1he 'Demonflra•ion of the Prohleme . . rcfcrueJ. E!eu1buius for his order and do~ A colfor, rhJS be hath from Petersdeede, not cl:rine bath the rwelrch pl~ce from the Apofrom Clm!ls fir(! ordinance. / flies(far rh NicephorMJ,hb.4.C4f. I 5.)TertuUia•, 9 The Fathera vrge fucceilion ofother D' pu(<ripr.c•P·3 z. fpeaketh offomeChur- (ea. indiff<renrly, as well as ofrhe Romane cb., whrch c•nnor produce their original! Church. Wecanreckcnthem(faith lren<uJ from the Apollles or theirfchollers, bccaufe h6.J,cap.3. &lib.4-<ap.63-) that were made thcy'worebegunlongafter:-and yet holBill10p• m rhe churches by rhe Apuilles. .Wog rbe fame faith, arc called Apollolike alLookeEu[<bia1 I. 4.c. 1 9· & AHguftine Comra [o, becaufeof the vnitie of their doCirine. lit.Pctil.iib,z.c.p.5 1. And rbrs fucceilion they vrge againll the 10 The Fathero vrgcd antiquitic againI! fchifroaticks onely, or thofc that mangled the h<rerik~s,not refpcCimgitforit felfe,as it the Scriptures,and inuenred others, asPalmconfillcth ofyeares and ages, but in beeing tinus,&c. Theyhauenot Peters inheritance ioyned '!'ith the doCirine of the Prophets (faitQArnlmft,deprenit.lib;J, cap.6.) forrhey and Apcllles: And beginningarleall at the haue not his faith. The fucceilion of faith Apolllesrimes. This good hath the antiqui- (faithN a<-i4n,Orar.dtlaud. Arhanafti.)is the B tie, which was adorned with diUine knowtrue Cucceilion : for thofe that profelfe the Jcdge and doCttrne,donevnro m<',(fauh TerCame doCirioe offaith ·, arc par\akers of the tullian in his Apolog.ir. fi,e.) Lul!ornewirhout fame Throne. dugu(/int,De vnil.m/.c.18, 19. rruch,isbut an antiqwtiemcrrour, fairh C;- will haue the Church prooued by the Scripprian epift.74•d Pomp. tures,not byfucceffion ofBiflJOps;nor authoriries ofCouncels. And Bellarmine, '])e~Uiis Ecclrf a:,graunterh,thac it is noneccffarycon- [otmcels. fcquent that the Church lhould bee where there is fuccellion. · 7 The Fathers noted the fucceilion of 1 THeFarh<rsprayGnguf Councels, cheCeaofRome, becaufe the Billwpswerc meaneonely thofc rhatproouethe then farnous,and the placed renowned, and do~rineoffaithby theScriptures. more knowne to the DoCiors by reafon of : Theatpcalcfrom a Councell •·nro the the neerenelfe ofit.Tmul.depr<fcript. adu<r/. c Bifhopof ome, was not becaufe heewa~a ha:rnic. lu~gcouerthe Councels,but becaufe of hrs 8 This fucceilion of Romane Bilhops credite and authoritie with the Empetour. drawne from Peter, is but vnccrtaine, andof And oftentimcs this was out of Africa by humaneinllitution. Hieromt De(cript.tc&ief. reafon ofthefmall dillauce ofplace. puttethLinuJ the fecond, and Clemmtthe 3 Emperours andKingsrn thePrimitiue fourth:lrm<uJ,/ib.J.cap.J. putsLinHJ the firll. Church called Councclls by their owne auBut Cl,mnr fucceedcd Pmr, as io the eptllle thoritie, not by the Popes, foraboue 8oo, to lame~ vndcr his name he af!irrnerh. Now yearc91ogether. The Emperour(faithTht9thc;;rcat CouncellofChalcedon,AI1ion. 15· dorett.b. 1.cap.7.)called that noble Councdl heldthattheChurchofRome had rhePriofNicea. TheEmperour(faithSo<-om.lib, 1. macy_with the Fathers, becaufe thatcity tu· cap.16.) called a Counccll at NiceainByhiled all the world. We decree(faith luf/inian, nia.fetting downeaday for>IJ rhcrulers of eNoueN,t 3t.c•p.t.)accordingro rhcauncient uerychurch in all place<!, to be there prc(enr. Canons, that the holy Brlhopof Rome bee And hee reckneth Pope luliuJ for ouc rhat eO:eemeJthePrimateof allPriells. This is wascommauuded thither. The King (faitb to be well notcd(faithC••u,,Loc,mnm,/ib,6. Epiphan. H•r.f. 69.) hauing a care of the , cap. 8.) that theBilhop' ofll.ornefucceeding D Church,called ageneral! Councdl. And aet Peter) is not reuealedin Scriptures, but gaine: We biOtops, alfemblcd from diuers bath the authoririe from moll graue hilloProuinces, at Se/eNciAin ljAr~ria,at rhecomrics.-But if this bee not Cuflicient to the mand ofour high and mightie PrinceCo~- learned, we haue anothcr,--that is,rhat llantine.Thc Emperour(faith SocrnteJ/i6. 5· though wee haue no Scripturesforrhisfuccap.8. (peaking. o(ThwlofiuJ) without delay cet1ion of the Romaoe Bilhops fromPmr, called aCounccJI of the Bifhopsrhat imbrayet it is a tradition of the Apollles vnro the ced hisfarth. By the Empcrours commaund Church,from hand to hand as it were. And (faith ZOPariu Annat. tom. 3·) the [econd th~'i alfofaith Couarruui.uTom. l,z.part. ReCouncell wascalled becaufc of ll1ncdoni•'· lti1.§.9.?•!.·%4Z.C•I.t. thatrt is plaine by CaInnocent bifhopofRome(fairhSoum. t.b. 8. tholrkc doCirine, that Perm fuccclfors had c•p.z8.)__:fenr 6ueBrlhops and two Prietls th<irprimaciegiuen them by Chrill.D.4SovntoHonoriuJ and Arcfldi111 Empcrours, ro ''i·dift.zi.q.z.[aith that the faidfucceilionis intrcate aCouncclofthem,and rhc time and annexed to this (ea of Rome byan EcdeGplace thercof,-who notwithllandino obaUicalllaw: and like to this hath Caietane rained it not. Tell mc([aith Hlmm"~ his op•fr,de Rom.Ponrifinjlirut. c<p. 1 3· AndBdApologieagainllRuffinJtb. z.cap. 5.) who were ( ,.,,.;., De Pomifltb.z.cnp.u. Caith, that the Confullsthat yeacc/ whor Empcrourcom B:nt~>p ofRr~me,in that he is fo, is Petm Cuernanded this CounceJJ tobccaUeJ~Wcwent VII tO