Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I . 'Ihe 'Demonjlration of th;-~Te;;;;. 595 .which Cbritlian religion.,., douerOy rolled, A c•ll !ife,vncill rhefelarer rimes, !did compel! men ar rbc 6r!l ro vnJerrake 7 ·There were no Nunncs, vnrillabuYe I this kindeoflife. Andfoir is faidofP••lrhc zoo. yeareoafrer Chrofl, bur forne virgins Horernire, rhatbe flying from rhe .rerfecuti· defpiling.the worlds wickednes, liucd fohta· on ofDeciHt, & defiring to keepe bomfclfe fe. roe,but without vow folemne, or pcrpcruall: crer in rhe deferrs, turned neccllitie ontowiJ. knowne by rl1eir veyle, notwhen they went lingnetfe,Ou•Frifi•g.lib.4.<•p.z. This made forrhofrheir Mona!leries, buringomgour BAjilfournell in rhe praoie of this MonaCiioftheir Fathers houfes,orrheir owne. Macy call life. fuch there were before Hitrommime, that h6 The auncient Monkes differ from our ued continenr,our ofMona!leries, priuarely, PopiOJ Monkes in the very fundamental! andfrecly:yeaandfmneofrhemwere noble poinu oftheir profeffion:for6rft, they liued "omen,liuingin theirowne houfcs,attended folitary ofneceiliry, robe rhe (afer from per. vpon by many maide feruants. Hilrwt Ad fecurion. •· They were nol conCirained ro Dem,tri•d.ButinRome,MATctP•was oneof giuealltbey had vnto the poore. Thirdly, thefir!lofallrbeNunncs; Arthattimevi<-, they were not bound byany folemne &per· circa.an4oo,fairhHimminEpitaph.MarrtU<: pecuallvowtoacerraineruleorto MonaCii· B noneofallthenoblewom•n at Rome were call lift, but mighralrer their maner ofliuing prtuie vnto the intent ofthe Monkcs, nor when they thought good. In that wming dur!l tbeya~ucnrure, becaufe ofthe!lunge- (which was brought from heauen by an An· neffe theroot ro r.kefo bafe and reprochfull gell vntoP•chomiut)there were Iawes (faorh aname vpon them, as thepeople then held NicrpharHJ,/ib.9.c4p.t4.)fct downe, that eue· it.About rbat time(fairhN•er•t.41, ry man lhould be permmed to eate, drinke, ad ••!'·••• s.fpeaking ofHeleoeand Conf/anand workeas much as be could,or would:and tint~ rimes) che holy virgins were chofeo by in like manner to faG and not fall according Hrlm, mothtr"'whow.:renourifhH to euery mans lcking. And that tbofethat ed by the common Clipend, forrhecelebrari. fcdde the more llrongly, fhould vfegreater on ofthe praifes ofGod inp~riricoflife,and labours, and thofe that were bur of fparing frequency ofprayer. diet, or more readie to exercifes of picric, 8 But as forthe MonaAicalllifenow pro. thofe lhould hauele!Te labour enioyned the. fe!fed,itis abfolutclycondemncd by the Fa· And amongA thefe(faith .A•g•/1i•t dmmib, tbcn.A•g•f/. dotb not hkt rbciridlrncs, but ecrl.cap. 33.) no man Is vrged wirh morefereprebendech it in diuers places ofhis worke uereimpofirions, then he can beare, none C d.aptrtMonaclmum,c•p.t7. Thefol!taritUfe burdened with that he refufeth ro doe, nor (faith luo CArnottnfiJ,•pi.z s8.Jis infcriourvndefpifed ofthe reCI, forconfeiling his infuffi. to the common and ordinariclife, bccaufe it cien•iein fucb performances, For they reis full ofimportunate cogitations, whichrimember how greatly rhe Scriptures do cornfinglike flies our ofthe mudde, doe buzzea- • mendcharitie, they remember thatto the boutthe eies ofrhe heart, and inr<rruprrbe pur< all i• pure, and nothing that entersin at Sabbath of the minde.-Neitber doe wee rho mouth defilerh the man, butthatwhich fpeake this out ofbare conietlure, but baue commerh forrh. So that their indullry is not learned it of rhofe that baue tried it to bee 1 employed in rciC<~ingfortsofmeare, asvnltue.IaBafils .Afcttica,Tom.z, c.7. it is taught clean<, bur in taming concupifcence, &prethat thefolitarieli(e dorb conrradltl rhe law fcruing brotherly loue. Other< ofrhefe(foitb ofcharitce:& be cireth rhat of the·Preacher: So~'"''"' lib,J.cap,t s.Jhu1ng in the frequen. Woe vnro theman that tsalone,for ifbe fall red cities,do !hew themfducs abietlsin meno he haih nonetoui(e him againe. What do!l conceirc,and nothing different from the~ulthou command va to doe (faithChry(oftome gar. And Athanaftus epif/. AA Dr.contiHm, Hom. 8,1n Matth.z.) to goe into rhe dcferr faith, that be knew many both Monkes and D mountaines,& becomeMonkesl Alas,what Bilhops that were married,and had children. is it that Igreeue at,but onely thatyou think 4 Fourthly, the Monkes auhe firll, werelaythatnone doeliue a pure andhone!llife but men,not of theclcrgie, much letfe Priells or oncly thofe men l ' Deacons.Him•m• Ad Htliodor, makctbtbe 9 TheMonaCieriesofaatiquity,general. Monkes ofrbe mofi flroaorders,to bee lay. lywererhe fcboolesoflearning and commumen:The Clergie areone fort (faith he)and nitics, Coiledges of teachers ~nd learnm the M onkes another. The cl<rgie are PaWharllhallwecall ourchildren(faithChryfd: Clors,bur I am thelheepe. And tile Counccll f/•m• ContrA vitHp<rAt,vit4Mon41.l. 3·) from of Chalcedon cap. 4· doth decree that no thebabirations of rhe dcfarr?No, bur!er vs M onke•fhould put themfelues any way in fufferthem tobauetbedi(cipline ofbeauen the•ff•ires oftheChurch.£"Ep•fl. 6l, forfoundly founded , and deepely rooted in bidJerh the Monkes,and the laytie (though them,and alth.,ugh they llay ren,yea rwenry men be proud of rhm lcarmng)to beadmrtyeareun theMonaCicries, let vs not be any \ tedmher to reach or preach.Y.d••.AHguf/.dt wbirmole!led rhereat. - moribuucclrf.c. ) J:Grtgor],l·~ ·epi/1.11, Fifrl~, 10 But ~oncerning the Y9W of R~gu!.tr S /tht·rc~:as no ment fetdowne for Monalh~ obcdience,ltWasnoradmirred, nor exaCted ---- - Ddd 4 in