------==--=:------::;--~-;:-..---;;;;--,-;-------- 'The 'Demonflration of the Prubleme. ------ Felljl daieJ•. 1 ABb•tP_,;,.,,IntA)·l·dtfrrii4. Angtuu In verb• (erk §.4J.andSJI· Ht/ftrvir6•,'DitnitUcA,q.I.V<r{<.77• doe hold t!latthc Lordt day, orSunday was inl!itutcd . bythediuinc la11 1 and doe affirmc tharthis wu the common opinion in their daics, w!11ch itmolltrue,forithath boencobferued from the Apollleorime, x.Cv. xiS. 1 The6rlldayoftheSabbath(whiCih il ou~.SUnday)is accounted for theLordt day, !>Y Chrr{ift•m•,A,br#fo, andRtr"!g"'· as al· [oby Primgf/u1l• r, C•rinth. x6. and(o thin– kerb ANgMftintal(o, epift. 119. '"!· 13. The Lords day(qtloth he)wao declared by the re· furrectionot rhe Lord, and bath thefelliuall inllitution from him:And tp. 86. •d C4{11/••· Looke ljidmal(o,M. 1 .JuffiriM;<4_.Z .&W.J. de,jisde (t~~crAI/IffltAI.tit. J 6.c11p. 140, , 3 Whereas c..,p.,,;., decreed by a law, tharrhe Lordsd-9lbould be obferued& kept (asEN{t~iM,JevilA C••ft•••.lib.4.top. x8.d– S,<.omentl. 1.<4p.8.af!irmeth,therein hcgaue but ageneralllaw vnto the whole Empire of theRomant,imitatingthe Apollles:and this wasno beginning of the keepingof this day, but a renewing ofan Apollohke tradition, for the more diligent and hecdy ob(eruation thereof. For beforehim, Or~e.againll et/. {ut,andTertuUian decoro.mili.<i. z..•d fiX or. makcrncnrionofthisday, •nd HitrDmero"'· f/sgil••· Iuf/itteqru/f. us. fairhthatitwasob· ferued from the Apollles ages. Sec alfo hll feconJ Apologic.BA}itJ, Spi•i.s~.a.••P· •7· fairh,thatit is an Apollolikcrradition. 4 TimphJI"' In ediCE .<M,. TheaphAn. i1 one ofrhe firll that mentioneth the fealls of the birtb,andEpiph••TofChtill;andCh•Jfoft•"'' another,,..r.o.s•• a.Phu-g••· And N•"-i•n– "''""'"'·'•S. Lw,.itt. putterh them both for one;ondrharvfe theGreekcChurcb did fol– loll and praCl•fe, rhou~:h the: VVellerne Church made two diuers fealls. The feall of thc(lm'"''i/i••wu vnknowne in the church foratleal11ooo. yearc1 after Chrill, The f•allof the 1rinitie was·knowne before in. deede,but not allowed of pubhkely, butreprooued. Alt~••derthethird,<. ~woniam,d• eriil, Decmal.li~. z. <Ap. 9· faith, that in his ti;me it was notvfcd al Rome. Micro!ogtU Dt rcdef.ob(erN.r.iSo,and Potha• Priell, 'D: ~·'· d•m.d:i.l. 3· doe borh reprehend the keepers ufthisfeall. Carpus Chriftifeallwa•of Pr/J•• the fourths creation,afrer the 1 zoo. yeare of ur Lord. And Poth• PrMmitn(it findeth fair ~rith the feall ofthatrA~Jtjig_Nra:i•n, tmn. 1160. ibid. ' 5 ltl the purcll times of- the Primiriue Church there were no vigils in honour of theS1ints. B•fiOinP(4i.II4· isrhefirll that \ _ --~tencioncth them: &now theyare laidaliJe. 597 A <i Thefe•fta•imfthtSaiHt,were6dlinlli· tutcd for thcworlbippingof God, obferued diuerfiyand freely wirhout band, orpunilb. mcor for breach thercof:for in rhe mollaua– tiont Fathers was neuer read of aoy feall bur ofE•ft,.,nor werethey counted holy in thc– fclue•; butbecau(eof thcmyllcriesof God miniCiredatfuchrime•; not a feall can bee prooued fouoo.yearcsafrerChrill, Sorrat. lib.'s.<Ap. u. A• for Ellff", aodorherfto/fs, men did keepe them of cullome at there own• plca(ures, 7 ThcMarryrs(uffringdaies, werecalled their Binhdaie.,and their!'"""E.jler, Du– rAnd.Rati•..l.lih.7.<•pil•p~im~,nMm. 38. Be– caufe thenrhey were cruly borneagaine, and B patTed from this miferable life to lmmortali– tie.Wecall theMartyra paflions,their Birrh· daies,faithEmijfenHI,Ser.Jr.S.qmefio, and fo dothPol;dmJ7i•git,li6.iS.<Ap.8. 8 JuJ1inian inllituted the fcall of Simtons mtttingofChrift, vpon thcfecond ofFebrua– CIC1tothe honour ofC!uill for tbeceafingof theplague,about rhc yeare510. Pa11/us 'Di•– con.lib.I6.Niceph.li.J7.tap.z8. Butafterward the Popes changed it into the fealls ofMa– rietpHri.fic~ttilm;. 9 Thcfeallofthe .Annun<iAii•n, wasfirll ordained for thehonour ofGod, notofMo– ry:asitappearethina(ermon [,id tobeeA• than•(iu,hit, DtSIInflaDtiparll. This feall (faith he)io one, and the firll of the Lords. C And hereupon the auncient writera called it rhc .A."""nciationoftbtlord;11idt D11umd.R•· ti~Jih.7.c~p.z..,um.z. 10 P'rba•the fixth in!lirured the fcall of MArinviptlllion:BtU.rmitte. And chelcall of her NAiiuil; was not kept In rheChurch of old,DNrAndJi6.7.<•p.:8,n.z. but had the ori– giaall by a nights reuelation, Greg"J i11h.c fir!l that oameth it, 11 The fea!l ofrhe l'<nttto/f-was no Chri– llian f<all io theApolllescime, for they fol– lowed theI ewes manner inkctping oftheirs, FrAnCilinutdt_hwitcMon.c•p.8+ u The Fathers tookc nor Ptntec•Ji for the!all day ofthe .fi!!!inqu~<g<Jima,but forrhe whole time betweene Eallerand the fiftieth , day. Takeall thehearhensfolemnitie•(fairh D T<rtt~lfiAn)andplacethem 10 aranke,chey wil not makevp onePrnteCDf/,Andagain•,D•,.. ro,oni(~t. Weh_oldirafinnetofall,or to pray kneehngvpon the Lords day. And the like priuiledgo we baue from Ealler day through thewholePentecoll, Our Fathers taughrvo (faithAmb,.ft, In Ltr. 1 7·) that all rho so. daie• ofPcncecoll are robecelebrated., Ea– ller is, becaufe the beginning ofrbe eighth weekemaketh the PemecoCI,cbefamefay10g he hath,Smn.6o. ButnQw thefifflethdayis thcfeallonely, ·~ The Fcall.ofthealfumptlon ofAbr; was neuervniuerfally recdued, by placeand perfon: Nay, in (hartemainu rime it was doubted whether this fealllbould be kept. W< \I