Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

CJ"he 'Demonjlration oj the Prubleme. m>nyp>llour; forche confcruing of vnity, that is,Caith hc,o(aporidue l.t\''· 1 aodhuruarie conllitution. A1J ag11no: ThePupe i; not thevnlllcrf3il.Btlhop, but thefir(l: aboue or amongothers. And we do build and found (faith he) thevigor ofholy C<>uncels, not in the Pope, butintheconfentof all. And a– gainc,in the :o.chaptet. It t1 cl<are(faith he) that Pope £,., in certaine points did neuer rcceiue, nor allow the con(litutions of the Couucoll ofCbalcedoll (., fot 011e efpecially, thatthc Church or Sea of Con[\antino· plc 010uld haue the preccJ,nce before that ofAle~andria,) but he alwaie•fplkeagainli them, as alfo did fome others after him, and yet for all thatthedecree of the Councdl c· B uertookeplace. Bu11fthe Pope had it in his power to bee able ro abrogateor nulltfic the decrees concluJed by gc!letall Councels, certenly POJpl! L~o,or Come of his fuccelfvrs, would haue pre,uiled in this point, which it isapparenrthey J1d nor,as Ifaid afore. And alitleafter:Though Pope Lcooppolcd him– (olfemightily againli 3.chapters or conliitu– tionsofthe Chalcerlon Councdl,&c.yet hee m:ldenot this rdilbnceout of his owne au· thorityonely ,but by and from the authority A l.s.<it.; S.c.4, And forthe point whcrcm ynu demanded my counfell, wlmher the remlf!i– onsw!lich arc wont eo be: madeat dedicariO.i~ J of Churches, or to {uchasconrributcto rhe · buildmg of bridges, bee auaileable tu any 0 • therthenthofe U'ho be ofthe pari01 and ~ioce!fo of.thofe thatgrant them, we wouldha ue your brotherhood to know rhus much, th011 (eeing no man can either bo bound,or abfol– ued of him that i' not his proper Judge,.wee therefore are of opinion,thatthe forcfa1d re– ruiffiOsare profitableonly rothoft\tO whom & whofegnod their ownepropcr Judgesthat graunted them, did fpecially intend rhem. Thefe be his words. And heceI gather thefe concluGons, 1. that it then perrair.ed to af Bi· fhoP', to giue and grant lndulge11ces or re. millions. :. That thefe Indulgences were skarce known in thofe daies ofPope Al<xan. which appear<s thus:ln that rhe Archb1Jhop ofCanterbury,held it a matter (o rare& dif– ficulr,that noicntto Rome to koowrhever· tue &valor of them, and to whom theywere efpCCiallyauaileable: whereupon it iscleere, that cue the great MaUers& Prelats cf En– gland, were but litlc or not acquainteJ with thcm:althougb fornc 6o.ycare!l b('fOreJPope Prhanthe •· sranted to them thatvndertook aPilgrimage to the holy lond,abour theyere ao9s. rcleafcmcnt of all penances for their of rheNtcene CounceiJ. And againe,in the 34· chapter. An vmuor(.!l Councell of the Catholike Church bath thefoueraigne,mofi ab(olute,and lughell power in allthmgs, yea euen ouerthe Bilhop of Rome. And in the fame booke and ~>,chapter,W: fee (faith he) how fartheBifhop of Rome is gone,or how much hee hath encroched beyond the holy nod ancicnrobfcruations,outof thecuflome and ·praCli(eof [ubieC!ionall obedience. In the yeare 1 J37.alf theProlatsand Princesof Almaign concluded and agreed on this, that aCouncell1s aboue thePope in matters of faith and llate,and thcrfore that·theappeale from the Pope to the Counceli was good. ThusreportethN aHclerus,gtner41.4$. And as.for thi:~abfolure, foueraigne; -and indeter– mmcd powerofthe Pope,it was firfi ofa! ap~ prooucd &granted in the :.Councell ofLa· reran, in the: timea( Leuhe 1 o. within thefc aoo.ycares,namely,about theyeare •s, 6. Of13uls,or Indulgences. 1 THefeIodulgentialf B"ls of the Romane Bifhop,wherein isgiuenabfo· lqtionfrorn the guilt of teporal puni01menr, byapplication of the merits of Cbri!l, &of the Saints, wen! not known eo the Caeholike church for 1 ooo.yeares &more after Chrili. Alcx•n.rhe;.who. beg~ntofitatRomeabout I theyeue JJ>?·tnanEpillle to theArchbi– fhopofCamerbury,thm writcth)as_is yetex– rant eo befeene i_n the Popes owncdecrctals, C fins,(as N auclerusl~atb it,gcn. 37.)or as Mat. Pari.sinWit'lidmoII. faith; hcegranred rbem pardon ofall their finnes,and in therctdbuli– onofthe.Iuli at the lali day,he promtfedthe anincreare of glory.Outof the Councellof Larcranc vndcr Innocent the J.C4n,6.t. it ap· pearet~ thatal Bifl1.ops 1 had authol"lty to giue Indulgences. And as fort he groAtlndulgen· CC$ of theyear~ of lubilr, tbq came in pra· ttifc:(omc 300. yearcs::tgQe 1 vi~. about the yearc J300. as Pl.trina reports in rhe life of Bonif. the 8. And tharrhefckindeof Indul· g2nccs were not knowne in the Primitiue Church, Roff. himfelfe, (that is,our owne coumryman,Fifoer the bi010p of Rochef!erli confclfech in h" book agamfi Lmh:r,a>t. J S: D lanfwcr(fauh hee) thatitisnot fufliciemlyl manifdl,bywhom thcfe Indulgences were firCl ~iuc:n ouc.. And c~mcerning Purgatory hefauh: there Is very ltrtle 01 no menticm ar allamonlltheancient FatbersoFir.But aft<r thefame Purgatory beg a tc fcare •he world, and men trembled at the torments thereof, then l»dHigenctJbegan to be in requcll. Du- ~an~tttal(o thusfa!th conccrning/ndnlgCu 1, I 10 h1s commentaries on the fcmcnces hb.4. d.:o.q.J.Littlecan be fatd ofthem,with any ccrramty,fora(illUch ~s thefcripture fpe~kes .//1 norhingat al c.~prcflyof the,As for the holy Fathcrs,namely.Ambrofc,H,/strJ, Augv.s1int, Jc.romt~thccc i$ nor a weed eo be found in rhC ) that toucbctb Indnlgtnm,.Aiphcn(HJ dt C-flra vpon thtsmmer, :Amongfl oil rhe \ I qucfll<)sor points which wcdifpute ofm this book,thcre iononeal all,which ha tb [o little J D d d ~~g_____