\ I· i 5.-9-:-6--::::---,--,:-:-T_h_e_V_e_m_o-=nfl---,r::-a--=ti-:-on_o-=-f-,-th_e_P_r_ob_l_em_,...e_·~-- l in thcClmrchvnnllfourcageo afrcr Chril!. 1 ·A • Againe, fomeof theFathersfay, that 11 Voluntartc poucrty,that is,citherwuhM•rywas guiltirofatluall finne. For <xamour ncceO:iry, caliJng, or limit, made nccetfa~~ ple}Chryf4l.homil,2o,iu loAn.cAp.touch!=thher rio by \'ow, ioyncd ro <he optmon ofCup<r<· IVith ambition and rafhnclfc. So dothTb,.. rbgarion,and annexed vmolvlon:tfiical prophlt"[f and Eurhymiu1>ibtd, A1hanAjiu1 contrA f~alonlwas not rcceiued into the Churchvn-~ Ari4nos Serm. 4· and JrmtRs contrabttrefes bb. till many ascs after c brHl. Let any man giue 3·'11fP.J 8.0rigen InLlc.humii.I7,TtrtulliAtdib. an in(lance (0 the contrary. Origcn rceme, to dect4rne Ch,fti)cAp. 7.and the Authorof the require theforfakmg of <arrhly pelfclfions bookeoftheque(lions of the Old and New of his aud:roursjEr<(cb.hif/,ccclc(. t.b, G. cap. l· Tc!lament,qu4. 7;,in tl•g•f/.accufe her of and pr&ribeth the fame vntoall Prie(h.Let in6delttie. ,., haflen from the Pricfls of Pharao(faith 3 But afterwards there arofe an opinion, he,hom, 1 G.inGencf.)who hau<~arthly polfefthat A1ary was by aGngular and extr~ordinaGons, \'nto the Pnc!!softhe Lord who haue <iepriUlledge pr<f<rued from origmall finnc. noportion oflillings\rpon earth. Now Chry~ Scor111 wag the firil Cchooleman that euer fof/omc bomil.9.i• M.111h.doth prefcribe it vn- B held thus: y<t hee fpeakcs but in doubtfull toallmeningenerall. Shall not w<eca!! all mannerofl!,in3.difl+q.1. faymg, that it is things away (faith he) and I.aue all rhir.gs probable,thar<hisfamc cxcellencte fhouldbe thatwee may goc vnro hcauenwith acleare a(cribedvntoM.::try, ifu bee not 2gainfi the and free countenance? He that polf<ileth the authoritieofthe Scoip<ucc and the Church. Lord(faith Himmcfpeakingofall thecl<rgy, And ofthis opinion afr<rwards, was Fr.nci4 441V~pr11ian.& habcturca. 1t, q. l. apud ']ra· Map·oin ; ..dif/inlf, 3•tf• 1. arr. "'f..Whomc not• tiflmun,c, CLerkas,) can poHclfc f!Othmg but wirhllandiog B()tlltHtnturein 3.fenr.dij}.j.Ari,J, theLord:butifhe houe any thing befi.dcorhc q. z.Thom.u inpar.J,q.>7.artir.>,C•illanribid. Lvrd, he harh n'oparcin the Lord. Eufehius & intrail.dectmcept.virgini!. Ant()~ine part. 1. !ib.•'3· c11p. 3 J. writcth that fame Apo£lol1ke lit. S.c.:. /J!es in 3.part.q.9.Hugode S,Pi[/orede perfons dtd diClribute their goods to 1hc S~tcra./Jl>,z.parr.l.cllp.s.Rifhardusm 3.dt{linfl. poore, but rhcY did it to the end that they 3.Caprtolw itid. Albtrtus ibid. .Arm;in(tJjts in QJighr.bee more free eo cxcrciferheir Euan· z,diPir.{],30.3 t.6~c.qu.:,nrt.I,;and 7Jur,mdut gelicall funCtion throughout theworld. !'aut in J.difi.J·1· l.expr<lfdy contradiCI:ro whom ~e fjr!l heremite 1 9iJ vndergoethis poueuie, C wee may adde very manyDomi;1icans, & B. beoaule helo!! all his;;oods f<>r confeffion of Mcdi"am J.part.Thom< q.