Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

The Vemonfiration of the Prob/cme. , ca•nor me; he litrerll in theT empie ot God, and domincercth ou<r all farre and .necre, And Anmtinus himfolfe agame, libro7.pag. G7s. rcpocrcrh,that the Pope fenrhis Buls and Breues ro aH the Bi010ps of Germany, but none of them obey him, therefore bee •Monach" wrires to 'be~1Abbms,andcommands them tum P:uri. ro curfc: the Bi010ps, but neither will they bus, yeeld vntohim.Whar doth hethen/hefends rothe Pmlls, and commandsthem to chufc them new B•lhops,& ro theMonkeoto chufe them nc•v Abbots, luch as themfelues plea– fed,vnlclfe thefewould yeeld andobey.Eucry one was amazed at thcllrangencsof this coucfc, beciog without all former example : nay the like was neuer heard to haue beene amruptcd;no marucll therefore thoullh this commaundemcnt and embalfage of his dlf· pleafed all that heard ir,for in no placa had it any acceprance,--co.,.•d•,the B1fhop of Frir('•gen, appealed to the Empcrour, and taughc c>pcnly,thatthe r;rcatPrtellofRome had no power mGermany 10ithour the con· Cent oftheBi010ps ofGermany, Let the Ro– milll Pridl(lairh he)kecpehlmarhome,and fecdc his Italians,as for vs, though bee holdevs doggcs, yctwoearcfuch dogges, as fccing God bath conllirured vs ouor our Hockes,we will barkeactheWolues, and will cfpecially keepc fuch Wolucs from our Hqckes, aaOuoud themfdues vndcr ll1cepes clothing. Bur what will this fellow (faith he) this vfurping Vockar do to others, and ordi– nary men,iudgc by rhis,when he dare Co take vp,andfoeuilinrreat vothatarehis brethren, and his companions/ And agaioe,rhe fa/ne authorellwhere relarcrh, that Gtrochi•s,who was Gregormaduocate,fald thus:thcRomim Bilhop• vfucp to themfeluc diuine honor, re· fufe rogiueaccouotoryeilda·rcafoo oftheir doings, and rhinke ir.varcafoniable rhai any man n,ould fay vnro'them, why doeyou fo 1 In a word, they hauc alwaieo both in their words and praetife that of thePocr, Sicvol•, (tc subeo, fl•• pro r•ti•••,•lunt.u. Thus farre .AuentiniiJ. ··· A from the Greekca vnto the Gcrmancs, ond\ that by their owne righr,or u bccing athing an the~r power to doe,and by a free and quiet choice, gaue it to {h•rlu, witb the voices both of theSenateandthepeople. Yea .A:· ne.u SJI•imhimfclfc,c,ll· (afterwardoaPope) !peaking of the authority of the Romane,thar rhe peopleofRome, who witli rheir liueo and much b'lood,hadwone to rhemfclues fuch an :Empir<, did alfo with their blood make Ch..,./errhcgrear (kingof France) the Emperour, together .with the confenr ofthe Romane Bilhop. Nay·this point isfoclceretoall that arc nottoo parri– all, that o.. ph,;,. a late and learnedPapill, faith, Ch•rlet beeing crowned and confccra– B red KingofFrance,ma rowneofFrancecal– ledC•ri(iaco, by PopeStepheothe fccond, a– bouttheyeare of Chrill75>· was alfo cho· fen and faluted Emperour of Rom•, in the Church of Saint Peter in the Varicane; by the confenr of the Clergir, Senate,and peo– ple of Rome, and wasth<'r<crowncd byL<D the third,in theyeareofourLord 8oz.Ther· fore from thefc iris apparent, that where the h11loricsorChronicleo fay t.hat ChATluwas crowned, or annointcd, made, called. or– dained, or defigned Empero~Jr by the Pope of Rome, thryaretobevndallcod,notof che power of conferring the authority •Ill! iurifdidion lmp<riall,butoF rheccrcmo?~e of Coronation or Inaugurario n, and of '"" C publikc renunciation, and folcmne f'!lnilica· rion ofthe Emporours place,powcr,and dig· nity. That alfo whichaman th~ll often meet ,in hlllorier,namely, that Li•g:lileorconfor· red the Empire to Charier, iste> bee vnder• llood,rhat he confenred to them rhargaue it. Forbefides all beforcallcadge'd,eucnAdri1111 the Pope doth confctTe it in his Epillle ro Fmltrick,e, iowhomchecwrofcrhu•: ldoe nor beleeuc (faith bee) rharyou haue forgot– reo-howgreat honourI g'aucyou, & huw carefully and willingly I bellowed on you the Royall Crowneof the Empire;and lam no rhingfocry for rhat I haue done, bur would much rcioycc ifI had giuen you farrc grea– ter fauours: Bur afterpercciuing the Empc– D rour to be c.f!'ended at thefe phrales,and·that he would by nomeansacknowledge hi• Em· pire robe the Popes benefit or gifr,hethere· fore expounds himfclfc,and faith, by bonc6t he meanes6..., f•FJ•m, a gooddcede-.ano by conferred or bellowed, nothing rifebur I. ·put vpon you,orpur youintopoll'cffion: for thus bee writcth, I fatd .J conferr<d ot be· ·flowed on you theImpciiall C::rown,b'edult 3 The Empirewas tranllated from the Grrcians to the Germancs,notby the Popes power,but byrhecounldl, voice,and decree of the Senateand peopleof Rome, and the Bithop ofRome wasonely a counfellcror af– fillanr of thiochange,oras it were,thc Inter– preter: ForSig•*rrtinhio Chrocicle,•n.8oz. thus writerh; The Romanes hauinglong a– goe fallen from the Emperourof <;:oollanti· nople in their thoughro and refolurions,·-did' now with onecod~ntchufekingC,h•rles for their Emperour, gluing him the falurarion, applaufc,and-acclamationoflmE'mperour, and did crownefifmby the hand ofLe.rheir Pop•, calling himC•(•r and Asigwfhu. A· . ,·ntine alfoiq his'llillorle,/,3#.fairbi that the B•lhopof Rome, what alone! no; but I he Bi010p;_rheSenate, and the peoplecif Rome, decreede to rransfcrre·the ·Empire __ ; tn rhio word beOowcd'?rconferrcd,J meant nothinjl cls, bur Herit'vponyour head, or• I crowned you with ir. ifig.,iinfpcakirig(!ft~e \ kin~domolltaly,l: ft! wriie-l'thar Ch.Uls o_b7 , rained the Empire by cighrof•·acre '· by'"h1 ! iiwilep'ici'!e!Te, & at Jail by plaine bargair.e ! and couenantwithJrm~andNsctphorHI.Ctl ' .: FrifinJ.~nJir.li6.z.~~tp.z J.rtporriog the dtedr of