Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

-- t. ----Th7JJ~;;,;;;p-;:;,~;t;}=;rih,;T;~k'~~t~--; 9-~~-- ~---,- c_ •• r, of GoJ,bQ< h•uefpok.e,.f~~~J r~oghf: A that d~rjl ~tf~r to dFeo~IJ~ l;mperqur: ro/ 1\nd1.4.<- 7 6. (fqr 1 roy p>rt d? p,;~(orm ob~-- i telllficfOOil~fr!fng_c•['••f!/iro G. capi";3S• .I d)coeto the commmde.nepto( hiS re~de(fat1hh<:}?.~er anp ~eragaipe,<hc lio· H;~h\le•- N••cl"'"·gcnerar.~0 .qfhis C~r"i 1 riesof t.hqRqm~rie Kmgs.and,Empcrours, >g:TA}hllpeakingof the yeare 6o].or rhore, ; and I n~u_~r.findcan.r:'?~c.?.frli~ro,ro bee ox- ~ours,faitb, Con/la•tmc tl)e Eippcrour,con· commumcarcd ord.eprwsd o.fhiS~mgclome ceiuingagreat a~mion of_rl1e holines ofBe-· . by the IltfJ!pp of Rome, before <hi• H-.m ncd>ll,.cnad<adec,tec and fenr i1to l)Jm,gran: the f'?urfh•YI'!!~ffeperaduenturcfome would tlqg rhercby,tha!•il.eccafrec whomfocuc( rhe · iu·dgcir an~cornmunicalion, that P~wer~c Rom•ne Clergte,pc~ple, & fouldiers lhould Emperor'"' for'nie placeq amongtl chufofortheir Popc,almcnfhould forthwith rhePcn1tenu by rbc Romane Bifi1op ; and ellcem atld rake hm1 for Chtifls true V1kar, Theodofiu~for that cruel malfacreand llaugh· without waiting for any further authority or rer ofChriilians,was by dm6ro[eforbiddcn allowance,eirher from theEtnP..~rourofCo~, for a11mcto enrerrhe Church. Likewife s;. fl•.r,. ot the Prince of ltaly:fortill rhar rime, ge6ertJU,abourrheyereJo~8.Le,mefayrhQs it was vliJall &ap;proued, that when a ne•· Bi· B much with the leaue ofall goo4 mcn,rhis ne• Chop ofRom~w.asto bee created,cither•the ~ehy,nor ro.c~}l it an bereti~~\\·as noc knowne Pfince himfelfc, or clfe hisLeiutcnanr of I· m the world,asyer,(rhar is,before ij>(Jebri~. taly,didcoo6rl?le ~im.s;gom~ inhis4,book..l fi[/or,&Jirban,as hefa1rhm!h~yearc 1 11 1.) of the kingdom~of Italy, fatth, Ch.rl" the , that t~e P« 0 Ylhould reach the peopl,e,dm greatchaJicngeqto himfeJfc the kingdom of they OWC D9,fubtcCliO~~ntq euilf kings.; and Italy, asbci9g_his owne by y"~lory & Con· · though they bauc made t)1cnunotlwt fea l-, quell.The Exarchy of /l. auen•~.L'enr.poli;,the ry,yet rh~ttheyowe no fealry vnro them,and pu~~dom~sofP4.ruf'i4,Romtrr.i~t,Tu{cia,&(am· rhar th~y,ar~notperiurcd,who tn thisca[c do pania,hc permitted to the Pvp~,yct rcf<ruing hoiJe~!>ain(f rheKing;yea,that he who !hall ~o himfd fethe.ltght,princip.l!lr-Y.lancl doml· ; obey the~ing, or Uand with him, is to n_ign,the rdll1c rctametl w l1mUdrc in nan>e held for cxcoqununica~c, and he.: that Qiall qf rhc kinsdome. And alterwarJ "'the 7· takcaga.<n(llhcKmg,i~ro,bcabfol~cd from oooke,abOU\thc ye>re 97)• heBtfhop u_f all crime of iniunlce, rlifobcdience,;md pcr- .l.\.90le hcld;~o/"'1 Ra""'"'· ><)d r~mc or her IUCJe. 4ndOn•phri;u qi!"fd(e confeifeth .in Prciuinccs,ril.rh~r by :u;rhorny1t,hcn Jommi- C his boc,k.eof the digniti~~~pf the R,omJnc 9.!1> ,Forthe Ctties rcfpe oJ the Pope as a Church, that in the rim~ of Alt.