CfheVemonjlrationof the Probleme. ·. iW~hauclcfi the fca(i of the Alfumprion of A· :s: M.rJto bee inquired of, faith heeiO his 1 C~nfl~cuuons;fi6.1.cap. 158. And LHdoNiCiH ! f'zm hiSionnc,added 11 vmo rhe orhetfeall•• I yt!~n. 8rH.wirne:Tc AHtvtin~,/.4. I :'•4 That Mar7 was alfuroed bodie and I ' foule,it is notc1crraine in th~ Fathers. How; or"at whartimc, 6rbywhatper[ons, her fa. ! cred body wa.rilkc th,nce,or whether ir was \ rranfl<ted(faith the Author Affump. ad Paul. & E•f/•ch.)or "'herher it bcrifen a– gaine,it isvnknownc~-.Buralthough fomc feeme to haue erred (fa~ rhEpiph•nius, H<ref 7R.)Ierrhcmfearch the Scriptures, and they ·!hall neither find the death ofM.rJ 1 not whe– ther tl1c were buriedor not buried. I cannot cdnfirmcrhisofher(faith the Authoroftbe B .bookc,de Af{ump. -Mari<.fathertd vpon Au– g"((inl,)by any fpcciall rcflimonie. And,Ifl •haue fpokcn,a< J iliOuld,Chrilland hiS Saints ;>pprooueit:ifiliherwife, Chrifl &his S•inrs •pardon1r. •Now all that hee affirmes i• but;tham is 'nor \'rigodlineiTe to fay that her– ·iJ~>'d.\r fa•• no corruption. A•g•ftine Serm. ·d• (oinffiSJ 5.dore<tiotdcfine IV hether iheewere atfumed with her body or. wit-hout it, no ~19:rc dare others:ai Brct1iar. ~ignonii p~g. ~;·1. Ado, ln •ll1arl]rologiu faith, that the Gl1urch doth celebrarc her lleoping, bur nor I\er Alfumprion: Andagainc: Whar i• be' comeofhcr holy body,the Ghurthe<fobrie· oy hath chofen rarher tO· bee·ignoranr with godly zeale' then to teach Qny friuolous or c Apochrvphalldotlrinethereupon. Sofaith - P(uardal(o. Durllndu!. R41ion~tl.b6rb. 'j. Clip. ~4.num. r.affirmcth rhar her bodily allump– ritn1 into heaut"n is vncertaine, and rhofe that hold it, hauc bur their opinion' fronl c<>nHDOt; rcpot<t.Orat. ApuJ D'ama[c.d<dorm. d.!ipli~{. . . 15 The fcall of the Exaltation of rile ci!<itl<!cwa; •not-ordained before the yeare G:JO."Ott0 Fri.Jing.tibroqfl1nti1 C~pitenono, But .V.JGtpl;orrlt~lif;r.,_oEfilua,uapite 19: faith, that I Htlen~ inilicuterl i,t. M~tnud CamntnUf J ra .. ri!Jr. Jmpp. "mi(ceUf -'conflit. c.tpife feptimo 1- de fe.1ii, makes mtption oJ fuch a feall, and fo lli!tli Bfll[ailiob;~i>J- Photii NomocAn. W#l. 'jepti11'JQ, ,::i1 ' i ., 0 _..· ~ 'J p . Hi Thef~al!·of1'.1ariu Conception was • nurordained l:~fir-~. bet~ufeof her imma– biil""c·concepho'n. Pm'itJdewnt4t.bus 1 faith it be$n to:be inOitutea bccaufeof"hcFf:hrat. F.c~tiOn in the ;,,.ombe. Bur -&rnord, tpifl; •74•r<p'roouctl'lthis fea(i: and Po<honPriell faith, that it is anabfurd thing to celebure ir-,."bcfllltU.ilom, dri.iibrotertio,r;,li(itiem. Nor gehcrally'receiuadvnril-1 the decree of S~'xtrti qt.eartut},inthcyeare '.47'o, as appe~.. rCth, ex ExJr4lli:tJg) Cumpr.r.eXct/fo. Dertlt• quii!. '' '7 ·The fe~(\ of her l>urificaiion was in· · fiiturcd in Juflmivmt timc.Nicephor.lib. 17.c11p. z:S·:P'.D~acon.lib.tJ. o.rcmmRom. • F The [hurch:~ 'Succej{ion, .llntiquitie. · 1 By th~Catholike Church, rhe Farhm meanethecompanyol rhccfea, .by faith ~:rafted into lcfus Chrifi.Sodoth· A•g•f/ine1ln l'(•.r;•.