594 er h~ Vemonjlration of the Probleme. ffom the time of the Apolllcs downcwardo A Apollle• preachin£. But Chrrfof/om•,H•ml. for many hundred yearcs: and there was not t s. '" Hebr<ot, coun_mh ehis for aplainevnany office properly belonging to them, till truth, faymg, ·rhat IDPAN/s time, there was l<lng time after the ApoO!cs: the fir!! that no fljlne nor !leppe of any Monke. And makes mention ofthc:m,isGrtgQry the Great: Hi"Dmt faith, ln v1t11 Hillll'imis, that there for(as Bell•rmi.ebamfdfeconfelfetb,deC/er. wao no Monke in Syria, beforeHi/ari••· who lib. '·cap. 16.) in the fir!! 8oo.yeares,the Bi· was the founder of that profeliion in that lhop d Rome for determining thegreat & Prouince. waaghtic!l affaires ofthe Church,vfed to call t Mona!licall profeflion beganne in the hisCouncell of the Ba010psof Italy, and for Churchabout the •<>o.yearesafier the Re· thele 6.or 7oo,yearespaG 1 they began(by Illdemption, by PA111 a Thebane, or rather a· tieand lirrle) to lay downe rhofe Epifcopall bour the 300. yeare by Anrhonit, For the Councels, &reduced all buunes to the Coofiril: was the firtl patterne of Heremiticall fillory of Cardinals; and that the rather, be· life,and thefecondwas theliril: mallerorteacaufe in the times of Pipin and Charlu the cherth.etcof. In thofc daies (faithFri{ingmGreat, tbcre was an accelfc of much tempo· fs,llbro qutarzo,ctap, fJHIJIIo,) liued rhc twomofi rail principality vnro that Sea. Further, Ni- B tamousPriAcesof the kingdome of ChriU, chol.u [lcmangil,inhis bookcs ofrhe not payPaul and dntonlf, the two fir(! Heremires. angofAnnars,fairh, that the Cardinals haue N a<.ian<.mc In Mon•dia,faith,that Bafil fir(\ of olde adouble duty or chargcahc fid.l,ro muenred Mona!leries, and was the head of heareconfclfions, preach and baptize. Bur the Monker. AndBa{ll himfelfc,Epi{M.6J. rhefccond(fairh he) rhey rookcvpon themfatrh, that the Nco-Ca:fariansobicded the fducs when rhe Rornanechurchgotwealtb, nouclty ofMonaUicallltfc againil: him. aurhomy;and worldly prehemincncc. 3 Bur as for Cowles, Copes, and other : The Cardinalsthat now are, are foully monkiOt habitcs, as alfo~ire-fingmg.vowdegenerated from thciroriginall Hare& fir!! cd Falls, choiceof mcarcs, and other fupercondttion. Gre&orie in histime (6oo. yearts llmons now vled, thefe were In thofe daies ;;fter Chr~ll) peakerh of them as though farre to feekc, they were paril11 Priells in Rome,or Curates 4 That which Eufcbius,t.bro fcccund•,c•· of Churches. And 10 olde time, all Bilhops ptte d<rim•fcpti11ao, and after him Epipbani· IVhatfoeucrrooke place ofany Cardinals, af ur, H.:ro(. 29.andHi(TQJ11t ,Devir. 1Uujlr. ;, they •·ere nor Bi010ps. In the Gxr Councell Marco, doe fay, namcl,v, that Philo lud<t~s, of Carrhage, the Pridls ofRome fate afrer c Dt'llltA contcmplatiu•, lpcakcth of Chrillian rne Bilhops. And in elder agesa CardinalMonkes, which Saint Mar~ordained in Elhip ""' b11ra llcppcto a Bilhopprickc. Sec gypr, is to bee rhus taken, rbar they meant Onuphru<> in his book. ofCardinals,aad loan . that rhofc Monkes (whome they call ChriDitlCOIIUI, bbr~primo,ctapite feptyno, an rQelifc Uians) were by bmh Hebrewes, rhar as ot qregorie. yet hucd like Iewes, and followed rhe orThmfvre tbufficc orp,l.u:cof Cardinals, il not ders of the Etfcni. Forthus Hitromt, Jn Epi· mo~AUn&ient, ~orllegun inthetimet1'the ffoiAad eti{IO&bium, fpcaketh of theMonkes Apojlln,.,.d fincllhtn continswl. ofEgypt. Such doth Philo (PIAtm imita- , tour,) tuch dorh lo[tph (rharGrccian.l.micJ in hi• fecond bookc of the Iewc• captiuitie, ~onf<.;s. report the Elfeni ro hauc bccne. CajJiod.rus in H1ftor. Tripartit. /ibr~ primo, cApite vndeci-- m<>, faith, that the conucrfation which Pbilo 1 THe Farhcrsareverryvnccrraineof writeth the Egyptian Monkes to bee of, Is the originall of Mona!licalllife. not to be found in anyprofclfion clfewhere. t Sometime they ~efcrrc it toEli.uandEli<-c· D And rharwhichEhfohiHr,li/m 3· capitt 17. "'· Elia~ IS our prince (faithHicromc, epif/ol. faith in hio hifioric of the Monkcs, the ve1 J,adpau/iJmm) ande/i<.tHI OUrs, the fonne& ry fame almofi hcc in anotherplace, ~i:o. of rh• Prophers that liucin rhc Forre!l&and De pr<fArAtionc EoAngtl, libro 8, cApitt 4· af· Waldernclfes,are ourcaptaines. Sometime cribeth tothe ECfcni. So~omtne,ii~r() J,cPpiu vnro John Baprifl. John Baptifi the prince of rz.faith,rhat theywere ChriUianaliuing lake rhe Monkcs(fairhCbrlf'fl•mc,Homil.prim.•• Iew~s.Butit is verylikely,tharEN{t6ius h<re· M,.c,) Othcrwhile vnro oncPa•/ a Thein erred 6rU, and miflcdde others alfo that banc. Am•th~andMaurius(faithHimmt, followed him. For Pbilowriteth profe!Tedly inP"''~·ad vitamPauli Hmmit<) theDifci· ofrheold Sellofthe E!Teni,nor ofany othet pl..:s ot Anronie, doer :ffirmceucn now, that newer one: and I can hudfy bcleeue,rhat he one Paul aThcbane, was tbc fir!! authour beeing a Jew, would wrireinrhc commendarhcreof,which weealfoallow of, notfo much rions of Chrifiians. 10 name, as in opinion. Orherwhilc vnto s Neceflitic was firll parent vnro Herrhe Apotlles. The dtfciplinc of the cloymericalllile, for Oaunning ofperfecurion. {fercrs (Caich C~t!/iAnllt,CoUtttion. J8.c•p.quinSome record (CaithSo.-:.omme, 1•6roprinvJ,c•- I to,) had the beginning from the time of rhe pit<J3.) that rhellorm<s of porfecution, by wh1ch ..