•7, So <hot it is no his faith, And Pat~linusol Nol~fouldall his fuch Cathohke dotlrineto hold, rhat M.ry g~c)d$ tonourifb rbe poore in time of perfcwasconcciued& borne w1rhour originallin. cutwn,warrc,and hunger. 4 Now whereas lrentus caiJcch her Et4t't AdnocAte,bb':_oqllinro, capzte dccimofr).;tu, this isan hyp<rboltcallfpcech, and ityou rake it ·• il A'art'e, Gmpiy, altogedm vntrue, For it ;, in the , .LV.L< conception and birth ofChrifl, that Oi<C lJ,., 1 • ·- .I i~M~diatrix vntoEue (orm briog111gfurth ., .;i IT IVO$,the common opinion of the her redeemer) not in praying for her.And 1 , F3thers and \vtitcrs vnull L•mbards in that r<fpc,tl there were fame called h<r, tt~c,(which was m theyeare 1150.)_ that,the thcironely help<, Lady, Qjlccne of h<aocn, V}rgmMaruwas conce1ued mer1g1natl lm., and hope, as 1Higrntms,Cynll,&Damafcme W~m~ITeAugt~{lu.tStr.z.,nP/A.35·e!J(dfB'fpto ' doe. , ' , -l. p~r,u.i<b.: cap,a4 q. dt Gene(, ad /sur, lsp. I o, . 5 ln the )'Careo~our Lord 1096. Prb•n cap.t8, AmbrajeConc. G.snPfa.u8. Cb'J{o- D thefeconyd~creedin a Councell at Clare- -om:lnMastb.ho~ll· 45. Eu(!bmsBl•,siJ]enur dt mount,tha! the hourco of rheBlelf~dY~rgin l!at:Dom.(ir,a.Ma.~itnntS(r,dt Aff•tnpt. Bede fhould be f~1d eu<ry day; and teat her cfhce (Np.bomil.A-;lif}~s(fr•Q.emigiw I• Pfal, ••, AnOwulp be fo!emnely fung vpon the Sabb0;<h, fe_lpl~.m li, cur .fPfUf..homo. Cll, I 6, ..RHptrt~s '" Rlld.Ttmgrm(.·Propofit, 10. · i(.,.t.isb.t.adfi"- and L<smbATd h1mfdfe sn 3· 6As fortheRomaneofficeofth<fctim<s, jf<W'· d. 3· Ben;4~(/Ad Lllgd1m, c11•onicos epz[l.. dedic!ltl!'d vn~ohflr)it is moO 1mp10m,for the J.?+faith,rhat.M.ry ll(ercequ•llv,nro Chn!!, honouroftheir Sauiour is rransferrccf vnro i(~h~~!hecw~rf:F.OflCCiued wttbqut ... onginai.I ~Cr.But JfonllmtJ/Hrt INttrrin, dip. 3· cpu_fl.J.. ~ I~JC. 'And tha~thiswa! ti)cm_orecomm,qn giutthorhcrco9nfell,whcn hetauh,tbrwte Of?J.nfon,Bonaurnturein 3•Stntm.dtft.3·CJ· J,art. mufi beware- Jrfi u·cc doe not ~minlfll rhc ~;.Thpm.3.p.a~t.q117oart,J.• .Antonine,par.r.tit.· $onne~slotic inamplifying of rhe lllothcrJ, ~,c. >.andLpaft'ft·L•c. J.doeconfefle.T•rre- •and rh<rcin prouoke the mother to u·rath, :cr.~ma(d De c&n(cc:rat. dijl. 4.cap. F~rmif/im'e, who !1ad rather haue her Soone hoJJourcd .qu4J, 0.num. u. auoucheth, that he had gadiem herfelfc,aSIIie Creator ovghr<o be bethered an'llUpgred author• for thi1opinion, fore the creaturt, Prbanc the z. did firClapii1 hi1 bookeofthc rru<hoftheconccption ofl point the of!ie< of rhc virgi~ M••! to bee .lvfilry.And very many arcalleadgedbyMf/4 [ung:ann.l077.T/IdeDttrand.tncbir.lib.s.f.:ap.1. cbi11r Canus ln his ~ommon places./.7.c,I, m1m 9.&1i6.6.cap.1.. haJij •