&:G·l, dtc4tech.rud;c.f; ' >o.&N•l•36. Cjprian,li~ir,tp. 3.&aevnit. eccl<f,f!ter~mt,lnip.fld G•l.r. c•p-4- & InJob, cap.>6.Ep•ph•••ut,H<rt{.3~,Cbrj(•/fomi,hom. deTurwre; &. inP(al•.ll.i·- Ambroft,in Eph. c.p.r.andBer..rd,fop. ·Gami~·- Ser.71i. ynder< flandit. Now in acknowledging a vifibiiitie thereof,- they fpeake of tbo.out~eard .Cflace, & parts rhereof.orofrh~particular Church~ and in faying that the wioked arc o( rho Church,theyfpe~ke ofrhe externalll!atoi>f theparticular Churchoftheirrimcs. . _ 2 They ~fed appeele vnro · tbc. Church, but no farrhcrthcn they thought lhee dsd·follow the Ganonicall.Sctipturcs;: for thereby, &oncly thereby, is the Chorch knowne,as Aug11jlinrf:lith,®ntr41it~ RetiJ. bb. J.c.p.U • .l / . . ..... 3 They praifed-rhc RomanC'Church(lbm'C. of them)by·'lfuppofitioll,b~aau(e it had-kept the fauh in jlrtarell purity vnto rh.e tlmeo wherein,thcy \Orote: nor-becaufe thC'I:aJY Gholl was bound or ty~d to that fear. Note this fuppofirion. . , · , • . 4 They hold that the Church is nor al• waics vilible vpon the ear/h. 'I;he whole con· gregationqfrbc Sainrslhalbehiddrn (fnith .t)bbot loJi:hii11, in R•n<lat, pag. 2.) for (o.lhall the eledDf.God (beeinglli(e,)-be wife voro thcm(elueo,f<>.that they flJall nor prefum~ to preach openly 1 becaufetbauhe darkenelfe !hallprctiaile: not that they fltallleau<toani mare a1fd exb'ortthtfair!lfull in fecrer, .:bur becaufethcy dare not•Jlduenture to preach publikel,Y. ·". . <..;r ., .. : ':'' s. ln' tlii Fathers writings fome par.ricu– larc€bilrchks.are called c.tholik_e, yea vni– uerfalh lrecailfc of rheir C.llth•ilk: faith.' So– rharC•th•lil(!andvni~rr[AD<Zhurch is ve(ic often rakehforthc Orrhodoxa!,Church:and hereby dilliafi from :the· oonuentic\ei: o£ herellkcs..Tpeod•fiHsmadealaw' faith s.ce... mt», Jii.. 7.cAp.\.;:tllat .thcit ·chusch onely flJould be calledCatbolil<~; that did worfbip– the holyTrini!ywitheq~a.!lhonour,that all) <>thus lhould be called hcretikes,T!Qred ""h ignominy ,·•.and punilltcd fouheir intquitJ<\. And hence it is tbat the Orthodoxal Btfltopa were ofrcn:Called the Bithops of theCalho~,• hkeor vniuerlall Church, • '" · 6 The Fathers doe acknowledgca(•c>tffi!• on,and appeal< rhereunto,•beeaule they liued ; beforeany'{chifme·, when. it flood without breach in t~cRomaneChurch, and bccau(c 1 1be rrurhofApcC-Iohke doClrine was withall I ~=---L---------------------------------------------------~'e=~~r~uc=d~·~----· 1 •