The'Demonflration of the Probieme. 60l bcca~fe it w-1~ gwen, as atoken of com~en.. dation and vmric,from one roanorhcr. fh.e brc:ad wh1ch we f~nt you ([.sirh Pa~limu~ A· pu1 d •'t.·'P'<T·J J.e·ip(c Aug.<pif/- J4·)flull be· come a morefmttfuli bleffi.1g, by rheloue of your goodndfe rh>< rcceiucrh ir. And 3· gainC, in hisepiCHc ru A!ipmJ, epir:. JS.notc rhar hcc faith: You llnll make rtus bread a benedu~lion, by vouch(afing ro receme it. For hence it (ecmcs, thJt ir was nor fanctlfi– ed beforeby rhe fender: And againe, alfo in hisEpi{}levntoRornat~ianm,apuJ A:~guff. e~ pif/. 3ii.&epi{l. 31. ad A •guf/. hecfatth,wee pray you ro.fantltfie rhi• bread by receiuing H, which wee fend vnro your Joue, ro fi5nifie our vnity and accord. Aod in like man– ncr,rhcyvCed rofcnd money, apparell, and kcyesro hang abouc-c:heir neckes, wtth chcir lerrcrs,for a bleffing,G,g.l.1,epifl.z9. & 30. cfoi.S.rpif/.1 J. 7 The Beneditlio" of this bread (or health of fooleand boJy,againOall dtCeafes, and fnare! of the encmy)began in the Coun. cell of N antu,cttp.9.;nd was neuer iUCntio~ ned b~fore AuJ. uPinn time. 8 There were many hundreds of yeares patTed before rhateucr the Romaoe Ch~rch knew how to confecrate an Agnm Dei, Al– cuine,ct~. de-Sabbato PAjch. and Amalarius d~ eccl.ojfic.lib.J.cnp,17 .arc the 6rll rhar mcnti· oncdtr. A Ihall hee beeby rhe Bilhop dc(poyled of his Prieflly dignme, and fo become pumfl1able by the law. Confl. Noufll. 83. c•p.l & UJ. cap. z 1. Nor ts it any 1\o'onder thac the Clcr– gie had not thts exemption before; beca"fe that rhe Clergte b<tidt> thatrheirtuncboo, are cittizens an~ members of t!Je polzrtkc bo.Jie, and 111 rhac rcfpett ought to bee 1n all rhmz• Cubtect ''1rhe poht•K< power. I adde; lfl common vfe, for before lu/lmzanJ tuoc in fomc peculiar Churchesthis cxemp· tion was pradtfcd before. Let no man prc– fume(Caith theCouncellof .Ag•th•. c•p. p. Et h4betttr•pud Grtttian,Cafl/. JJ .quttj!.l.cap. 17-J ro fummon aClergteman befurcafe· B cular Judge, without the licence of rhe B·· nwp: li any Cuch bee Cummuned, let him not appeare,or defend; or dare to pz apound acriminal! ca.ufe 'Intoa fccuJar iudgemcnt. Now before luPmians ume, rhe Bt01op$ or– dtnaric iurifJidion was bur a power of m· qUirieandrcllraint forviolaringand corrup– rwg rhe E:clcfiaflicaJI di(cipline, Cunc.Cb.•l· ced,c.;p.9.Cardutg.3.cap.9.Tolet.J.c~.1j.M.1· ti[con.r:Ap.8. 3 About the4oo.ycareafrerChrj{!,thc Clergy of Come Churches were free from payingrribure vnto C<cular Princes, EHjtb. lihro 1o.capite7, H:eron.i,Matth. 17.and io orherCome it was nor Co. The Churches JiC uings doe pay their tribute, faith Am6rofe,tn orat. dezradend. Bajilicff. againCl AJJXentitu. TheEmperours Val~ntinian, V a/em, d- Grll– (7"--f_ rl . .1 L . tiAn,doeexhort thcAfi~nBllhopsrharwcre 1. oe vlergze,ancs ayttc. I CuCpectofherefie, rorcrumevntothernrhor ! wereof found iudgcmenr,whome they cornTHe F•thers dillinguifit the Clergy. mend in this among(lorhcrrhings,rhar they from rhe Layrie, becaufe rbe one_ rcfufcd nor to pay the raxc that was exacted bare a publtkech,argein the Church, whtch ofrhem,Th<Udom,ht}J.!tb.qu•rto,c•p.(•pt>mo. fpecified rhem from tbe other which bare NeitheriorhismeantonclyofthcPatflmo· none. Againe, in refpet\: of rhe punin1niall tributes for euery inheritance, bur of menr infi1cted vponclthcr:the Clergie had the perConall alfo, fot cu<ry head. Ifrhe the greater impoCed vpon rhem; the Laytie Sonneof God paid h1s raxe (faithAm6ro(c, the lelfcr. . so rhat it is an abufe ofrh1s dillinfr1 S· Luc. /i/;. 3· & citatur, cap. maf.num, eau f. Clion ro fay that the people arc prophane, 11. qu-f/. 1.) who arr rhou rhar rhmkdl ir and'rhat the C!<rgie Or$uld bee exempted fi10uld nor b<e paid I Bur Come wtll fay, from cimll gouernance. thar this arofc out of cuUomr, and nor our :The exemption ofrheCkrgie from D of law: then let htmknowrhar rhcrcis no politike iudgemcnt, in ciuiiJ caufes, began diuinclaw,thar excmpteth rhc Clcrgic from to bee in common vfeabourthe yeare 536. paying dues vnto lcr.ular Princrs, tf their for luj/initm ordained rhat in caufes mecreneedcfo require. ChrJfo/}ome, Horml. 23. in ly ciutll, the Bilhops alone Otould heare Rom••· will haue rhar fubiettion exadcd eand determine of the cafes ofMonkeo and ucn of rhePriellsand Monkes, which Pal!! Nunncs. Con(/. NourO. 79· cap. 1. And thar 1 fpcaketh of,Rom•n<~ 13. And paymgof raxe rhc Clergie ilwuldfitO bee examined before is no little parr thereof; as Covarruvi.u, in!. their Ordinaries: but if that rhe nature of praaic.qu<JI.cap.31. obCerued very well. Thothe ccfeJ or fomcotber diffioultiearifing, be m.u, ln Rom""• 13. fairh, that it \1-'as rhe Prin· fuch, rha\ rhe Btfl•opcannot poffibly decide ces gift to exempt rhe Clcrgte from rhde the buGnelfe; rhen let it be lawfull forth em taxes, and therefore an humane law : and ro goe vnto rhe CIUIH Judges, Cor. [I, NoueU. [o fa1rh CovarruviM in the place afore·na· 83· :n prtej'at. & u.3. cap. "ZI I fay Ill caufcs rned; and l~bn Medit~a, Rif/itmi~ne, mcerelycmlll: for mcnmmallcaufes,tbecl·: qn.tft. 15. udl Judge" by h1tn appomtcd to mqutrc &' ·. 4 Thrrightof aiTenrand fulfroge(in eJe. cenf~..~re rhereupon: and 1f hee fin de the Cbonsofthechurchmcn)wasrakenfrom dJt· Cler3ic man worrhie ofpU_'!IflJmcnr, the~people about the yeare 870.Dtfina.63. Eec - ---- - Addtti;'m