<•nd<r rhc Pr(m:e of tho Gollntry,botrheK•ngor Ernthird, the Rom,~eCpurch was lifted vp to ~(O'!Jr as·rhe1r fuucr.a ignc Lor.d, :tnd~nto rhehcight.oftw.or~dlY, bo,nour, Fredcric~ the jlim they did their homage, and paid rh~ir Emperour beeing trodenvnder•footc. A•entributes. Le6 the fourtb writing to LodJ1riw lltufsin.h)s c;.oroniclcs,"b. 7pAg. 684- rcpor· "'.(he Empcrour_.,isyet :o bee fecpe in the te<h that oneEherharduJtb.c~rchbifl10pof Cao.on law,alt"~· (jrar, Ji,1inr:f. 19.capite ~; Iuva, ~a.w (called Salrdurgh,) fpake rhus, faith; coqcer,nJJlg_t;hofe the Rc.yall comman• Hildebr.a•~(Caith he) about 17o.year<;sagoe, d~tllCnu, apc)__lqlperiall decrees of )'QUI ~.rflofa!lvpq~r.t!lCptetf~c~ of rcligton,laid ·Highne!Tc, anll your B1010ps f!Ur prcdecc(. the foundari'ln of AnticlmOs Emp1(e: . f!s (our~ ~rcc prowif~ ~nd profeffe, that by the 6rfl ofaU ~e~an!hat v~gqdly •·arre, •'hit;)? hclpoof Chrifl~ ~·f~~reU\"C,C\_"erc,andar~ by hi,,.S,~E~~lf()urs is hitherto copJiny~m able,woe hau~ and will inuiolai!IY kecpc~nd, The{~P~~~rflofall thrpll OJlr..thc li_~1pe, obfcructhcm;;>.~4 (9 will dof!.for_ cuer herjj: 19urs fr.?'!' rf1>ir allem!,>, and u:mflare_d after. Agame,~Hc.Camel.cofu~~nmcrh ha'\· . them vnrorhe people and the Priell.s, afte,rfclfe to be• coQf~rcd by rh~ iu~ge~pcnr of \"ard th'y~~rped, ill'<ias it werehi!fed out rhe Emperour, apd,his_ COu;1_9l.iflioners, 9_r n, them a}_(q \. ~n!l 00_1'! w~t!!Jtend they ~Ut e: Delegates (e~, fron> h)m t!).t,har purpo[e, j UetV~~<IJ,aJ\l~ ys alfo,_~99 ro bring v.s into . a~g:ray appearc in rbe Ca.non !aw, ca~fa,r.. . Oap~r.l.'~rl}i\~[~~he~ m~x.r~jg~c-a,lo~~i;ll~j qlf4ft, 1· cap.N.w:fi~. To conclu_de,BcUarmrp,e1 (auhE§sr:!{~ri1f!· And ag,~U!<,Htt!Jat i1-f{1< hiJ.llfeJfe, ,J• !?P'II•f. IIbra fmm~q!__ c:~p•te ·~· fcruan~,'?rfHqap,r~,cou;chlfl;tqbrph~t(,pg ~.~l.derh, tl)a1~~ jong as the )?npccsof the of~iog_s,~~,J4>r4Rf,rprds,asthoughbee ;II<Qr!d.werc hear;hep, rh~ I'GB•,'l'~' nor their .u;cre Go4-l\~•nfclfe,--hc fr~~~~es hog' thin·g~ Iu~ge,_bur ceq!r•r!wifcw~s (o\J(ect to rhe'Pl ~nd lj_igl) l]l~~ro,~stho.,gh~c ~>:ere Go#-I2 ',Ill ~I{ ~futl.l •G!'J!f~J,,~I '!'ell ,~!.Pth,c~ ll]!'? : 1 i iliD31\111·~h!il~~peulCCSCOJ\l1!jll~j{y,a,n.c\!sel !ll[41l fa.1~, l:.!I!\ll 1Y·pPD thiS.l, 'ffi\me rbu~: 1 , . 11.cry flax !Ja~ql!J!C(Ing.nclj'\t,biogs m l1i•h.e~d; S~J ~ll.:y~~:qglljJpg,eJ1h~~1of:rr''' eo~, 1 ~n<\rl)~f,_hc,f!l'l;r,ereClf9,1J\'!1fSII an Empirr, er-, '(>.J1 bi'PI>~.,byP.~<;9,1llll!l91? Chqfl1,aJ1•! ~.9,d,bring?H.PI!W~~i<\to_~!§ own,ehand;,~~· . ther~.~J~ ,_t~!'Y< qugju" qilL,!R)\a~!' , r,hal i .~h~rs~rh] hls,r.l<:~fl!~,abiogat~ithe / r fo.tW(~ignue;~QVffl.~!!hop~J'loCJUIIl cap; · '?ldc,and,d~~Ait))c_f),i h!fP.II'n<;!.AIIthi•dorh - .f~s-_-! , "'" ·•1o>r!•!" "'; • .. •tn!:\ortl :.''"".'-]. I .t\J31_'f~?.: '?~_p,e'~' ... t!P.Il~~-,~qm,., rpcqvfe tp. call\ : ·""' Tne;Rop9Jiql'!!f<;.d_9<!Uls•.ns~efp.eC) . . ~nt!cli~(J,~.IlltP.of~J",r~l]ead is <vrirtfn the . •lly_thc Rp~~R•. 'l!\'J"!lf~qe4'AA~"~P.J' 1 1 8•\ll~o J?!~W.\J~n,ie1 an!!,fq ,u:hofe "'outh IDP.r_cJ¥rer C.~flfl• ,Efl/debrM<I .w~sne fjr(l, ,a~~.IJl< SI!'PS4~_qf f!rcfUJllpl)pn, lam (l•d, 1 --- -- -----Ddd% Cfltfn{}}