Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

---------~~~~~~~~-~----------- 7"he Vemonflrattonofthe Probleme. footmg tn the holy Scripture• ; andwbereo~ A the auncient Fathers haue !poken !elfe. '"t Forrbe fpace of a tboufand yearesaftet 'Cbrifl, rhc Indulgences (tbot.werc)were to· laxationsar relcafemenu of Canonicall fa· tisfadion,rhat is,ofthe difciplmc or correlh· from it,butonly flrew and declare r)m aman is bound and loofed: as thdeuiticall Priell, neither made a manaleaper,nor healed him beeing aleaper,butonly or pronounced that hee was polluted or healed. Durandos vpon the fentences faith, that the power of the keyes worketh nothigg to the forgiuenelfe ortaking away of the tault or blotteofmor. tall finnc. on of the Church: butthey werenotordai· ned,nor vfcd as fatisfadions before God for temporall puni!hment: and the Fathers and ·Councels [peakingthereof,are thus robe vr.– dcrltood,as namely,the I.Nicene,<.ll.the II. ·at Arles,uo,tbatat Ancyra,<.l, Sometime alfo they be declarations of the forgiuenetfe or remillion of finnes, and in this (enfe the word Indulgences is often taken: for in the lelletsoflndulgences,we may reade tbatab– folutton is granted, fometimefrom the fault a~d punifhmem both together, &pardon of ail Gn, fometimethe halfc,fomtime the third parr of thettfinnes: fuch were <heindulgen· ces grantedwubin a rooo,ycresafter Cbrill, by(;reger; rbc r.Leothe 3.Strgiurtbe l ,ll.nd it is worth the obferUing, that in rbe writing& of Bnrcht~rdHJ:.and GrAZian:u,there is nothing to befound concerning Indulgences:No nor in Petrr Lwmbard, who liued about theyeare 1150· · 3 Inauncienttimes,thelndulgeaces, re– mitred 3.or 7:or moreyeares ofPenance,be– caufefo many or moreyeares werefet down, wherein the penitents were to giue full fatis– fat!ionto thechurch ofthefincerity ofrheir repentance. Nmvafter the fame manner In· dulgcnces are graunred for certaine yeares: buc in the other point they arc fallen farre from rheiull feuerityof theancient Church, for penanc(s are not <nioyned for certaine ye'ares. 4 Theancient Fathers do notteach that Indulgences were profitable to the d<ad : and no letTeis both auauched and taught by Brd,tea. 57· vpon the Canon of the Malic, and by Hof/ienfir in his fumme, I.>· rrr. dere· mi(,nu.6.two famous Papills. 5 The power of looting and bindi~g in theChurch,or which the Church hatb,tsnot proper,but is exercifed ondy by declaringor publtfhino that it is fo:fo fauh H~eromt,M. 3• CommentJnMat.on tbofe words.To theewil I giue the keyes,&c.Prie!h hauc no power of binding or loafing, but to fhcw and declare that finnets bee bound orloafed. Radulpbus Ardms. aboutthe ycare toso. inDominic.l. pop,Pa(;In whatauthotit~mull Priells abfoluo l not in thetr ownt,but 10 Gods: for the power to remit or reJe~fe finnes, is onely Gods: buttbe Minillery ofit(which alfowe fomcrimeimproperly call apower) hee barb grantcotohis Vickarsor depunes on eatth, who afrer rheirmanner,or in a fort,do binde, and loofe,rhat is,!hew &declare them bound or abfolued. H•go the Cardinall on thefame place of S.M~tthew,faith;As for the bond of I inne or gutlt and ducpenance,the Priell nei· rher can bmdea manmir, nor Joo(eaman 6 Thctreafureoftbe Church isfuppofed to confi!l in the merits of Chrill and the S11ints, the difpofing and difpcnfing where· of is committed to the Pope,was altogether vnknowoc in the Church of God for many agesafter Chri!l. For theauncientFathen neuerfaid nor Ggnified, wrotenorimagined B that Indulgences were giuen out of the rrea– fure of fatlsfaClions.Fr~~.nci(cnsd~ Ma)rom,in 4..!,19 q. z.andDurAnd.in4 both of the reach,tbat the ttcafureof the Church dothnot confillvpon rbe mc:i" of Saints. Angelus their great Lawyerhorh rhefe words vpon the marrorof Indulgences,par.9. The c6mon opim6 that is holueu both bydiuine• andCanoniUs,is,thar Indulgence!arile from the abundance of merits which Chrifl & the Saints haue performed beyondthe mca(ure of their ow11c demerits. But I holde for my par~ withFrt~~nci(cusdt MayrDnt,that whereas the merits of Sai11ts are already rewardedof God beyond therr dc!ert,and thereby areex– haull,therfore they come from the meritsof C Chrilhloneandh11paffion. Ofthe Power ofK.jngs. 1 THePopeof Rome was fubietl to the Emperour,or t" the Imperial! I awe~ in al matters or caufes(as they fay)con· cerning perfans and things ecdrfiaUicall,for atlea!l 85o.yeares after Chri£1. Terto/1, ad Scapulam, faith, We honour the Emperour, &c. as a man next to .God, and inferiour onely toGod. Optafltsco•tr• Parme.Mrour. D tio, Therei.noneabouctbcEmperour, but onelyGod, who made theEmperour. Leo in his Epi!lle to the Emperour, epiflo~. 59· Becaufe wee areby all munestoobty your godly authoririe, andyo~r religious will, I haue therefore wtllingly yeelded my opm•· on and confent to the fynodall confiJtutl· ons coP~ocerningd1e confirmarionofth~ Ca· tholtke faith, and damnation of hereuckes, which did very much l1ke mce. Gregomm an EpifiletorheEmperour, Epif/ol. l:bro l. C4pittloo, I (faith he) b~mgfobwtl to your commaund, bauccaofed thatyour law or C· dia to bee fent and publtfl><d in dm<rsparrs of thcworld. Andaftm.ard: I l1aueyeel ded obedience to the Erl'prrour • ,nd yet h~ue 1 nor hoJdrn my rcngnC' in-th cauJc