\6oo . 'Ihe Vemonpration of the Probleme. rvn<o hiSfacrod Ma:elhc (fanh ChrJ[cflomu- A' I THe Benedictionsor Hallowings of ptfi.ad lnnoe<nt. '·)•nd intreatcd bim roeall a warer,afhes fair candles oyle and 1 1 Counc~II.I cannot finde (faith AEne:uS)fuiPalmea are neuer fpdken' of In the Fa;hcr., t~ D~a~lu c_oHc.Bafi:bb. pr1m11) nenhcr 111 anbut only oft.hcwatcrofBaptifrnt. .Augnftine~ I CJenthlflone, nor1n the Ades ofrho Apo- · Detempore,fer·37· faith rhat all the waters of !lies, that it wa.an vfe at any rime for the Iordan wereconfecrated by Chrift. A"Jbruf• I Popes alone to call Couocells.-And lf we de f•cr•mJib.•.c•p. 5. And the fauhfull were fo procecJe throughaU ttmcs, we!hall finde wonrrorakeofrhe wa~r of Baptifme home nothmgto the Pnmume Church approumg wuh them, &fprinckle it about theit boufes; I thts aurhorttiC of callmg Councells' to beAfcHin. de diH, cfficiit,c•p. de s.bb... P•fcb. longoncly ro rho Popes of Rome. Nor was Bell.rmineplamcly contdfeth,that holy watheai[cm of rhat B1lhop ought efleemed in ~er is but ahurnaneinucnnon,DfcxtrntJ.vH: ( ...jl.mi""'irne ,andother Emperoursafter a;,,., t.b.,,c•p.6. Becauf~(qucth he) in B•prhat. And thrr<fore the Counccll of Chat. rrfme men were cured ot their bod1ly infircedonfaiththusofitfelfc: The holy, great, mkies, as A~<guflinewitn<lfeth•pifi.>J.-- and GcncrallCouncell, which by thegrace B &deCiuir. Dei./, u,c. 8. therelorefomcbc· ofGod, and the decreeofthe moll holy and gan to vfe holy water 1 bclidesBapt•fwe, for ChrtUtanEmpcroun,P'a/cJ-~tini4t1& MArtMn> curin~ dif~afe!. was gathered at Cb4lceilon the Merropobta~te z Sometimes thcorc t11:re miracles done Cltie ofBph;nia,&c. burmaketh no mention by this fand1ficd water,as1heodorer H~1.t.b. ofthe Pope,though it had hisatfent alfo. Leo s.c.p.u.andBede Hifl, Anglar.M.I.c.p. 17, the t.epi.9.deli«tltofThcod.,jiut to grant his doerolare. Butthat proouethnot rhcordientreaticand fupplication, that there mtght narie vfe thereofm rho Church, nor thar it bea Councellof rhe B1ihops called in ltaiie. wastherefore hallowed, that ir m•ght haue Although we know(faith Fredm~e the Empowerro workefupcrnarutall etfe1~b. perourin theCouncellto the Bilhops: Apud ; ltisa profane noueltle ro fay that it is a Radeai&Hm de qcfli4 Frtd(ric. t.lmptr4toriJ, l. medicine for vemall CinnC, and in it [el(e t,c.64-)that by the place and dignitie of rhc powerfull again{! diuells. This Mol•nmhaEmpire, rhc calling ofCouncels i9 in our llic. Theologitt,trlla .. 1.dc pamit. capire 174 powcr,but clpe<:ially in fuchgr<at dangers of prop.•4,•s,z6. perccioed, when hec faid that the Church;for foir is recorded that C'"f/•nthefprinckhngofholy water, and fuch oth<r tine, TheodaftuJ, /uffiman, ~nd of Jater rimes. like atlcs haue there re(ctcnce vnto the pubCharltmazn,, ondOtto, aiJEmperours hauc C like prayers,(then made,) fori datenot (ay done before vs: yet doe wdcaue the authori· as fome doe, that holy water hath any effect tie of deciding this great andweighriebufiagainCI any thing, byvcrrucofthe workc netfc,vtlto your power,and prudence. VV~ done. re•dc(faithCardmaU(.if.mu) tlmthegeneral 4 Theyvfed alfoto bletTemrn,with prayCouncells were ofren called by the Empcer, and the Ceremotnesof chrifiveand imrours, ycaal(ofthcm (as wee fee by rherepetition ofhands, What el•is rhclayingon cords)vntill the eighr,ca!ledat ConCiantinoof hands (faith ANguf/ine 'De B•pti[. comra plc in Baji/rhe Emperours timc:And againe: Donar,/ib. ;. cap,t6. Er habeturapudCjratian. !Deconmd.c.rhofic.,t.b.3.c.:.& zs. All the Cau(.I.q.I.cap,ManHI,)butapraywgoucra ' eight Generall Councell•,-werecolled by man/ ( the Emperoors. So that beeconfeffeth thts . s It was called holy-bread, becaufe i.t was power to b<in the Emperours hand, :ind nor gmen rn lig~eof the diUme bleffing,whrch rs in the Popes for aboucoight hundred yeares to bee rccetued by the bodtc and blood of after Chrifl. Now T~tmcrrmat4 Summ4 Je Chri{l of them that were not asyet pcrmirmh{l.fih.J.<.>J.maketha doublepreGdencie red to rcceiue rhofe my!lcries, or receiucd in Counccls,to wit, ofhonour or Grring, and them butfeldome. Th<re IS diuers kindes of ofAuthoritic: and that ofSeffion & honour D fandi6carion(fairh AHguf/ine 'De Pecc. '"'"'· the Pope fomcrimes had vouchfafed him, &remiJT.lib.z.c•p.:6:) forlthinketheCarcbur thi 6 other ofauthorizing,neuer vnrilllachumem ha~e one krndeoffand1fica11on by rer times;and nomely abour the yeare 1 s 11i. the ligne of Chri!l and the prayers made \ inthel.are._.,connccll vnder Leo the 10. wirhputtingofhandsvponrhem; and tl1 a! caur. condemned before, in rhc Cooncells which they recciur, though 11 be nor rhe bo· ofc•nf/•nce/ef[. 4· & s. audBa('l[t{[.t.& t6. die ofChu!l, yet iris holy,and holyrr then andbyG"fon alto in his rreatife, whether ir our ordinary mcatc.Hence irappeareth rhat belawfutl to appealcfrom the Pope in matrhrs hallowed bread was then gtuen to rhe ters offaithorno, Carcchi!ls to whome the Eucha11fl"as de– nyed:burnow adaiesit is giuenvnro all that doe not comi!Junicate, In the ; .Counccll of 'Benediflionr,Ha!lowlngr. Carthage it is recorded rhat rhey vfed ro giuefalrin !lead ofrheEuclmiCI, vnro the Carechumeni!ls. 6 It was called rhe blelling,or benediction, becaufc