle prefump- !litutiono.For PopePA[cha/1in a decrctall EcuouOy in another Bill>ops DiocetTe: rhus piGle bath exprcOy taken order or d<crecd, farre Rodnlphu!, All which is fo much the thor no Counccls may prefcribcor comand more remarkable, fceing rhefe things w<re thechurchoiRorne, nor nlake any law to faid and done, not oflatc, burabcuc 6oo, bindethe Romane church:and they brought yearet~agoe, namely, about the yeare after j the matter to that paiTc,chatin diucrs fynodal CbriO 1 ooo, C•(anus in his z. booke of Ca· ! decrees or canonsofCounccJsthcaurhoriry tholikeconcord,c. '3· faith, That the Diefr.frbcRomaneBillmp is cxceetedand proceffcs are diOind:, and one BiflJOp ie. fet oue1 many -·