Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

·Zhe/J!J.e'l1wnjlration of the 'Probleme. 593 1 of Frcdeprkethc.firtl;wmcrh rhar Frederic~e A nation, waighing ••irh wifcdomc the ••lour I rh~s(arnnngJI,orher rhwgs) (pakero the Ro- •nd verrue ofP.ipin;andcqntrariwtfe tbc eh.d mane Embatf•do!lrs: Thou boa!ldl (faith diOmcsand vnworthrnes ofOl.>t/d,ic.l,_e, con· he,lt_lur I wts c~llcJby thee, thatthou fir(! fulred withZacbary the thcBtntopofRrnne, madcfl mea Ctrizeo, and rhcnEmperuurof whether they had rcafon a[)y longer to roJe. IRome; rli';tt rbe honour lhaue, was firll in rare fofool1il1 a king,and wi>lethcrhce he:lo a chee,aod char I rcc~iucd lt from rhee,but the rcafon rhat Pipi"' (bould bee any longer de.; noueltieofthefcvnufuall rearm_cs,how farrc fraudcd,and kept from the po!Tdfion of the from reafon,and haw void of rruth they bee, royal! Crowne, wl\ich hee lo well de[cruod: I Jeaucirrothc venter of thycredit, and the and thePopeanfwering,chat bee ~·ere rO bee iudgemcnc of thewt[c. Let vsouerJookc rbe accounted theKing,who knew better, & \YOIS deedesof the late Empcrours, anJ weenull better able to difcharge rhc duric of a. Kmg, fooue fiude that thole heroicall Princes of they forrhwuh by the general!con(enrof rhe our.,(barleJandOttb•, tooke po!fdlion of wholenarion, declared rip~n forrhcrr krng, Rome 01nd lralie, and annexed them tbthe and tooke Childtreck!.&·fhauing hiscro\.\•nc, Crowne of France, recejuing them of no B rhcy put him into a cloyflen N ~tucltrJIJ alfo mansgift, but cue rccoueringthem by force reportcrh, alrnofi to the very fame purpofc, !andvalour uot ofrhevfurping hoands of the generat.1.6. . Greekes and Lumbards. If tnou doubt nf -4 The power ofdepoGng Kings and Printhis, thou maicfl foonc fee lt by Dc{idlriUJ & ccs, was 6rfl eCioabhChed by Jnnoccn1iru 1he Bertm14rim(thofe tyrants ofrhioc) in whOJ\3 third,ln the Councel ofLareranc,:.bour 1%15. thou ~diddell boa£t, and to whomc thou yeares3ffcr ChriCt: and yet as I hauclhewed, d1ddetl trull as vnro grear Princes: For we 1t was ofrcn rcprooued and fpokcn aga111fi. hau;! it from vndoubred relarion, that they To chiscnd fccNa~tclerHsin rhechromclc of were notonly conquered and capriuared by rbo[ctimcs,generAt.4Z.411n., z4z.who reporour French nation, but rhac they eu:n grew tcth rhefe words of Fredericl:._e to rhe king of oldi 1 and at la.H coded their daie,; in that cap· France,touchingrhc fenrcnce of depot1tion, ttully. And thctr very a'hes wilteh are latd giuen out again(! him : Although (faith h') vp wtth vs, and whtch wee kcepc ro r!us day, rhe Rornane Bi010p hath plcnarie powerrn doyecldvnro vs a moll eutdent argument of matters fpinruall,Jn as much as he can bindc th1s truth. But thou w•lday vnro mcc, thou C andJoofcanyfioncn a.r his plcafure, yet it is ca!llefl hither bctng called by me/ Iconfelfe no where to bee read, that cirher by Gods or I was called,buc rei thou che rea!On why,and mans la\v, heemay tranJlate kingdomes as 1t the manner how I was called' Thou waflafplcaferhhim, or iudge and difpofc of Ktngs faufted,and eucn beaten by thy cnenucs;and :w1d Princesccmporally 1 or Jepriue them of neither bythin~ own!! power,nor much lclfc their kingdomes. by theelfcminateGrectanscouldcll thou be S The A~ncienrswould haue temporall dcliuered; therefore the French power and pnnces debarred from medlmg in matters prowelfe was thy refuge, vnto rhcm thou ecclefiallicall,nodimplyandeuery~·ay,bur 6ed!l,aud earneO!yinuued him to rily help: in regard firflof ab(olute iudging and dctcrthus was I called: buc is not thi.<> rather an miningofhoJy things!fecondly,m regard o( imploring, then a call1ng? furely I miniflcriaiJaChons, in refpectwherc~;f,eucn cfleeme tt. Forrhou didrl not call or inuire kingsrhemfcluc•~<e !heepof rhe flockc.Bur me,as not needing me~ or bemgm good cafe nor In regard of rhe ordering or goucrmng to doe me honou~,burrhoubemg i!l mlff(IC, ofthe Church and Mimllcry eccle!ia{hc;;~ll. implored(! hclpe of me being in happtnelfe, In which refpeC!s they arc aboue all perfons rhouweake) ofinebecingthcnHrong, rhou D andcaufes, eueneccldiallicaH, wuhin theu doubtfull,of me b<tng then fecure? On this owneDominions. manner bcrngc~lled,if this ; 6 Thcannointingor onnoylingof kings, acallrng,Icamcvntothe•. fhus farreFnand the Chufme or oyle with which rhey derid.-:..e 111 that place. As fOrrhe-dep·olfr~g of wereannointed by Priclls, were: not in vfe in Child~rick.e rfieking ofFrance,ltwas doneby the Churche-s of Greece fOr uoo. ycares the Peers & people of the land,bur rbc Pope and more,as appcares in the Decrerals,M.r. onely deui(Cd the-\Vay,anJ gauacounfcll how deeret. 15.tit.TJe(4cra JfnrJione,cap,l. In the ro doeit: ro which endeS•bdlicfu rn his EnWeflcrneCburch, ihc firfl that vfcd thisccnrad. 8. t.b. 8. thua wrirerh joThe Peersand remony,w~stheEmperor IHI7indhe fecond. pcop_leoft~lc Kingdomeperc~i~t~ngand ~o· In F-rance, Pipin father of Ch4rles rhegrear, 1 n.of1rmg_ the _prowefT~ of ~~pm,-----askmg_ wasthe firfl _rhar was annoioted, and lt\\"as aduice hrrl of allo(Zacham•theBtOrop of donebyB•••(•ceArchbi!hopofMentz. Rome, took away the name and tttleofiCing from Childcri<k_:, and bellowing it on Pipin, created hirn their Klhg. Blmdui in his De– cads 1. lib. 1 o. I finde (faithhe~) in·Alcuimu, ,Paul;u, .and very ml!l.Yorhar wnr-ers~-- tha't rhe noSles and communaltie of th~ French :•'(fardinah. I THeofficcofCardinalswascommon . with Priefls, Bi!hops, and Deacons, Ddd 3 from